We all are facing this problem one day: where to give all that stuff? Suddenly it turns out, that you have plenty of things that you don’t need at your house but on the other hand you’re sorry to just throw them away because they used to have a good price and meant something for you.
Or, in a worse scenario, you urgently need the money and you realize you got the furniture at your house or a car that you don’t really need. You need to sell it fast and get money. Or maybe you just broke up with your girlfriend of your boyfriend and you want to get rid of all these things they left so there is not a single memory left.
And if you want to spend the money you earned, you can check out the article about the best shopping apps.
And there is a great solution – you don’t have to ask your friends anymore if they need something or even going to the local thrift store or market. You don’t even have to leave your house – simply get an app that fits the best of the theme of an item you are going to sell and find a consumer who’s ready to pay really fast.
With these apps in the list below you will realize that you can resell and buy literally all kinds of things – no matter if it’s your old car, luxury furniture, a pet, or a calculator.
ResellMe: Get Factory Prices
You can list your items for sale, manage your inventory, and even track your earnings. It’s like having your own mini online store in your pocket. Plus, they claim you can earn money online, which is always a crowd-pleaser.
When it comes to functionality, this app is not overly limited, but it also doesn’t offer a plethora of additional features. You can perform the essential tasks but don’t anticipate any extravagant extras.
It’s akin to a simple and straightforward vanilla ice cream – it gets the job done without much excitement.
And here’s an interesting aspect – they do offer some paid features. Yes, you heard it right! If you want to enhance your listings or access additional analytics, there is a nominal cost involved.
To sum it up, I can say that ResellMe is a decent app for those who want to get started with online reselling. It offers some helpful features for beginners.

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letgo: Sell & Buy Used Stuff
Many people actually underestimate the power of acquiring and selling of used things. They can maintain a really decent quality not speaking about they can be rare. And it is a great way to save and to earn money and give the used things a new good home.
In this app, you can easily find deals from people near you who would like to get rid of their old furniture, clothes, dishes, books, and so on and they are ready to sell valuable pieces at a very attractive price.
Moreover, you can also resell your things, and instead of just throwing, for example, an old coat away, you can find someone who would appreciate it and would pay you a good price.
When you are making a post about you are selling something, the app gives you a notification about how similar things are usually sold: at which price and in which period. There is a chat in the app where you can privately talk with consumers and answer all their questions about a product or, you can ask a question yourself.

Remember how popular it was in the 90s and 2000s to collect CDs, cassettes, DVDs, books, and electronics? Everyone was trying to show off with those and looking for rare pieces and special editions of music albums.
Back then music CDs even had booklets inside. Unfortunately, the era of all these physical storages of media came to an end very quickly stepping back in from the digital era. All of a sudden, all collection, used to be so valuable, was covered in the dust just occupying the space.
But what if you have a chance to sell all of those getting a real bargain on old cassettes and DVDs? Eventually, there are people who collect retro things. This app proves it – it already has more than 4 million users worldwide. All you have to do is to scan the barcode on a CD or an electronic device and upload it to the app. Then you will be suggested a price.
You can also sell here Games Consoles and Tablets. When you get a buyer, you send the item to their address. The day after they receive the product you are getting paid via PayPal. Or if you are buying something yourself you can save the order which you would like to get and then fill the form later.
This app has no auctions and no extra fees for selling your stuff. It is a safe method to get rid of the olf things that you never use anymore and handover them to someone who will extract the benefit from them.

People who are into fashion will find this app interesting, for sure. If you are one of those, who are wondering around expensive boutiques, such as Prada or Chanel staring at all these incredibly beautiful, but outrageously expensive pieces, dreaming about one day you are going to get it and thus you will be looking like a high-society person – finally you got a life hack how to get one of those at a half-price or less.
The app is a version of a web source where people could sell their old clothes, mainly by famous brands. If you are a seller, you take a picture or several pictures of your item, then you post it in the app, mark the size, year of production, describe the state, and name the price.
Then the people who will get interested in it will be able to text you in private messages. The rarer is your item and the lower the price – the more requests you will get.
And as we can see – a lot of people own clothes that either didn’t fit them or they simply don’t wear them anymore. So why keep it in your closet wasting money, when you can sell it with a great benefit and someone’s out there dreaming about a garment like this?

Maybe you would like to sell your old car? Your old countryside house swings? The old fairy costume of your daughter? The set of toothbrushes which was presented to you so inappropriately? Just like in those funny memes, where people are selling ridiculous stuff, you know. But hey, if there is an offer – it means there is a demand.
You just download this app and see what it got. You will discover thousands of items for sale and prices for any kind of taste. Each item must contain a picture (so the buyer could see what he/she actually buys), description, year of production (optional), technical features (optional), and the price.
If you are a seller, it is beneficial for you to mark as many details as possible since it increases your chances to sell the item at a great price.
All the users here are getting verified so you can trust anyone you are dealing with. The messenger in the app is well-protected so you can not worry about personal safety. The way of payment you and your buyer are deciding on your own. There is a 24/7 customer support service if something goes wrong.

If you’ve never heard of eBay, you are probably still living in the stone age. Founded in 1995 as an online auction by Pierre Omidyar, it soon became a multi-billion dollar business, operating in more than 30 countries around the globe. Nowadays eBay is one of the largest and reachest reselling companies in the world, and millions of people are using it.
Using eBay is quite easy. First of all, you need to create a separate account to connect with sellers and buyers and leave reviews.
You can add as much information as you want to your profile just keep in mind that the more details about yourself you have – the higher the chance that you sell something. Or, even if you are a buyer, the seller has more reasons to trust you when they see a fulfilled profile.
There are thousands of categories, millions of items. You can view offers from multiple countries and you can find practically everything in this app. In case you are a seller, put as much information about the item you sell, so all the potential customers can find your post.
When a buyer likes an item, but he or she has questions, it is possible to contact the seller directly in private messages. If all the details are discussed and no problems occurred – the buyers pay via PayPal. The seller must have a registered address of a buyer and he will be obliged to send an item to this address after receiving the payment.
When you first open the app, you can see that the landing page has a number of options and categories. Seasonal sales also take place as well as special offers. If you are selling on a regular basis, you can organize special offers as well.

Our world now is filled with all kinds of products. What is more important, it’s getting more and more contaminated. You’ve probably heard of that the World Ocean is 90% contaminated with plastic.
It is obvious we should reduce the production of everything to stop our planet from dying. So don’t buy items that you are going to use less than a year and then throw them away – just buy used ones!
In this app, you can see what your local thrift market has to offer. You can sell something yourself as well. After you register in the app, you can see various categories of goods in the main menu. There are options to buy/sell cars, housecare products; monitor new deals every day.
Find new consumers who are interested in and discuss the price together with them. Close the best deals which are beneficial both for you and your customer. Earn money quickly. All the accounts are verified and you can chat safely in the private messages right in the app with sellers or buyers. The number of local offers is truly impressive here.

It can happen that you suddenly need to move away and then you urgently need to move away and thus you need to get rid fo lots of stuff. It turns out not an easy task because neither your friends nor the family needs anything. In our time, every one a lot of everything and it is hard to convince people to take more.
However, there is a solution. Get rid of your old stuff via Mercari in days or hours. Here you will find a lot of categories and lots of interested users who would like to acquire your stuff for money. So why handing it over for free?
It is more of a flea market app, so here you can sell and buy even handmade items. Sounds like a good way to start a small side-hustle. By the way, a lot of people actually do earn good money this way. In this app, you can also buy or sell beauty products, old CDs, and DVDs.
The app was originally developed in Japan and introduced to the US market in 2014. In the descriptions of items, you will find essential details, the price, the country of origin, and so on.
By the way, this app rather international than local. In Mercari you can send and get your items by shipment which gives you a lot of new opportunities to find clients abroad.

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Facebook Buy and Sell Groups
It may seem weird to you, but yes, you can also utilize Facebook for making good deals. It’s hard to find a person who is not yet registered on Facebook. Some companies will not even hire you if you don’t have your Facebook page.
In general, social media opened a lot of opportunities for us – we can connect with any kind of people around the globe in second. So it is quite logical to use this technology to get a great deal both for you and other people looking for stuff.
On Facebook, like in any social network, there are a lot of groups. Logically, there are sell/buy groups as well, and there are lots of them. You can actually make good deals there since it involves many people. You just need to make a post including the description of the item you sell and name the price.
But in fact, that post can look in the way you want, and that’s probably the advantage of selling things on Facebook. You are totally free to be creative, without filling any templates.
Sometimes it can give you a significant marketing advantage. Pin cute pictures, create appealing text, and add other small details. Customers can leave comments or contact you in private messages.
However, the considerable disadvantage will be that there is no verification of users and you will have to agree on methods of payments individually and it takes time. In fact, you never know with whom you are dealing with.
So keep that in mind before choosing this method of selling. If you are a buyer, make sure you found a way to check the item you buy is real.

Unfortunately, the fraudulence in the reselling business happens quite often, especially when it’s a private reselling. To prevent you from possible misfortune, use only trusted methods of closing the deals. Trust only verified users. Use the most popular apps and web sources to buy and sell stuff.
Carousell is one of the most known apps for selling and buying things from people. When you enter the app you see a wide range of categories where it seems you can find any kind of items. Plants, cars, electronics, books, clothes – and even more. The app is not only for reselling things but here you can also sell and buy various services.
There are also services concerning health and beauty that you can order. For example, if you are looking for a cosmetologist or you’re a cosmetologist yourself – welcome. What is more, there is a category called luxury – and this is the place where you can find high fashion and high price items. For fashion lovers who are looking bor bargain – this is a real option.
Besides, here you can sell your old furniture really fast. We all know this is one of the hardest items to sell. Carousell is a community built on trust and feedback. Before buying from someone, watch the reviews and see if this person is reliable.
You can debate over the price in the private messages. There are a lot of sales and special offers as well. Many people are getting addicted to selling and they keep coming back for more and more deals. A great way to exchange products without producing new ones.

In our time, people are making money out of anything. But why not if you know well how, when, and whom to sell? Luckily, the developers support us in all our beginnings as make as many apps for reselling as we wish. Thus, we have another place to buy and sell, and it’s called GlowRoad.
Even though you might have never heard of this app before it seems to have a certain popularity and not just in small circles. It is, first of all, a cool platform for those who want to sell something.
All the items are divided into categories, so the customers quickly search what they are looking for – don’t forget to highlight the category before posting. What is more, don’t neglect to share the products you sell via Instagram or Facebook, so more people could see what you are selling and come and buy this item.
But don’t think that the app is made for sellers only. The app makes a 100% refund to the buyer if he/she claims that the item doesn’t match the quality or if it’s damaged.

This is a more simple reseller app that gives everyone a chance to make money. The main difference from the other apps on this list because it has a simplified interface and an overall more simple system of selling. That’s why you should sometimes be careful here.
The algorithm of work of this app is quite simple – you first receive the money and only after that send the package to the address of the buyer. But don’t hope that you can deceive people here or trick them – all the sending is strictly controlled by the team of the app.
Moreover, the delivery of the products can be completely taken care of by the team of Cartlay – for an additional fee, of course, But in some cases, this is really more convenient than all that hassle with shipping when you make it yourself. At Cartlay you get a 24/7 dedicated Helpline Expert to help you in every aspect of reselling.

Some people are really fond of the design. That’s why there are thrift furniture markets exist. On these markets, you really got a chance to get a unique piece that would fit into your home decoration. One of the biggest thrift furniture markets is in Paris. And let’s be honest, it is nice when your house is exquisitely decorated. Well, today you can find a market like this online.
Like this app, for instance. And it’s not a place where people are buying garbage or low-quality stuff. No, it is a premium reputed furniture reseller and to shop here you actually need to possess good money. It offers you any kind of items for your house – for the kitchen, bedroom, and so on.
All the furniture sales are arranged according to categories. You will find such categories, as “most loved”. “new arrivals”, “best decoration”, etc. All the furniture is thoroughly described, with all the measurements and materials. The price is pinned to each item.
And if you are a buyer, you will probably find a function where you can preview an item that you are currently exploring, in your own home space. Moreover, you can pick up several of them and combine them together on the picture. Save the items you are considering buying to your favorites.
For sellers, keep in mind that the app charges a 20% commission. However, for certain items, there is free shipping. Besides, the client has the right to return an item for 48 hours and the payment is also received in 48 hours. So in case you have unique expensive furniture to sell – you’re welcomed here.

This is quite a famous resell app that you have probably heard of before. If you got a couple of interesting things in your closet that you don’t usually wear but it is still a fashion piece, be sure that there is someone else on Tradesy looking for this thing. In general, Tradesy is made for reselling the luxury fashion items at affordable prices.
However, hee you can sell not only the high-fashion luxury brands like Versace or Louis Vuitton but also the more simple brands like Zara or H&M – especially if they are in good condition.
When you sell an item, you can choose the simple shipping option that works best for you! Get a free Tradesy Shipping Kit, a prepaid USPS Priority Mail label, or use your own materials.
The first reason why customers love Tradesy is that all the payment methods are well protected and secured in here – there is a guarantee for all the customers that if they don’t get an item, Tradesy will return their money back. That’s why selling something here will be easier than in some other apps.

And the last but for sure never the least app to effectively resell your things and earn money quickly is Instagram. Today Instagram is a giant that can influence people’s lives dramatically. It has been the main trendsetter for the last 4 years and it seems like it is staying on track for the next few, at least.
People check out Instagram to find out about the latest news, friends’ news, local news, the new market offers, and bloggers are one of the most influential people on the planet, overcoming in popularity many celebrities.
All serious businesses now must have an Instagram page if they want to be taken seriously as well as employees. As a consequence, Instagram became a great platform for sales. It happened not yesterday and the day before yesterday.
Instagram is an essential sales channel for numerous enterprises, including large and small. It has great traffic thanks to the appealing marketing interface (beautiful picture as a hook, promising headline as the lead to an offer). You have probably already seen your friends reselling something via Instagram.
Why not? Here you are totally loose with the creative part of the post. You can just post a story about your offer and your subscribers are going to see it and maybe, you will find a buyer.
If you want to make a more powerful selling post then you should create a separate post with an image (you can’t create a post without an image) and add a more or less informative description.
Better add a location tag as well and ask your friends to share it in their stories. The more people see your post, the higher the chances to sell the thing.
Finally, if you are selling stuff on a regular basis here then you should create a separate page for the goods you sell. You will have to add the description on the page, location, link to other websites, and the stories with clients’ reviews and price-lists.
And make a regular post about new items you sell, better with the usage of the targeted ad. It is a good way to start building yourself as a trustworthy seller and attract costumers.
And if you are a buyer, look for the pages of resellers, subscribe and monitor the offers they have. Being a buyer is easier here because once you are subscribed to one page reselling stuff, the targeted ad will find you anyway, showing you more similar pages in recommendations.
The only disadvantage, once again, that it is not that secure. The method of payment should be discussed in private and be chosen by a seller and buyer personally. It can be one of the money transfers. Besides, creating a fake account on Instagram is a frequent thing. So hustle, but don’t forget to stay aware of frauds.

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Selling Reselling
This is a comprehensive platform that can help you become a successful online reseller. This platform is user-friendly and accessible even for those who may not be tech-savvy.
You can discover a diverse range of items from various sellers, just like having a virtual mall at your fingertips. It’s a convenient way to browse and buy without leaving your home.
After discovering your valuable finds, you can effortlessly list them for sale. The app ensures a seamless experience, so there’s no need to be concerned about any challenging technical skills.
Chat directly with buyers and sellers within the app itself. No need for an additional messaging app – it’s all conveniently accessible in one place.
One of the great features is the search function. You can easily search for specific items, making it incredibly convenient and user-friendly.
To sum up, I believe SellingReselling is an app that can help you become a successful online reseller.