If you’ve ever had to prepare for any kind of exam, you know that flashcards might be the most effective learning technique. You can use this method for any subject or topic, which makes it perfect for people of any age.
That’s why we’ve picked the best flashcard apps you could try to boost your learning efficiency. These apps give you access to hundreds of pre-made sets, and let you make custom flashcards as well. You’ll also get to try various studying methods to find one that works best for you. Let’s dive in!

It’s a simple app that helps you to study via flashcards. The app covers tons of useful features, and syncs to the website, so you can reach it wherever you are. It comes with a massive lib of flashcards dedicated to multiple topics.
All the sets are strictly categorized, and it’s really simple to find smth specific. All the cards are submitted by real users, and you’ll get to share your own packs as well. And if you don’t want to do that, you can always make your sets private.
The card maker is easy to use, all you need is to pick a template and fill in your data. Each set requires a minimum of 3 cards per set. Plus, there are 2 modes to study with cards: the regular one is for flipping, and the memorizing one requires you to go through the entire card stack.

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That’s an intuitive app with a clean UI and a web version to sync with. Feature-wise, the app is almost identical to the previous one, but the design looks slightly better (which is subjective, of course). You’ll get to elevate your cards with images and graphics, which is handy.
The app features a wide compilation of pre-made sets on numerous topics, and you can use any of these for free. All the sets get published by other users, and you can add custom cards of your own as well.
Herewith, the maker is very intuitive, and you’ll get to arrange your sets by subjects, categories, and more. There are 3 modes for studying here. The first one lets you go through the cards at your pace. The other one shows the same car before you get it right, and the last one is based on the matching game.


If your goal is to find the perfect app for studying, this might be the one. The app offers a bunch of study modes and each of them is highly customizable. There’s a mode for flipping the cards, one for a quick, and a review sheet.
As for the customization, you’ll get to pick the number of cards, the order (there’s a random option too), the submission type, and more. You’ll get to make cards within the app and load pre-made ones as well.
The cool thing is, you can spice up the cards with images, notes, audio files, and a bunch of other details. The text editing is pretty in-depth, you’ll get to regulate the font, size, underline, bold text, and more.

Flashcards World

This app lets you study whatever you want with flashcards. It’s all about simplicity, so you won’t need to spend time figuring out how to use it (it’s better to spend that time on studying, isn’t it?). The app is perfect for language learning, but you can use it for any other topic as well.
It comes with a built-in card maker that lets you create sets easily. There are no limits on the number of cards or smth, so you’re all the way covered. The app runs offline, and you can reach it wherever you are.
You’ll also get to easily import your sets and import pre-made ones. As for studying, there are several modes to try, including the one with an essay and an audio player.


This might be the most customizable app on the list. It lets you modify all the aspects of learning, so it works perfectly for you. You’ll get to adjust the background of your flashcard, and play with font size, color, underlining, and more.
Plus, you get to turn off the scrollbars, try a full-screen mode, and all that. You’ll even get to decide how often certain cards should be repeated (which seems unnecessary but actually is petty useful).
There’s also a night mode for cramming before the test. However, all this customization affects the UI which may seem a bit complicated at first. You’ll get used to it quickly, of course, but it still deserves a mention.

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It’s an app that lets you make your own flashcards. It works best for language learning, especially the vocab, but you can use it for pretty much everything. The app lets you create custom card sets.
There are no pre-made sets, though, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. You know when you get an app with a pack of cards for vocab, but it doesn’t match your program at all? Well, it won’t happen with this app for sure.
The best thing is you get to import the sets manually, so you can use any pack you find on the web. The card maker is easy to use. It supports 100 languages and there are 5 word games to get you into learning.

Brainscape Flashcards

This app is made for hyper-effective studying. It claims to double your learning speed, but it fully depends on your involvement, of course. It covers a card bank with hundreds of sets you can use to study whatever topic.
More to that, there are sets made by professional publishers and educators, not some random people you may not fully trust. All the sets are sorted by categories, and you can use a search bar to find smth specific. There are also compilations that help to prepare for certain exams.
You’ll get to organize all the sets you save as well, which is handy. Plus, the app lets you make custom sets with images, text, and even audio files.

Flashcards – Study Effectively

If you value the aesthetic aspect of the app as well as its functionality, this app is for you. The UI is clear and minimalistic, so there’s nothing to distract you from actual learning (and no bright color either). As for the features, the app covers a handy card maker for you to use.
You’ll get to make custom sets and edit them at any time needed. Herewith, you’ll get to organize your stacks by category, topics, and all that.
You’ll be able to share your stacks with friends if needed. The app runs offline, so you can efficiently study on the go. There are no ads, and you get to sync your acc to the web version on your PC.

Flashcards Maker

As you may guess by the name, this app is here to let you make flashcards. It has an easy-to-use flashcard maker perfect for any age. You’ll basically get to make cards with a sing click and be ready to start learning.
The app lets you modify your cards with images, and regulate the text size, color, and more. You’ll get to create an unlimited number of cards and organize them by folders as needed.
There are several study modes for any pace needed. You’ll get to bookmark the cards you’ve stopped on to come back later, which is handy. And if you’ll get bored with regular learning, you can always take a quiz to test your progress.

Simple Flashcards Plus

This app lets you get to learning straight after downloading it. It doesn’t require login or registration and works with and without a web connection. It features thousands of pre-made sets in multiple topics, so chances are, you’ll find whatever you’re looking for.
All the stacks are arranged by topics, and you can use a search bar for smth specific. And if that’s not enough, you’ll be able to make your own set with ease. There are no limits to the amount, and adding a card takes literal secs.
You’ll get to mark flashcards as learned and import custom sets from your device. There’s also a quiz to test your progress and a dark mode for learning sprints.

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To wrap up the list, we have an app to create custom courses and flashcard sets. It’s completely free and claims to boost your learning efficiency right away. The app doesn’t have its own flashcard bank, though, so you’ll need to make sets yourself.
The good news is, you’ll get to import pre-made sets, so you can just download them from the web. The card maker s pretty simple, all you need is to fill in your info, and all the templates are there already.
There are several learning modes, and you get to sync the app to the web version if needed. The app tracks your progress and generates simple graphs to visualize it.