The habit of gnawing nails is a very harmful addiction, it is common not only among children and teenagers but also among adults. This is quite a painful topic, especially for women. After all, everyone wants to have a beautiful manicure.
In the article down below you will find the best nail biting apps to stop biting your nails.
And when you’re in control of your manicure, we suggest you try different hairstyles for yourself using these apps.
NailKeeper – Stop Biting Nails
This is a motivator app that you think you can eventually overcome your habit of biting your nails.
The essence of it is that you photograph the nails for a while, and the app controls the change of nails. After all the processes, you can compare before/after.
Your phone will receive notifications, so don’t forget to process and snap photos of your nails. The app has a daily counter with which you can determine how long you do not bite your nails
But how does this app help you avoid biting your fingernails? The answer is very simple.
The developers of NailKeeper have tried to provide their users with useful information on why not to bite their nails, what it affects and what to do to get rid of this bad habit. This is a great app for people with onychophagia (onychophagia – action, in which a person gnaws his nails).

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Stop Nail Biting Hypnosis
Stop Nail Biting Hypnosis – this app is created based on hypnotherapy. The developers of the app say that thanks to hypnotherapy your brain will be reprogrammed and you will be able to give up this addiction.
To give up this habit, the app has hypnosis audio in the choice of a male or female voice. In order not to forget your dream and track the progress of the developers created a photo diary.
Alerts will be sent to your device to remind you to listen to sessions. The app also contains the best tips. That will help you fight nail-biting. In contrast to the above app, Stop Nail Biting Hypnosis is a paid app.

With this app, you will forget about what the bitten nails are.
Let’s start with the functionality of this app. There’s a real-time counter where you can tell how much you’re not biting and picking your nails.
Motivational notifications will be sent to your device. They will be as useful information as well as information on the status and change of your nails.
In other aspects, the app looks quite gloomy. It’s not really clear why the developers have decided to come up with such a dark theme and poorly detailed interface. It will be more suitable for older devices.

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The developer of this app claims that in 18 days of using Raylex you will stop biting your nails.
Raylex works like the time-tracker. It sends you reminders not to bite your nails. In this motivational app, there are interesting facts about nails, the reasons why you can not eat them, and suggestions for solving the problem with this habit.
If you keep up without the nail-biting for 3 days, you will receive rewards in the app. Another bonus of it is that it is completely free.
The design of Raylex is so so, but in general, it is a very simple app, so it doesn’t require any elaborate elements in it.

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It’s a new motivational course that you’re gonna quit biting your nails on the app offers to fight the bad habit with hypnotherapy. The goal of the NoMorenailBitting developers is to reprogram your brain and distract from your and the stress of dealing with it. you of this habit.
Using this app you will not Just figure out what you’re biting your fingernails for. But there are also four reasons why can’t you step down from biting your nails.
The app contains special questionnaires for the self-explore. Moreover, it provides tons of psychological tips to break this habit. Of course, since it is a therapy app, it involves a paid subscription.