Switch black is a route-building puzzle game in which you have to combine two completely different mechanics. One of them is the collection of shapes – you have to assemble such a structure, constantly adding elements from different sides, so as to get the correct path for the second object.
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The second step is the journey of a small object through the tunnel you have created. If you successfully combine these two mechanics, it will be easy to solve any puzzle, but more often than not you don’t understand how to solve a puzzle the first time, and over time you look for more and more options.
Every time you find a solution you feel great joy and satisfaction. The complexity of the puzzles increases exponentially – there are 16 puzzles in all.
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The average game time, according to the developer, is one hour. You can either restart the level completely, which happens to be necessary, or go back one step if you’ve made an unsuccessful choice. The control is done with WASD keys.
Nice pixel graphics, super smooth animations, and complex moves will make the game extremely enjoyable to spend time with. Challenge yourself and try to solve at least a few puzzles!
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