Recording records and finding interesting swimming workouts is possible without special gadgets or professionals in this business. They can be perfectly replaced by the the best apps for swimming workouts that you will find in the article down below.
And more swimming apps can be found in this article. Workouts & Tracking
This is not just a swim training app, but a global community where the world’s swimming stars train and record their results. It is the most popular swimming app in the world
The primary function of the offer is to offer people training, allow them to record their profile, create training statistics and unite people who are eager to swim.
To do this, the app gives you everything you need. When you sign up, you can synchronize the app with many popular swim recording apps.
About a dozen apps are available on Swim com to synchronize the results of each training session. And all of them help you to automatically transfer them to your profile after confirming the completion of your workout.
You’ll be inspired by the feed. Not only your results will appear there, but also those of the people you have subscribed to. By scrolling through it, you’re sure to enter to continue your workouts.
You can’t like every workout in the feed, but you can comment on them, so it’s not uncommon for athletes from all over the world to talk in the community, and you can ask the stars about their experiences, and most of them answer.
More than a thousand workouts are available for anyone to choose from without subscriptions or advertising. They are categorized in separate tabs and by a very clever professional filtering system.
If you want to find something specific, a large filter system is available that includes techniques, swim levels, distances and durations, and much more. By putting them up, you will find more than a dozen or even hundreds of workouts from different authors, particularly from the service itself.
When you finish a workout, you can confirm its completion in the workout tab and this distance will appear on the progress graphs and in your profile.
The app supports competition, so it always has many challenges from the official swimming federation and its service. Hundreds of athletes flock there, and there is a leaderboard at the bottom. Often the winners get awards and the thousands of kilometers swam by all participants are measured in hundreds.

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Swim Coach – Swimming Training
A free app that matches your swim training to absolutely any level of swimming experience. The minimalistic interface includes only three functions that a real athlete needs.
At first, the app will give hints with its symbol – the panda in the swimming goggles. It will tell you how to use the app and achieve the best results with it.
To find the training, it will be enough to click on the plus sign in the lower right corner of the screen and select the distance the user would like to swim ha training using the arrows next to the value or the slider at the bottom.
Then select what the user would like to develop for this particular training and confirm. You will not have a workout to choose from, but you will get a clear and understandable workout broken down by blocks.
At the top, you can see what and how much the training develops and, if necessary, what else is needed for this training from the swimming equipment.
As already mentioned, the entire workout is broken down into blocks. They indicate the type of exercise, the number of approaches, and the number of places to swim in this way. Each workout consists of a warm-up, a sleeping part, and a warm-up.
Each block is described as what to do, how many times, and how many breaks should be between this block and the next exercise. There is also a video of possible variants of the exercise. In the professional version of this app, you can edit each exercise.
In addition, you can swap and shift tasks, clearly set the distance you swam, and save your workout not only to your favorites, but also to record your results using Garmin Connect.
You can create charts of your workouts for a clearer record of your workouts. This gives you a more accurate understanding of how and how much you will need to work out.
To do this, go to add workouts and specify at what pace you will train and for how many weeks, and then specify how many times per week you will train and the approximate distance per workout. You can track all of this and your progress in this app.

SwimUp – Swimming Training
You no longer need to select the fitness of the distance and time of the workout every time, because this app will do it all for you. When registering, you only enter these data once, so that you don’t have to adjust them later when selecting workouts.
This app will teach you how to swim without any trainers. It treats beginners well, unlike many others that select workouts starting with advanced or intermediate. The beginner is taught here from the easiest to the most advanced levels through well-divided courses.
All exercises in any course are organized in blocks, and the trainer in a special dialog box before the start of training will draw attention to the most important details of training.
All blocks have a certain number of reps and repetitions, as well as in addition to the name of the exercise is specified its specification and speed of execution.
The developers of the app are so passionate about swimming that they meticulously present the material down to the movements, especially for beginners.
Each course describes in detail what you will develop with these exercises and how, and visual indicators show this in detail. There is also an indicator of the average duration of the workout.
In addition to providing detailed workouts in a very cool design. The app records and compiles statistics on your results for different periods and separately for each day of training.
Unusually, but in this swimming app, you can find a detailed theory of each swimming app and its varieties and details on how to perform this exercise and what nuances should be considered in doing so. This app will do everything to teach you how to swim if you have the desire to learn.

MySwimPro: Swim Workout App
From the start, the app adjusts itself to the level you specify and offers training according to that level.
The training is divided into general training for the specific level, as well as training for individual styles or exercises in swimming, and the app also includes training for land training and training for individual styles in swimming.
Each workout describes who it is for and how it works and what it develops. Each workout lists how many meters and how to swim,
After confirming that the user chooses this workout, he can use it and make a plan according to his training week, which he chose when registering and can change in his settings.
Notably, in this app, the athlete can create his workout. To do this, just select between a swimming workout or a strength workout and start filling in the workout blocks according to the duration and type of exercise.
In addition, you can add sets of exercises and groups. This is more time-consuming, but more often athletes are more comfortable with their workouts, and the app allows them to create them and measure the statistics of their results.
This app also supports a competitive spirit because there are often challenges from the creators of the app, which are supported by more than a hundred users from around the world.

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This app provides visual aids and text instructions for all of the exercises you need to practice on the water and videos of them.
The user reads carefully and watches the video and if he reads carefully and answers that he knows how to do it, the lesson is automatically read out, such lessons are updated once a week, which is very nice.
There are dozens of workouts for spotters of all ranks, they are also carefully broken down into blocks and each block says the number of approaches to perform and the distance that is allotted to this exercise.
Before each lesson, there are detailed recommendations and hints on how to perform the workout in the best way and small recommendations on the movements and the body when performing. Each workout can be added to your favorites or printed out. The favorite workouts are displayed in a separate tab.
In the optional version, there are many courses available where you and your ZOO trainers will learn special techniques and where the lessons are prescribed, and what will happen in them.
The app records all the results achieved by applying the training of this app. In the app stores, users talk about the positive results after using the app, so you can judge the usefulness of the workouts.

Commit Swimming
Here you will not find ready-made workouts or workouts from well-known trainers. There are no challenges or contests from the app or federations, but still, this app made it into our ranking.
This is because it’s very easy to record and carefully write down your swimming workouts and track your progress. Think of this app as a swimming diary.
All workouts will be saved thanks to personal accounts, so all the information here will be saved forever. In addition to the email address indicated during registration, you can link your phone number to your profile for easy login and password recovery.
To add a workout you need to click on the plus sign in the lower right corner and add:
- Workout Name.
- Course
- Date
- The regular interval for one hundred meters
- Intensity
- Swim Style
- Type of swim training
After that, you will get to the text screen whereby by pressing the pencil button in the lower right corner you can describe the training in detail.
There are also standard formatting types and font sizes for clearer formatting. The data entered is automatically entered into the statistics to show a clear result.

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Simpson: Swimming App
An app similar to the previous one, which is also a swimming diary for athletes, but with more features, offers challenges, with a more pleasant, intuitive interface and good animations.
The training is recorded here literally in a couple of clicks. To do this, you have to click on the tool icon in the upper right corner and fill in the five fields that are almost identical to the app above.
There are challenges, but they are quite strange because they involve swimming distance in certain locations in the world.
And the distances can be unrealistic in both distance and conditions. Would you like to swim seventeen thousand kilometers in Antarctica?
There’s a diary for making training appointments or meeting at the basin. To do this, you have to enter the date, the name of the meetings, the location, and the size of the bypass. Strange thing, isn’t it?
All the results of challenges and workouts are recorded and tabulated into statistics, which are also divided into swimming styles. This is a very unusual kind of statistic, considering that there are no overall stats.