Blood sugar levels are a vital indicator that affects every part of the human body. So, you need to track this parameter regularly so that you don’t miss important changes. It is especially important to monitor blood sugar levels for people with diabetes.
Your cell phone is a treasure trove of useful programs that can also be useful for your health. These best blood sugar tracker apps for Android & iOS are among them and will help you monitor your health more carefully.
For all of those who need to stabilize their sugar level, we recommend using these best apps to quit sugar.

mySugr is an app that helps you keep track of your diabetes. Log your data anywhere and anytime. You can record data on blood glucose levels, carbohydrate intake, diet, medication intake, and more.
Use a special calculator to calculate your required insulin dose. View graphs and track blood sugar changes. If necessary, you can show your doctor a daily, weekly, or monthly report that the app will produce.
With the data backup feature, you’ll never lose your data. If you connect to RocheDiabetes Care, you can send your diabetes data directly to your doctor.
You will also get a Pro account with extra features when you connect. Such as searching for what you need from a database you’ve created. A calculator to calculate insulin doses and more.
Reports in formats that are easy to print out. Notifications to measure blood glucose levels. The ability to take a picture of a meal so that the app can calculate the number of carbohydrates in it.

Working with the app is simple and convenient due to the clear user interface. Download it now and see how easy it is to monitor your diabetes!

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Blood Glucose Tracker

Blood Glucose Tracker is an app for people who need to monitor their blood glucose levels. The program has a clear interface, so it is very easy to work with. It has a lot of features that are expanded and developed.
With its help you will be able to: keep track of your sugar level before or after activity (for example, a meal). View your history by adjusting filters. Track your body’s reaction to exercise and dietary changes using tags.
Record glucose levels in the units you want. Manually enter measurements directly from your phone or computer. To keep track of statistics, the app will calculate average readings for a month, a week, or for the entire time of use.
Save your data manually or use the backup function. You can also share your data by mailing it in. Take notes in the app throughout the day using the Notepad feature. Set up notifications to come to you every day at the same time.

Enter your highest and lowest blood sugar limits. Along with your glucose levels, you can keep track of your medication intake. Install the app now and you’ll see how convenient it is!

Glucose – Blood Sugar Tracker

Glucose is an app for diabetics and prediabetics to monitor blood glucose levels. Working with the app is simple and convenient, due to the clear user interface.
Thanks to the functions of this program, you will be able to monitor not only your sugar levels. You will also be able to enter data on blood pressure, carbohydrate and ketone counts, insulin levels, weight, and medication intake.
View all your data right from your phone at your convenience. Add notes to your recordings. The app also takes into account when you take measurements – in the morning, at lunchtime, or in the evening.
Set up notifications so you always remember to measure something or other. That way you’ll always be sure you remember to track your glucose levels. Synchronize data across devices, and retrieve and share it. This is handy for reporting to your doctor.

Use a calculation calculator. Enter all diabetes data manually from your phone or another device. Keep track of all your stats in one app. Save all your data and review your history as needed. Take care of your health, and install Glucose.

Blood Sugar Tracker – Diabetes

Blood Sugar Tracker – Diabetes is an app specifically designed for people who need to monitor their blood sugar levels. With this app, you can easily check your glucose levels, insulin, and medication intake.
Thanks to its clear interface, the app is very easy to use. It has a lot of functions. With its help, you can easily enter all the data about measurements.
View them by the filter if necessary (e.g. measurements before lunch and after lunch or measurements in the morning on an empty stomach). Get a calculation about your blood sugar levels and understand if you have diabetes.
Add notes to your measurements. Turn on notifications in the settings so you remember to measure your blood glucose in time. Turn on medication reminders. View graphs so you can accurately see any changes. In the app, you can see daily, monthly, or weekly averages.

Customize your range by specifying your highest and lowest normal limits. Read professional articles about diabetes, how to control your blood sugar, and more. Back up your data so you don’t lose it. Try it now and you won’t regret it!

Blood Sugar Log – Diabetes Tracker

Blood Sugar Log is an app for those who need to monitor their blood sugar levels daily. In addition to glucose, you can enter your weight, blood pressure, heart rate, insulin levels, and more into the app.
Record all measurements about your health. Logging data is easy and can be done right from your phone. View graphs and track changes. View your measurement history anywhere, anytime.
Add labels, and note when measurements were taken – morning, lunchtime, or evening, before or after meals. Choose your measurement units. Set notifications so you don’t forget to measure your blood glucose in time.
Set daily medication reminders on your phone so you don’t forget to take them. Use the logbook to keep track of your glucose and other readings. Get data from the app and email it to you. This is handy if you need to provide sugar information to your doctor.

The clear interface makes working with the app very convenient. Download the app right now and use the magazine at your pleasure!

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Glucose tracker-Diabetic diary

Glucose tracker is an app for those who need to monitor their diabetes and blood sugar levels.
No matter what type of diabetes you have, you can always keep track of your condition with this diary. Not only add data about your sugar levels, but also keep track of your hemoglobin count, weight, and more.
Set reminders for insulin and other medications. Add notes to your records. Keep track of how your sugar levels change from day to day. Use a special calculator to calculate how much insulin you need to take per day.
Retrieve the data from the app and send it to your doctor. Customize your personal blood glucose tolerance range. The clear user interface makes working with the app very easy and convenient.
Add tags – did you take measurements before meals or after and at what time of day? Turn on notifications and the app will remind you of the medicines you haven’t taken, so you won’t forget about them for sure.

Record all your health data in the app. Download it and you’ll find that life with diabetes can be easier!


Diabetes:M is an app to help you keep track of your health if you have diabetes. The app works simply and affordably. You don’t need any special skills to use it.
The clear user interface makes it much easier to use the app. Enter your health data – log blood glucose measurements, weight, insulin levels, and more. Use the special calculator to calculate your daily insulin needs.
View your measurement statistics anytime, anywhere. Retrieve data from the app and share it as needed. A Pro subscription with extra features is available in the app. Here you will have access to a personal assistant.
There is a connection to a glucometer, records of lab tests, and a food database that will help you keep track of the number of carbohydrates you consume. Use the app on any device – phone or computer.

Get reports in the format you want to share with your doctor. Create 2 extra profiles to track the health of your loved ones. Download now and use it!


MySugar is an app for people with diabetes who need to monitor their blood glucose levels every day. Enter your health data into a logbook. Record blood sugar levels, blood pressure measurements, weight readings, and more.
Turn on reminders in the settings so that you are notified at a certain time each day when you take your medications. View charts to keep track of your fluctuations.
Enter data directly from your phone, it’s convenient and practical. Thanks to the backup feature, you can be sure your data won’t get erased or lost. Retrieve your data in a convenient format to share with your doctor.
The clear interface makes working with the app much easier. You won’t have to spend a lot of time figuring out how and where to enter your measurements, everything is simple and straightforward. Add notes to your data.

Specify when the measurement was taken – in the morning, at lunch or in the evening, before or after a meal. You can get the stats for a week or a month if you want, the app will calculate it all by itself. Download and use MySugar at your pleasure.

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Glucose Buddy Diabetes Tracker

Glucose Buddy Diabetes Tracker is an app for people with diabetes, those who need to constantly monitor their glucose levels. The app makes it easy to keep track of your disease with the help of a special logbook.
The program has a clear interface, so it is very easy and convenient to work with it. This program has many features and advantages over other similar apps.
Logging your data is very easy, just enter your measurements into the log directly from your phone. Add tags and notes, record what time of day the measurement was taken and how it depends on food intake.
Turn on notifications so that the app reminds you to measure your blood sugar or take medication at a time of your choice every day. Enter data about blood pressure, weight changes, diet, and more.

Choose the units of measurement you need. Record your meals using the food list. There is a special function that calculates your daily insulin dose. Install the app on your phone and track your diabetes easily.