There is an abundance of fishing apps nowadays on the market – the problem is not all of them are suitable for sea water fishing. As always, we solved this problem for you and found something you’ve been looking for. The following article will be dedicated to the best saltwater fishing apps.
And for those of you, fishing enthusiasts, we have more apps to suggest for you in this list – find out everything about fishing!
Fishbrain is a real social network for fishermen from all over the world. Every time you launch it, the first thing that pops up is the feed, which is very motivating. The feed is divided into three parts:
- Feel
- My area
- Global
In the feed, you can like, forward, and comment. Many people share their progress. Therefore, this app would also be suitable for fishing in seawater.
The map tab contains the best places to nibble, and local fishermen can not only rate them but also subscribe and even share. It’s also where you can map your way to that spot.
Each location is accompanied by the types of fish that can be found there, the weather, and a leaderboard of people who have fished there. Nearby on the tab bar is a button that allows you to add a fish, place, or post. Let your fishing adventures be noticed!
To add a catch to your page, choose a photo, then length and width, type of fish, place and time, and when and where you got the catch
Finally, there is your diary where you can write down your trips, your catches, and your stats.

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We fish
We fish is also a great social network for fishermen! Team up, brag, and stay up to date on all the fish events of those around you. And of course, app includes the topic of fishing in the salt water.
The feed will not make you bored. People from all over the world show off their fishing accomplishments. Under each post, the type of fish and its weight is written. There are also interesting quizzes on fish species and weights. The community is very fun and positive, so if you catch some, you can brag about your achievements!
The “fish lab” tab has everything you need for successful fishing. First of all, there is a map where the water currents are located, but unfortunately, the fish spots are not marked.
Here you can also add your catch. This can be done secretly or publicly. In this case, the location of the catch will always be secret. Before you post your catch, the program explains what the photo should be, and then you can make a description of your catch.
The app has its virtual currency, teasing its users for new catches. There is even a separate tab with tasks, completing which you get these coins and you can enter the league of leaders.
The last tab will be the most useful for roboticists aiming to practice. Here you can see the weather with wind, rain, sun and moon, temperature and fish activity, as well as the pressure.

After registration, a map appears here, where all the marks will be understood only by experienced fishermen.
It indicates the depth, the level of nibble, good nibble spots, plants nearby, and the actual settlements.
The terrain itself is highlighted with bright contrasting colors and a separate layer shows the direction and strength of the wind. For the convenience of understanding the wind strength, there is a gradient scale from blue to red with dimensions in m/s.
This app is a great tool for navigating if you want to find your places for fishing and drive there regardless if they are popular or not because you can click on any place and the application will show you the coordinates. All that’s left is to get there.
At the top, there is a search field, where after a couple of letters, the app looks for that place for biting. After selecting a place from the list of suggested places, you move on the map to this place and the coordinates of this place are shown next to it.
The application will show you the way to the marketplace and will let you share it, measure the distance, and show the weather and other similar places nearby.

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Fish angler
There aren’t many active people posting their catches in this app, so the community knows each other well and gives the impression of a warm group of friends around the world.
It should be noted that the project team itself is actively involved in posting their achievements and organizes competitions with prizes for the most successful catches.
All posts can also, be liked, commented on, and forwarded to other social networks, and under the posts is a written type of fish. It is very unusual that with such a small community the activity is quite high.
People are happy to like and comment on the achievements of other fishermen, and there is a warm atmosphere in the feed.
There is a weather tab next to it, with temperature, pressure, wind, sunrise, and lunar phases for the coming week. But to do this, you first need to select your location.
Nearby, in the center of the panel, there is a button that allows you to add your catch, place for a nibble, post, or report.
The most common satellite map is also available here. It is well made, the coordinates appear immediately when you point the sight in the center of the screen to any place. They can also change and the map itself will move to the selected location.

Pro angler
Pro angler will be an indispensable, constantly updated guide for those interested in weather factors for fishing. Moreover, this app was developed specifically for fishing in seas and oceans.
The home page immediately welcomes you with a weather forecast with all the necessary forecasts for the fisherman. There are indicators of:
- Winds
- Visibility
- Pressure
- Rain
- Cloudiness
- Wave forecast
- Moon and sun phases
- The best time to fish
The last one is amazing because now you don’t have to choose the best time to fish – the app will tell you how long it will be and what the time interval will be.
All the weather is described for now, for an hour, and a month ahead with all the indicators neatly structured in a table.
There is a real encyclopedia of fish. Each fish is described in length, weight, bait, how to catch it, and where it lives. Another tab of each fish describes its habits, what it eats, and tips on how to catch it.

Fish Rules
The most basic app for fishing enthusiasts.
The built-in fish encyclopedia has a separate tab for saltwater fish. The guide itself is a ribbon with photos of fish and names of their species.
Each fish is not very detailed, which is unfortunate. But for almost every fish there is information about whether it is in season, minimum size, and bag limit.
Nearby there is a map, but you will not find any special data. There is no pressure, moon phases, or even the weather. There’s a city search, but it’s not very useful, ignoring queries.
In addition, you can record your catches and trips, but this requires registration. For those who do not find all this a problem, this application can be a good helper.

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Fishing Points – Fishing App
The most feature-rich app for fishing enthusiasts.
The app itself is divided into two parts the most necessary for excellent and wise fishing.
The first part has a weather forecast and here in the tabs, you can find all the components of the necessary weather forecast for fishermen for the week ahead.
The most interesting and unique of the forecasts is the fish activity forecast. It is based on the solar-lunar theory and the tide. It shows at what time the fish will be most active. The forecast only shows data for three days ahead and backward, not including today.
The wave readings occupy a separate tab. It shows the wave temperature, period, and direction and makes a forecast of these indicators during the day. This forecast is written for the week ahead.
The tide forecast is shown as an hour-by-hour graph, and the hours of the nearest tide are shown at the bottom. The view of the graph can be changed to a chart.
The second part of the application contains a map showing currents and wind speeds in the area. Since this is a Google Map, the weighted view of both land and sea is the same as the Google Map.
You can also enter your favorite locations and your catches here. The app even has a video tutorial, showing how to put a catch or place on the list.