ChemMathsDroid is a full-featured application that offers 4000 chemical compounds including organic, inorganic, electrode potentials, physical, etc.
The application is not quite popular on the market, but it is truly worth downloading. So, let’s read more about its features!
First of all, we would like to mention that ChemMathsDroid does not take up much storage space, that’s why you will install it in a few seconds.
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As soon as you have launched the application, you can start using it straight away. At the top of the screen, there is an embedded line where you should select the desired category – e.g. Physics, Electrical, Maths – Geometry, Maths – Statics, Dimensionless Numbers, etc.
After that, you should insert the values and the app will automatically show you the results. All the equations will be instantly displayed on each value change. Plus, the majority of equations have representative diagrams.

Moving on, ChemMathsDroid comes with over 300 predefined values. Moreover, you can even add your own ones.
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Despite a great variety of features, the app’s interface is pretty straightforward. But if you have faced any difficulties while using this tool, you can check an integrated Help section located top right of the screen.
In this page, you will find detailed instructions, that’s why even inexperienced users will quickly find out how everything works there.

Next to the Help section, you can also tap on the 3-dots button that provides you access to the following options: Units, Calc, QuickCalc, Matrices, Settings, etc.
In addition to the aforesaid, users can also customize settings. Here they can select the decimal point, set initial estimates, and add number of iterations.
Summarizing all the points mentioned above, ChemMathsDroid is an essential tool for all students and experts in the chemical, science, engineering, and maths fields. Highly recommended!
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