A good place to be a student is one of the main goals of people these days. A university degree, various professional development courses, international tests and examinations, and excellent certificates can help you improve your life in the future nowadays. Even when you are a child, your parents say that quality education affects your future.
However, you have to be prepared for all the exams. You need to have an entire database or archive of knowledge in your head, and this knowledge must be up to date and reliable. In order to pass any of the exams or tests, you must prepare for it. By the way, you can also use the best flashcard apps to prepare for exams.
What if you are already a student or you don’t have time to sit in the library, read books and write notes all the time? What if your life is already full of events and new aspects in it do not fit in time?
Our favorite smartphone comes to the rescue. Your iOS or Android device is always with you and can become your assistant in preparation for the necessary tests! In addition, you can simply expand your knowledge.
Keeping your phone in your pocket allows you to devote any free minute to learning. Say no to wasting time! We present to you the top of the most convenient applications for exam preparation, that will always be close to you.
Pocket Aptitude
Pocket Attitude is a popular exam preparation application for the English-speaking audience. In India, for example, the widget was voted the best to prepare for the exam competition according to the Economic Times.
This was not for nothing – Pocket Aptitude collected the most frequent questions from logic exams, the most popular tests and control works in its collection.
The app is designed for a wide audience: whether you’re a schoolboy, you can prepare for competitions and Olympiads, or if you’re a graduate and you’re looking forward to applying for a college or university, Pocket Attitude is the right tool for you.
CAT & CSAT, SSC, Bank PO, RRB, Railways entrance exams when applying for a job will be a simple challenge for you if you prepare and train with Pocket Aptitude.
The name correlates exactly with the usability of the app – at home and at school, on the bus, in the shop, and even in the bed before bedtime – using your gadget you will always be able to boost your intellectual abilities, no matter where you are.
The widget will help you learn new information, prepare from scratch for the toughest exams or Olympiads, maintain your current level of intelligence – all with minimal inconvenience.
The application has 4 modes: Study, Training, Challenge, Quiz – choose the one you want depending on your goals. More than 2500 questions in different categories – from mathematical tasks on area and volume to economic tasks with the calculation of production losses.
Looking for a job? Applying to college? Or just want to improve your IQ and broaden your horizons? Pocket Aptitude is perfect for you, especially since the application is available on 2 most popular platforms – iOS and Android.

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Another application that came straight from India. Since India is known for its talented programmers and developers, it is not surprising that such a high-quality application was developed there.
Gradeup has several tools, one of which is designed for schoolchildren, but we will look at the one that is most suitable for students and masters, as well as for job seekers and people with a desire to develop.
The main idea behind the product is that by working together, people can better prepare for something by communicating and testing each other. The results of more than a million students have already shown that this practice really works.
The application brings together groups of people in the exams they want to prepare for – whether it’s Banking, Teaching, Defense, or State level exams. Some of the exams even contain real-world versions of the previous years – so students can see the real-life versions of the exams.
You still have a question, why choose GradeUp? Because you get free access to materials, tests, and a huge catalog of questions and topics. Moreover, the results will come to you as soon as they become known and available! Unfortunately, the application is not available for iOS, but there is a web version.
However, if you are already upset that the application is suitable only for Indian students, then it is not: although it is only available in Hindi and English, with GradeUp you can become a student at U.S. Institutes and Academies, for example, the military.
No one guarantees you the highest scores for the most important tests, but with regular training and the use of GradeUp, you can improve your results and increase your chances of success!

TCY – it’s about 200 different exams, that you can start to prepare for right now with your gadget, no matter what platform, iOS, or Android.
Even if testing has appeared recently, it is likely that it is already available and has several options in TCY. More than 4 million students have already installed this application, so what attracted them so much?
The main aim of the application is to realize the maximum of your abilities with minimum difficulties in implementation. That is to say, to fully support you in your desire to gain knowledge.
TCY has a huge archive of questions, information, and various tests. That is, if you are a student or job seeker, it does not matter in which industry you want to improve your skills or in which subject you have an exam – TCY will help you.
More than 150,000 authors of questions, articles, exam papers, and options, and all of them really know the answers to them. Have you already thought about the huge number of people in the glasses and suits that make up them? Of course not!
The app has a feature to add your own question and answer. It will be available to other users after being checked by moderators. That is, you can not only prepare yourself but also help others.
TCY really cares about your results. The service provides you with an opportunity to solve a huge number of tests in different categories you need, as well as to analyze your solution in detail and point out errors.
Get the recommendations of experts and specialists to correct these errors. You can also fully monitor the statistics of your educational progress – from the frequency of errors to the time of execution of tasks.
Generate tests, help others, improve knowledge, and do it all with pleasure – the convenience of TCY will allow you not to get discomfort from studying and exams. You don’t even need the Internet – the application provides offline access.

Study Tips – Tips for studying & Exam preparation
Not all applications in our top are collections of information. Study Tips is just one of them. In order to learn effectively, it is not enough to simply study the material. There are plenty of tricks, exercises, and strategies that will improve your performance, save you time, and help you focus on your lessons and information.
Study Tips offers a variety of study and exam preparation tips. Previously, these tips were whispered in the ear and written in notes only to your best friends, but in 2019 we have internet access (of course, if you don’t live in North Korea) and a huge range of applications in AppStore and Play Market. Sometimes you have to pay for them but usually, they are small amounts.
The app shows and teaches you the best teaching methods, such as Aureus Method, which can greatly improve your results. You don’t just pay to use the app, you get an individual study plan every month that costs you a little money.
The tips and exercises you get from Study Tips will help you learn more information in a short amount of time – which will not only develop your skills but will also save you time. You will be able to spend it on yourself, rest, or something else important.
The best advice for school, university and work will give you new habits. Taking exams and writing tests will be much easier as you improve your academic skills. In addition, the beautiful interface of the application is also pleasant to use.
Study Tips provides the creation of a tracker. With its help, you will be motivated, inspired, and track your progress. Become the best in your study group.
You will immediately notice the connection between the filled tracker and the improvement of your results. Study Tips is not just about helping, it’s about motivating and creating useful habits for everyday life and learning.

Focus Dog: Study timer
Sometimes it is so hard to focus on your studies and do your homework or learn new topics. How great that there is such a motivating app!
The app has a cute dog that is always waiting for you to start the productivity timer. When you spend the planned amount of time studying hard, you will receive donuts as a reward.
You can also activate the Pomodoro function. The idea is to stay productive for a certain period and take short breaks. The app is ready to help you control this.
Moreover, the app will always remind you that it is time to prepare for exams or read a textbook again. You will receive timely notifications.
Another great motivating incentive to learn more will be the level system and productivity tracker. The more hours you spend on self-development, the higher your level.
The app can turn out to be a rather strict mentor if necessary. It is quite capable of threatening you with the fact that all progress will be lost and you will not get donuts if you continue to surf the Internet.

EduRev: Exam Preparation, Mock Tests, Sample Paper
EduRev is one of the few applications that can offer its users not only text information and tests but also video lessons. You should admit that it’s very convenient – many of us perceive information visually better, and video is always more interesting to watch than just looking at pictures.
You will remember more, learn more – that is, the application will be effective. And you’ll feel like you’re in the real world!
The application is designed for a wide audience: the material is collected for students from 6th to 12th grades, but it is not limited to this. There is also the opportunity to prepare for final tests, exams in popular subjects, and other tests.
Initially, a smart application will ask you what exactly you are interested in: tests, training, or just a desire to improve knowledge. EduRev will prepare you for the exam better than just a tutorial or textbook – videos, articles, and tests – all of which will only enhance the learning experience.
You can discuss tests with friends, compete, or share your own results – almost like a learning social network! Your teachers can also analyze your work.
Speaking of analysis, the app automatically performs an in-depth analysis of your work, provides you with statistics, and displays graphs and histograms of correctness. For each topic covered, there are separate tests, the results of which are displayed in the overall statistics and dynamics. This way, you can easily track your progress and look for weak areas.
You can discuss critical issues with other users and get help from them to solve the discussion questions. Even difficult tasks can be solved faster together, right?
Solve dynamic tests on everything from math analysis to banking, invite friends to learn together and improve your academic performance! The downside is that you’ll have to pay a small fee to get full access to the functionality, as well as the application is only available for Android. But if you have such an opportunity, you should try it!

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Daily Current Affairs & GK
Daily Current Affairs & GK is designed for the two most popular gadget platforms, so you can always keep the information you need on your smartphone.
The developers believe that the information you need is one that is constantly updated among exams and employers. Any update will not pass by the developers!
Whether you’re preparing for a competitive exam, or you’re just getting trained and tested for a new job, Daily Current Affairs & GK deserves your attention. You can choose the purpose of your widget – choose the exam you want or check the box for self-development.
If you are installing the APK out of pure interest, you will be shown news from the world of education and related industries – for example, visits of heads of state for educational and cooperation purposes, the most important statements of CEOs of large companies, search for candidates or summaries of the largest and most promising companies.
If your goal is to prepare for a specific exam, Daily Current Affairs & GK will select the necessary material. The training materials will be provided to you in a separate column, together with the latest work and research results.
In the adjacent level of the application department, there are specialized tests of different levels of complexity. They are updated daily, so you won’t face the problem of “I’ve already solved everything I can, but I still don’t feel prepared enough”. Specialists and teachers select new tasks every day!
In addition to the new tests, you can see for yourself what the real exams look like.
The obvious advantage of Daily Current Affairs & GK is that you can use it anywhere, even without internet access.
If you go somewhere where you won’t be able to catch a connection – for example, in Taiga (though we don’t know why you’re going to Taiga on the eve of the exams), or just turn off the Internet – it’s a very convenient feature.
Just upload the training materials in the application to your gadget and do not distract yourself from the study, regardless of the circumstances.

This app will help you perform complex calculations quickly and easily. The ChemMathsDroid app can be useful for students and even professionals in such fields as:
- Chemistry
- Science
- Engineering
- Maths
The process of solution of chemical compounds is also quite developed here. There is a huge number of useful functions for chemists. For example, by installing this app, users will be able to solve equations with more than 4,000 chemical compounds.
Also, in this app, there is an opportunity to solve the compounds of organic and inorganic elements. In addition, this app allows you to use:
- Periodic Table
- Steam Table data
- Acid and Base Dissociation Constant, and much more.
This set of functions in this app will greatly help chemists around the world to facilitate any type of calculations, even the hardest ones. Also, this app will help its users in several sections of mathematics. Among them are:
- Geometry
- Statistics
- Areas and Volumes.
The app interface is extremely easy to navigate, and all the necessary functions are in plain sight.

ADF Aptitude Test – YOU Session
The ADF Aptitude Test will also help you prepare for various exams and tests. However, if you think that the ADF Aptitude Test is similar to one of the applications already presented at the top, then no! Later on, we will explain why.
It has tested on different topics and in various fields – mathematics, arithmetic, linguistics – for example, tests on the ability to select synonyms or explain the meaning of words.
There are also tasks similar to intelligence tests – they test your ability to think abstractly and unconventionally. To be more precise, such tests make up almost the entire list of tests presented in the ADF Aptitude Test.
As you can see, this app doesn’t help you prepare for a law or higher math test. Here you will not find the standard IELTS or TOEFL exams.
The ADF Aptitude Test is designed to prepare for the Australian Defence Force aptitude test. Now is it clear what the acronym for the application is?
So we’ve come to the promised surprise – the application runs and monitors your physical abilities test! Squats, push-ups, running, press exercises – all your physical indicators will be recorded in a smart application. Based on the results of the strength tests, you will find out whether you are suitable for military service.
The ADF Aptitude Test creates realistic conditions for you to take the real exam – questions, exercises, tests. Logical and mathematical questions – the intellectual part of the test, physical exercises – biometrics.
One of the advantages of the application is the ability to enable the learning mode. It explains how to solve the most difficult questions you may encounter. Your physical condition will be evaluated with a sound test, so you can count on all the indicators to be accurate.
Whether you want to become an officer, serve in the navy or defense, or even just be a chef in the army, get to know your strength with the ADF Aptitude Test, which is available on both iOS and Android.

Khan Academy
Khan Academy is much more than an exam preparation app. It covers a wide range of academic subjects and topics, making it valuable for general education and skill development, regardless of specific exams.
This platform is primarily designed for students and learners of all ages who are looking to broaden their knowledge. It offers a wide range of courses, including subjects such as math, science, and humanities. Besides, this resource is incredibly helpful for anyone preparing for exams like the SAT, ACT, LSAT, or MCAT – and many others.
Upon opening the application, you are greeted with a tidy and well-structured interface in a soothing colour scheme that makes the app simple in use and easy on the eye. Just select the subject, topic, or skill you want to learn, and you’ll have access to a vast library of lessons and exercises right at your fingertips. Polish your skills or check your knowledge with a range of tests and quizzes.
Khan Academy is quite handy for providing study materials without taking up much space on your phone. I haven’t come across any bugs so far, so it seems to me the app is quite reliable. Plus, it works offline, so you can study during a long flight without needing Wi-Fi. Finally, it’s free: there are no ads or paid features.

What’s more important during the exam preparation period than the ability to focus and filter out only the essential information? There is an excellent app that will help you to gather all the ideas, notes, and images in one place – Evernote. It is a great productivity app that is a multi-functional tool for organizing your business.
First of all, it has the function of a scanner. You can quickly take a picture of the notes taken in class and they will be uploaded into the app as a PDF file in seconds. If you’re not the most disciplined person ever, you can create your to-do lists in Evernote, in order to stay productive the whole day.
You can also create a folder with the helpful web-pages in the separate section in Evernote – another convenient feature since during the exam preparation we often use many web sources that are often opened chaotically in your browser. Now you finally can keep them organized.
Apart from that, you can add your audio and video files to Evernote. For instance, a classmate sent you a voice message with an explanation of a complicated task. You can take a picture of the task itself, add your written solution, and pin an audio file together so you would have the exhaustive solution of it.
And as any decent app, Evernote includes a feature of sharing the materials via social networks and messengers. There is also an ability so synchronize Evernote on various devices – smartphones, tablets, and PC.

GRE Exam Prep
Whether you want to take a post-graduate course in the United States, or if your studies are connected in some way with the United States, you know about the GRE exam.
One of the most serious exams, which is based on the U.S. Testing Service’s computer-based test. Of course, no cheating is allowed and you take the exam entirely on your own, using your knowledge and skills.
Any exam requires preparation. Can’t you find the right materials? Are you close to the deadline? There are no instructions, what do you do? GRE Exam Prep is in a hurry to help (just like Chip and Dale!).
The app will make your training much easier. A huge library of past tests and assignments, tutorials, test exams, help, and support, all the way down to the real exam. All questions are strictly structured, which means that you can work on certain topics separately or intensively on request.
If you are facing difficulties with implementation, there are key clues and explanations to each of these aspects, so that if you meet a question again, you can already answer it in detail.
A wide range of topics and sections:
1. Mathematical – algebra, geometry, numerical coefficients, etc.
2. Oral reasoning – synonyms, antonyms, sentence building, and much more.
3. Analytical letter.
Also, the application has a support service – at any time you can contact any question – even on the material – and you will be answered!
The app is designed for iOS and Android, so download GRE Exam Prep to your smartphone and you can prepare your documents for postgraduate study in the United States!

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My Study Life – School Planner
My Study Life – School Planner does exactly what it is supposed to do: helps you deal with your student work. This is where you can neatly organise your courses, assignments, and exams. It’s like having a personal assistant for your academic life.
The app helps you prepare for exams by tracking important dates and tasks. No more last-minute cramming sessions – or at least it tries to prevent them.
My Study Life also keeps an eye on your performance, so you can see if you’re slacking off a bit too much (or maybe a bit too often). Plus, there are tutorials available if you get lost in the academic maze.
Regarding more practical aspects of the app: it syncs between devices, which is handy. Also, it doesn’t consume too much memory.
Of course, the app is not without its limitations. It’s more tailored to students, so if you’re looking for a planner for your professional life, this might not be the best fit. Personally, I think this is one of the best apps for students. It offers plenty of useful features to prepare for exams and pass them perfectly.