Nowadays technologies are helping practically in every sphere of human life. Take fishing, for example. Who on earth in 2017 would go angling without taking a smartphone with them? No one! There are so many amazing useful fishing apps today, that leaving your phone while going fishing is kind of barbarian.
With fishing apps, one can find good spots, learn what tackle to use, what bait is better bitten and so many other things. You can share your catches with friends or other anglers, learn more about your catches and even dispatch them painlessly. So, don’t be a barbarian, check the list below to choose the best fishing apps!
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FishBrain Social Fishing Forecast App
FishBrain is the largest social network app for anglers that offers lots of useful features connected both with networking and fishing. With this app, you can find like-minded people who share your interests and ready to support you. You can look through updates of fishers nearby or post your own one.
All in all, you can be a part of the biggest online community of anglers, which is something awesome, since you can get really good advice from real people who know what they are doing.
As for the fishing part, this app is a real finding – it has all the most needed and useful features a fishing app can offer. You can find good fishing spots, learn what bait is better to use, what time of year/month/day is more suitable for fishing. Moreover, you can log your catches and then view the history of your fishing experiences. So, as we see, FishBrain is a very complex app that will meet the needs of any angler!
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Fishing Points GPS & Forecast
Have you ever been in a situation when you found a good fishing spot but wasn’t able to memorize its location? If yes, this app is what you need! Fishing points will help you to save and then find a way to your favorite fishing spots. Powered by Google maps GPS, this app will make sure that you’re going in the right direction.
Apart from finding points, Fishing Points also has such features as weather forecast, solunar data, tide prediction and catches logging. As for the last one, it is possible to add to your logging a picture, weight, and length. All the other details the app logs automatically.
The app is suitable for all the anglers who angle on open seas, lakes, or rivers. Download the app now and never lose your lucky locations again!
Fishidy is an app that will help you find the hottest shared fishing spots. On a special map, you will be able to see where and when people catch the biggest fish. You can share your achievements as well if you want to. Just post a photo with your catch and the app will automatically tag it with a certain time and location.
Besides all that, the app is also a very good adviser. It will give you tips on how to fish like a pro, fish-catching tools and all of that. So if you want to know little secrets on where and how to fish to get the best catch, you should try this one! The Premium version just opens up more locations.
Fishtrack is an app for those who fish in salt waters. The app will ensure that your offshore journey is safe and fruitful. Sea fishing can be a challenging one, since it hides lots of dangers under its surface, such as weather changes, for example.
With Fishtrack, avoiding these dangers becomes much easier. The app has got such features as marine weather forecasts, bathymetry, sea surface temperature, etc. Besides, the app helps to find hot fishing spots with its fishing chart imagery, which, by the way, can be saved and then viewed offline. If you are a saltwater angler, this one is for you!

Pro Angler
Pro Angler is one more saltwater fishing app. It shows where to look for fish, what does that fish bite and what angling technics to catch them are used. There are about 350 species of saltwater fish described in details. You can use them both for detecting what fish you have caught and learning how to catch certain species of fish.
If you are worried that your catch is too big or something, the app offers you to read state and federal regulations in order not to get in an unpleasant situation. And there are also tools in case you want to escape bad weather.
Besides, the app helps you keep your boat undamaged when there are some obstacles like artificial reefs, for instance. There are a lot of other amazing features. Get the app now and explore them all!
Fishing & Hunting Solunar Time
Fishing and Hunting Solunar Time is an app that shows the luckiest days and hours to go hunting or fishing. The app is based on solunar data, by which it is possible to detect when fish and animals are feeding – that’s when they get the most vulnerable. Download this app today and increase your chances to get easy prey!
iSolunar is one more app based on solunar theory. The app can give forecasts on how efficient your fishing is gonna be. It doesn’t matter where you are, what date you have chosen to go fishing, the app gives all kinds of information, so just check it before you decide ongoing.
The only problem with this one is that it’s not free. If that doesn’t bother you, then go ahead and get it! The app is available only for the iPhone.
Fishing Calendar
Fishing Calendar is an app that will help you plan your fishing by pointing out on which days and at what time fish bites more frequently. The app is also based on solunar data, which is a proven method of learning the time fish and animals are feeding.
In addition, Fishing Calendar is an extended fish log that allows entering the size of your catch, length, bait and so on. So just one more solunar theory-based app!
It might seem like a weird choice for the fishing app list, however, everything is quite logical still. You won’t go fishing during the hurricane, right? Weather is actually is one of the crucial moments in fish’ behavior.
The cool thing about 1Weather is that it shows detailed weather in a very specific spot, so if you are going to fish on a certain lake you can just put the name into a search bar and the app will show you the weather specifically in that place.
iAngler Tournament
Fishing is different for different people. Some people go fishing because it is quite relaxing – a perfect activity to get away from life for a while. Some earn money thanks to fishing. And the last category takes fishing as a sport. This app is exactly for this last category.
iAngler Tournament allows organizing fishing tournaments in such a way, that anglers could log their catches while they are still on water or just far away. With this app, you can look for tournaments you would like to take part in, register in them, or organize something yourself. Every log in the app represents a valuable contribution to marine research.
Besides all that, you can check whether or tide information right in the app. So, if you are into professional fishing, this one is for ya!
Fishing Knots
Fishing Knots is a guide that will help you learn how to tie fishing knots and choose the right ones for each type of fishing line. The app includes detailed step-by-step instructions with illustrations of how to tie a certain knot and detailed descriptions of each knot. So if you want to master your knot-tieing, download this app and start doing it!
Knot Guide
Knot Guide is just one more app that teaches how to tie knots. There are lots of categories, among which fisherman’s knots as well. The app is suitable for everyone who ever in life had to tie some complicated knot and needed to look how it is done.

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Navionics is a boating app that will give you all the necessary information about the area you are in. It provides users with nautical charts, detailed maps, navigation tools, sonar charts, and so on.
Besides, you can also observe weather and wind forecast and tides predictions. There is also a big community of cruisers, divers, sailors, and, of course, anglers. People can edit maps, add something no one has seen before.
The app is available in a bunch of regions – you just choose your own one and all the info about it is downloaded on your phone. The app is free for a limited amount of time. When the 14-day free trial ends, you have to pay for the further use. To sum up, Navionics is a powerful navigation tool to use in waters.

Fish Rules
Fish Rules is an app for anglers who constantly have doubts of what fish is legal to catch, how big caught fish can be, and how much fish a one can catch at a time. These things can be confusing since some regulations change over time and fish can live through a certain season when it gives birth or goes from one place to another to give birth or something.
With Fish Rules, observing the law becomes much easier! The app describes all of the species you can catch and does it in such a way that, thanks to your GPS and calendar, only the info that you really need will come across your way.
Not only that, but the app also represents a fish log, so you can log your catches and share them with friends on social media. Download the app and become a law-abiding angler!

Fish|Hunt FL
This is quite a specific app but as we can see, it has a significant number of downloads which says that people appreciate it. This app is applicable only for the Florida state – as we all know, Florida is a southern state and it is abundant for animals, fish and any other living creates.
You can have quite an amazing fishing experience there, however, it is essential to know al the regulations in order not to catch a fine, or, even worse, a trial. This app will help you to stay aware about all the important dates what and when you can fish in Florida at various times of the year.
Deeper is a special fishing app. There is a special device called Deeper Smart Sonar that can be used with this app. This device allows users to identify the current temperature of the water, depth, bottom structure, and many other details. It helps in finding good fishing spots.
But even without those fancy features, the app has value. It can be used as a fish log or as a solunar calendar. There is also a weather forecast. All of that makes the app a real competitor to the other apps on this list. So whether you would like to buy the device that comes with this app or not, Deeper is worth downloading!

Troll Master Depth Calculator
This app is known to be the most reliable troll calculator on the market. Using Troll Master you will always be able to calculate the depth of a lake, river, and so on and determine which kinds of fish could be found there and what could you possibly catch.
Here you can select your line, your lure, a diver or trolling weights, and then combine them however you want. A cool feature of this app is that it constantly gets updated with new lures and tackles. The physics-based calculations have been verified with on-the-water depth gauge testing.
Even though this app has a little obsolete interface, it is quite informative for the fishing. The program itself has been on the market since 1998 and keeps on providing the valuable data for fishing fans all across the USA. It is a sea surface temperature app with the marine maps that you can download and have access offline to them.
This is another app that keeps things relatively simple and rather than trying to be all things to all anglers it just delivers easy to understand sea surface temperature and chlorophyll data to offshore anglers.
Not so popular, though a useful fishing app. It is no secret that good knowledge of all the water sources is crucial in the fishing process. Here, the app delivers exactly what it promises to – it shows the directions of the flows of all the rivers nearby you.
It utilizes data fed by the USGS, NOAA, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Colorado Department of Water Resources, and the California Data Exchange, to quickly and simply show lake and river water levels across the U.S. Besides, the temperature of the water is also displayed and you can even monitor its changing on the graph in the app.
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ANGLR Logbook
This app will become a perfect addition to your fishing process. It helps new and experienced anglers alike plan, record, and improve their fishing trips. For example, when you go fishing you can mark on the map in the app where you found the most fish abundant places. The app will save all the information so it is easier for you to find them next time.
Moreover, ANGLR gives you the opportunity to analyze all the fishing places you have. After the app will provide you with certain results of the analysis you can share them with your friends. The more information you put in the app, the more able it will be to give you a more precise analysis of the best fishing places.
We have covered 20 most helpful fishing apps. Now you can go angling safely! We wish you a good catch and, as always, be smart in choosing apps!