Bullet Journal is a journaling technique where all unnecessary factors are discarded and the owner of the journal focuses on the plans and goals to be achieved. The best free bullet journal apps will help you to do that.
And more bullet journal apps of this type can be found in this article.
Journal it! – Bullet & Planner
At first, a new user will get lost in the very multifunctional interface, but after a while, he will realize that this application is a very useful thing for those who want to record their life in notes.
The basis of this application are two functions – the planner and the notes, and everything else will be an addition to them. It allows you to plan your life for the future and describe the present, your plans, your hopes, or just to take notes.
On the main page of the application, you will see the entire chronology of your actions, notes, photos, locations, routines, completed tasks, and tracking, if you have done such in advance and now mark.
The planner of this app is also quite complex and only after about ten minutes of clicking the buttons, you will understand how you can plan your day with this app.
The notes here are also very well designed. In addition to the fact that you in the premium version will have synchronization with Google and Google Calendar, where these notes and plans will be saved, these notes will be permanently saved in your Journal account.
The note-writing interface is very easy. The average user can only add text, a photo in the text, tags, and change the color of the note. This is more than the built-in note-writing apps can do, but including the functionality is quite useful and has no unnecessary features.
Then all the tracking, notes, and instructions can be tracked by statistics and graphs. This is all because you will be able to embed tracking scales into your notes and their intensity will be plotted on a graph.
This is not all the features of the application, and the settings of its variety will make even the most advanced companies jealous. The application promises that if you use it for 21 days, you will get VIP access to the closed Facebook group, where tech support answers sooner, as well as a free premium for a while.

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May: Beautiful Bullet Journal
The app is a very beautifully designed self-care calendar. This is the home screen of the app.
The calendar on one screen is only for one calendar month, but you can switch the month by clicking on the date in the upper left corner – so you can plan or record what you’ve accomplished.
Each day of the calendar is first all equipped with a drawing form. It is the image you draw that will occupy the square of that day.
In the drawing window in addition to the usual pen, there are many very interesting stickers for all occasions, not only the mood and weather but also many small things that will accelerate the transfer of meaning visually.
But most importantly – the tasks that you can put on these dates. This is where tasks and events are set up in a pretty fun, very convenient way. At the bottom, there is a panel with icons with corresponding inscriptions. You can set any date with them:
- Task
- Event
- Note
- Date
- High priority
- Date
- Anniversary
- Payment date
- Birthday
- Training
- Pathfinder
- Skincare
- Purpose, etc.
The icons on the panel are selected based on your registration results, and best of all, you can create them yourself and designate them! You can do this in the settings, where there are simply hundreds of icons that you can set your color and its name. Customize the events to suit you.
As a result, you will know what you have done and what you want to do when you fill each day regularly with events. Tasks can be moved to another day if you haven’t completed them or don’t want to duplicate them every time.
Each cell of the calendar can be enlarged and you will have a complete list of the day, where you can already manage the tasks for that day and the image on the cover.
The app has a very nice design, but can also be customized. In addition to a very cool night theme, you can pick up a demo design calendar cover and background. A large part of the themes are unlocked when you view ads, but also there are free themes and the application does not show ads, which is very convenient.
And the best part is, that it also has Google Drive sync, so you can create copies of your data after logging into your Google account and restore it when you reload the app or on another device.
This app is for those who want to quickly fill their days with a routine and quickly view the results.

Bujo – Bullet Journal&Planner
The app is presented in a calendar format with the possibility of quick entries. Bujo – Bullet Journal&Planner features a bright Korean design and cool fonts that teenagers are sure to love.
For each calendar day, the app offers to add:
- Task
- Event
- Note
- Mood
- Text
- Picture
- Sleep time
With these notes you can write down your plans and refine them, systematize them down to how much you will sleep, as well as specify your state, leave your thoughts about the day and conduct your life with it as in a full diary, not just as in a planner.
Special attention should be paid to mood stickers. They are very funny and funny. Under each sticker, you can sign your feelings, which are perfectly related to the theme of the application.
When you finish the text, you can automatically add the date and time of writing by pressing one button or you can align the text left, right, or center, and the stickers can be overlaid one on top of the other until infinity. There are many more packs of these stickers, so you can use them to visually describe the day.
If you are not comfortable with the calendar format, you can convert the planner to a list format, there will be more detailed tasks and notes, and to switch and view from one day to another, you do not need to switch, but only scroll from one day to another.
This format has separate tabs for schedule, bedtime, mood, and those sections that you add. You can also swipe left or right to switch between these sections, but unfortunately only for the proceedings of this month.
The app offers a sparse but very colorful selection of wallpapers, but most of them are only available with a VIP subscription. In addition, the app allows you to customize the background and the font, which can make the interface look even nicer and cozier.

Beautiful Mood – Bullet Journal & Mood Tracker
The idea of the proposal is very, very original. When you enter, the app introduces itself to you and then prompts you to choose a theme from more than a dozen choices. Then you choose a light and go to the main interface of the application.
When choosing a mood, the person scrolls the slider under the corresponding smiley face – from one to five evaluating their state. Each value of the scale corresponds to one of the five colors that you chose at the beginning.
The selected mood colors the item from the selected theme with that color. There are as many as thirty-one days of the week. If there are fewer days in a month than these items, the remaining items will be without the number that would signify the day of the month.
You can also add your entries to the activity, of course. In the diary, you will be able to add lists and sub-lists. There are about a dozen prompts and after selecting any of them there are lists of how many items to add to this prompt, and then you have to fill this list.
If you select several moods for the same day and different, then the item to which your day corresponds will be colored in different shades. This is quite unusual and encourages you to keep such a planner until the end.

Bullet Journal and Planner
One of the most minimalist and effective planners on almost all platforms. And all thanks to the absence of catchy and bright colors and useless features. When you enter the application you are alone with your plans and actions already taken.
There are only if marks you can add to the app. These are a task, a note, and an event. Each action can be raised or lowered in the level of importance by four levels from high to none.
In this case, the note will be highlighted with the corresponding color and will be in the corresponding position on this day, even if it was added earlier or later than the others.
If you click separately on the list in the sidebar, you will see all the actions and marks for all the time associated with the list, and you can also edit the list separately there, adding tasks and specifying the time when it is called and adding images to the list.
This is all accompanied by nice Apple-style animations and a calendar-style interface. Regardless of going through the calendar, wherever you are, you can return to your page by pressing the corresponding button in the upper-right corner of the main screen.
Completed tasks disappear rather than remain crossed out, which is a bit confusing, and the app doesn’t have a sync function with the disarm, but it does have an account that allows you to edit your planner from any device and save your notes.

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Dreamfora: Daily Goal Setting
If you hate planning and the whole planner routine, then this app is perfect for you. It’s more than an app, it’s a whole community whose developers maintain and regularly update goals.
The principle of the app is simple – there is a certain goal, here it is called a dream, and this goal has the app already prescribed steps on how to achieve it.
You flip through the goals and choose what you would like to achieve and immediately add the goal to yourself. Then you will have on the main screen the tasks from this goal to be accomplished today.
When you click on a task created by the app, you will see a note for the task. The app writes why you should do it, how to do it, and how best to achieve the result.
Here you can also change the days on which you will perform this task and even set a time when you will be notified that you have to perform this task.
You can add more than one dream, usually up to five, and then all the tasks they will give you will be displayed on the main screen in a separate section, and the completed tasks for the day will be displayed under the name of the dream.
Here you can add a note to your goal and describe your notes or your thoughts or take a closer look at your goal. Your dream will not be on the general list of goals.
Your account will be visible to other users and some will even reward you with applause, supporting your aspirations. It’s very supportive and inspiring.

Bullet Journal Planner
This app is no longer an interface like a calendar, but like a full-fledged diary, where you have to add a subheading and the entry itself to the note.
A huge plus when adding a note is that there are several text formatting modes. In addition to the standard buttons to make the text bold or italicize, there are underlines, strikethroughs, and lists, as well as the button to cancel the formatting, if necessary.
All added notes are quickly formatted and added to the list, which is located on the main screen. Notes can be searched by searching through the search bar, starting with two letters, and the application searches by note name. Everything is quick and easy with no ads.

Diary, Mood Tracker, Bullet Journal by Tranquilo
It’s not easy to make a planner, but it’s great for capturing your mood or state after the day, so this app would be great in tandem with another planner.
Every time you go into this app, you are greeted by a smiley face halfway across the screen and a scale of values. These values indicate your mood or state. There are five values in total: anxious, bad, okay, happy, and unimpressed.
After selecting your mood, you can add tags to your day, which can be activities you’ve had today or complementary tags to your mood. You can edit or add tags yourself. After adding, you can choose from dozens of tags and the more there are, the more colorful you can describe your day.
After adding tags, you can go back to edit the selected tags or reselect or add a note, so the app also gets the diary function. There is no limit to the length of the note, so you can tell the full story not only about the day but also describe your plans.
A smile can change, but with the available to the average user, there are only three options, and the rest will need to purchase a premium. A big plus of this application is that your mood can be quickly and online to fix, as well as make your notes.

Bullet Journal
Planner what to do and quickly write a list for the day and track them – the role of this app. It helps you make goals and keep track of them, and it keeps track of how well you’re progressing toward those goals.
Goals are made up of milestones and milestones are made up of tasks. This app starts by helping you set goals. You can start each task quickly with this app by simply clicking the plus sign in the lower right corner. To add a new task, you will need to enter:
- Task name
- Task description
- Task start time
- End Time
- Select one of the three priorities.
In addition to the task assignment, you can also add a record or an event in this window and the fields do not change from the note format. The note priority is not indicated in the list in any way but is marked with the corresponding color.
In addition, tasks have no checkboxes, which is surprising. But you can mark a task done by clicking on the note and selecting that it is done. In addition, the task can be deleted.
But if the app is not done as a calendar, it does not mean that you cannot schedule tasks. Here you can schedule tasks not only for the month ahead but also for a particular month. Select the filling style in the sidebar. You can click on a specific date and plan already for that day, you can do the same for the month.
All progress for the day will be displayed in a separate tab gravure from completed tasks to uncompleted. This graph will be a chart and will be executed in the application’s name colors, and in the middle of it is the percentage ratio of accomplished, although there are no specifics.

Time2Life — Bullet Journal App
The developers of this app understand this very well, so they focus on achieving their goals by recording their feelings and moods and making it easy to do so.
The main screen welcomes the user and invites him or her to register a new mood. You could choose from five, as in a similar app in the past.
After selecting a mood, you choose an activity that you feel fits the chosen mood. You can choose from a dozen choices, or you can create your activity. You can create activities endlessly and tie emojis to them, to make them more beautiful and understandable.
To add an activity, all you have to do is write its name and a comment and it is added to the list of activities that already exist, without even going to another window to add it. It’s easy.
After a month of active use, the app collects statistics about your activities and moods so you can see your progress. Unfortunately, there is no planner in the app yet, but it would work great in tandem with some simple planner.

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Bullet Journal & Habit tracker
On the welcome screen, the app says, among other things, that it will help you discover and implement your thoughts and is based on the basic principles of Bullet Journal.
By standard, the app is designed as a calendar. On each day of the calendar you can add:
- Task
- Event
- Note
- Habit
- List
To add any of these, all you’ll have to do is enter the name of the action and indicate when you want it to be set and if you’d like to be notified. You denote the time of delivery not only by the date but specifically by the time that this task will start.
Here you can also duplicate this task or add another task so that you do not have to tap to go back to the same tab to add the action.
All of the added tasks will hang in the list under a certain date. If you click on the action icon, you can confirm that it’s done, and if you click on the name, a rather large list of actions with the task will drop down with a fun animation. Among them:
- Finished
- Reschedule
- Cancel
- Make it later
- Important
- Attach as a message
- Quick edit and other functions
All tasks can be searched not only by title and date but also by tasks, by clicking on the name with the hashtag at the top. Then all tasks will be filtered by specific sections.
But these are not all the features of this planner, but the most basic ones. You can see what you have set aside, and plan for the future. See holidays and save citations, as well as view them. Motivate yourself and achieve your goals with this app.