For many people, public speaking is a real headache. Most often it is a consequence of poor preparation and lack of necessary skills. A loud and clear speech, a teleprompter with a prepared text, and self-confidence – these and many other factors will help you make your leading speech.
You don’t have to do it alone, because using these best free public speaking apps in 2025 you’ll have all the tools you need at your fingertips for the best results.

Orai is an app in which anyone can work on their public speaking skills with the help of artificial intelligence. It contains various lessons and practices for overcoming the fear of speaking in public.
The app also has lessons on how to develop your own speech. With their help, you can easily learn to deliver your thoughts clearly, structured, and beautifully.
With the help of this modern program, you can determine the speed of your speech, see development trends and personal progress, and check the level of your skills and abilities.
The app also provides quick feedback that allows you to make great strides in developing your speaking and oratory skills. The app allows you to instantly present all your conversations as text. You can get their translation in text format immediately after recording.
Also, all your recordings are saved in the program, so you can return to them at any time. Transcripts are available for export, so you can share your transcript with everyone you know or a friend.

There are several text modes, including scripts. You can easily prepare for your public speaking without forgetting anything.

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Speeko is a smart app and analyzer for your speech. With its help, you will be able to assess your oratorical abilities from the outside.
The program allows you to record dialogues and monologues and then analyze them. Artificial intelligence will automatically respond to your requests.
Depending on your individual characteristics, you will be able to get advice from the program to improve your skills and abilities.
Immediately after using the app, you will receive tips on programs, classes, and exercises that will allow you to excel in your public speaking skills. After going through these tasks, you will have useful skills that you can use during public speeches and presentations.

The app is developed by professional trainers and public speakers, so you’ll get exceptionally useful tips and advice from them. Even after a few practice sessions in the program, you will be able to check your result because all records are saved in the archive.

Advanced Public Speaking

Advanced Public Speaking is an app that helps you combat speech-language deficits and public speaking problems.
With the help of modern programs and technology, you can permanently overcome your fear of the stage, making your speech clean, concise, and expressive.
To do this, the app provides special exercises and tasks, performing which you will easily sharpen all your oratorical skills.
The public speaking simulator will allow you to forget about your fears and concentrate solely on your speech. If stuttering, swallowing sounds, and letters are common to you, then this app will help you solve these problems.
You will even be able to change the intonation of your speech to make it more expressive and convincing. Try out all the practices on your own with this program. Moreover, this public speaking course will be available to you absolutely free of charge.
It is designed by experts in public speaking, so you will definitely be able to see the results at the end of the training. The lessons will also be available to you in the right chronological order.

Step by step, you will be able to achieve success in a couple of weeks of practice. Besides, you can take the lessons provided an unlimited number of times to practice your speech even after the course.

Public Speaking For Beginners

Public Speaking For Beginners is an app that has been specifically designed by professionals to teach aspiring public speakers and public figures.
You can learn public speaking skills in just a couple of weeks. Useful tips and advice will help you build your speech properly in terms of public speaking.
Prepare your speeches right here with accessible lessons and instructions. Practice your diction so your speech is clear, articulate, and expressive. Combat your stage fears by working through every sentence in your prepared text.
Learn a free course to perform in public and feel as confident as possible on stage. With the articles and instructions provided, you can learn how to speak publicly to both small and large groups.
You will also learn how to properly interact with an audience, how long to hold a pause between sentences, how to create polls, and how to make your speech more expressive. Besides, you will learn how to properly present your thoughts to a wide audience.

The app implies that there are lessons on establishing the correct sequence of words, expressions, and sentences. With these practices, you can easily succeed on the big stage.

Master Art of Public Speaking

The Master Art of Public Speaking is an app where you can learn to speak beautifully in public.
It contains useful recordings of speeches of famous personalities, by which you can analyze their speech, as well as adopt useful skills and abilities for yourself.
Listening to the provided recordings absolutely free, you can determine for yourself the characteristics of public speaking of each specialist.
Something of what you have learned you can adopt for yourself to achieve success on the big stage. All recordings are sorted by categories, so you can choose to listen only to those that are interesting to you. Speech is delivered in the highest quality possible, so you can easily analyze it from the recording.
Besides, you can not only listen but also read the text. Yet, the audiobook format allows you to learn oratory by visual examples. From the recordings, it is possible to assess the optimal speed of speech, intonation, rhythm, and other important indicators.

The app also provides a large assortment of quotes that have been taken from public speeches of famous personalities. So not only can you learn how to be a public speaker, but you can also learn many beautiful phrases for your future speeches.

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MicMentor is a program for learning public speaking from videos and helpful tips. Here you can watch videos of public speeches by famous personalities.
From there, you can analyze the speaker’s speech, diction, speed, and intonation.
To notice the important moments of the speech, the app has marks. You can place them throughout the entire video so that you can view only the talking points later.
After watching the speeches, you can practice them yourself. To do this, the app has a mirror function so you can see how you talk and what you do while you speak. By practicing this on a daily basis, you can improve your skills and abilities, and prepare for public speaking.
The app’s convenience is the ability to save marks to video. Then you can revisit the recordings with useful points highlighted. For your practice, the app even has an “add an audience” feature. Thanks to this, you can work through all your fears and learn how to perform for a larger audience.

For motivation, you can set yourself goals and targets for time, number of views, and mirroring sessions. Then you can track your progress against the goals and objectives you set earlier, which will show the effectiveness of using the program.

School of public speaking

This is an app where you can practice all of your public speaking skills and abilities even without any experience in the field. There are many classes, assignments, tests, and courses in the app that you will have access to.
You can set goals for yourself to learn more effectively. Take courses and tests after learning theoretical material to merge your results.
There are also periodic live lessons in the app where you can answer supervisors’ questions in real-time, take tests, and even take an exam.
For easy communication with supervisors, the app has an online chat room. There you can ask any question about the training program or a specific task.
The program has many tests and tasks that you can access at certain times. Step-by-step training allows you to go through all the theory and practice to improve your abilities and public speaking skills.
The app and the content in it are constantly updated, so you only get fresh and current knowledge. Set notifications to remind you when you pass a lesson or test. Notifications will also keep you up-to-date with the latest updates and new content.

You can watch the tutorial videos anytime, anywhere because there is a recording of the lessons. You can also practice after you learn and even compete with other participants.

Advanced Public Speaking Guide

Advanced Public Speaking Guide is an app where you can see a lot of useful information on public speaking.
This program contains both text material and audio recordings. Thus, you can learn public speaking anywhere and anytime.
The app works even without an Internet connection. It contains articles with tips and advice on making public speeches and preparing your own speeches to give to a wide audience.
You can choose any category of interest to you to adopt only useful tips and recommendations from the articles.
The program contains texts from experts who help you fight the fears of the big stage and the audience. You can also find recommendations for yourself on the correct setting of intonation, which will make the speech more convincing and expressive.
There are useful tips for experienced speakers as well, in which everyone can find for himself or herself the best tips to improve their own skills and abilities. Even if you know how to present yourself to a large audience, in the articles of the program you can find tips to help bring your speeches to the next level.

Improve your theoretical knowledge in practice to test the effectiveness of useful tips and recommendations in the app.

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Public Speaking Learn

Public Speaking Learn is an app with a maximum of useful articles with tips and recommendations on the organization of public speeches and the correct formulation of a prepared speech.
Here you can read short articles with only the main points to improve public speaking, overcome fears, improve communication with the audience, and so on.
Besides, in the program, you will find useful tips on relaxation before a speech. They will help relieve stress, calm down, and prepare to go on stage.
The exercises in the articles are described in maximum detail, so you can easily repeat them even without prior preparation. The articles in the app will give you tips on how to communicate with your audience. You will learn how to properly use humorous inserts, and how to start and end your speech.
Immediately after reading the article, you will be able to practice on a real audience and even check the effectiveness of your training. There are also articles in the app that present examples of oratorical speeches by famous personalities.

You’ll be able to pick out something from them that will be useful for your future public speaking engagements.