It’s no secret that with the development of technology, we began to spend a lot of time with our mobile devices. Introducing yourself without watching a tape on a social network or messaging is very difficult. But these actions take a lot of time. And this application helps to return it.
After downloading and running the program, it begins to monitor your employment for the smartphone. Over time, you can see the various graphics that display the work with an application in a time interval. We can see the total time spent on a mobile device, and how many hours a particular game or social network takes. You should be ready, that you will be horrified by such statistics because then you can clearly see how much time is wasted. And very often it is not about the minutes, but whole hours.
In this application, you can set time limits for each individual program. For example, you can use the browser only 40 minutes a day. If this time is used, the program blocks access for a certain period (it can also be set). As an example, you will not be able to sit up on Facebook or Twitter until late at night – QualityTime – My Digital Diet tirelessly monitors your time.
At a time when people can no longer control their Internet activities and the network is increasingly penetrating our lives, QualityTime – My Digital Diet is a powerful way to keep oneself in hand and find time for useful things. After all, everyone knows how thoughtless use of a smartphone takes power and reduces concentration.