Buffl – swiping flashcards app review

Buffl - swiping flashcards logoBuffl is a service for storing courses and cards. It can be used to learn foreign languages and any other information that can be presented as these very cards.

Cards and courses

This application has ready-made templates for creating cards. All you have to do is add the information you need to learn.

The created courses and cards will be saved in a special cloud. While learning the necessary information the application will track and save your progress. If you are preparing for exams, you can enable a speedy mode for faster preparation.


You can create a course or set of cards on your computer. Then you synchronize it with your mobile device, and all the necessary information appears in the application.


When you first launch the application, you will need to register or log in to your account if you already have one. You will then have access to the card creation mode.

Here you will be able to create cards with foreign words to study, question and answer cards, and much more. The functionality of the application is so extensive that you can create the perfect tool to explore the information you need. You can also add images to each card besides text.

Share with friends

All cards and courses can be shared with friends. They can be made publicly available to all users. You can also allow strangers to edit your cards.

Buffl - swiping flashcards logo screen 1 Buffl - swiping flashcards logo screen 2

The Buffl app is useful for anyone who wants to learn a lot of information quickly. Here you can do it in an interesting way without distracting yourself from other things.

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