AngularJS Software Download

The AngularJS plugin is a product of the CodeLobster team and is part of the professional version of their IDE. In fact, the plugin itself turns the AngularJS editor into a complete development environment!

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For example, it allows you to download the latest version of the framework from the source site and install it in the desired folder using the wizard.


The tooltips for AngularJS FEATURE functions and directives are of greatest interest. It makes coding extremely easy and fast, eliminating the possibility of typos. AngularJS feature descriptions are included.

That is incredibly handy when you are writing AngularJS code and the tooltips for directives are automatically displayed in the exact location where they should be. Let’s face it, we can’t remember all of the syntaxes by heart. And here context and dynamic help come to our aid.


Using these functions, you can quickly access the information you need about AngularJS syntax. The AngularJS plugin searches the web for the reference information it needs.

It’s simple: hover over the item for which you want to view the Help topic and press F1. That will provide you with help topics using context-sensitive help.


The dynamic help window displays links to help topics for the item you are hovering over. We have already mentioned how tooltips speed up the coding process. But the biggest contributor to this is the autocomplete for AngularJS functions and directives.

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The completion popup is called automatically in the correct area of AngularJS code and allows you to write code much faster. Needless to say, how convenient and important this is.


Let’s summarize the main features of the plugin for working with the framework:

  • Convenient download options
  • Contextual and dynamic help
  • Tooltips for AngularJS functions and directives
  • Autocomplete for AngularJS functions and directives

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If you are writing codes in AngularJS, check out the possibilities of making your work easier with the plugin from CodeLobster.

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