Are you a fan of paranormal events? Who cares! Check our list of best paranormal apps for Android and iOS devices. There are some scanners and ghost radar apps, so it should be fun!
Go deeper into the horror world with these best scary stories apps.
Paranormal EMF Recorder and Scanner
This app was made for those who are interested in paranormal investigations and records. This EMF detector is fun and easy to use. Still, it is not just a game since you can use real measurements using the magnetometer sensor of your device.
Automated EMF recording for long-time measurements is built-in in this application. Later you can analyze your data directly within the app with the help of interactive charts.
What else you can do is a gauge showing real-time EMF magnitude measurement, there is a diagram showing real-time measurement of EMF strength in all three dimensions. Simulated measurements can be activated from the Settings screen, responsive UI with full support for all screen sizes and device orientations.
Now you have a chance to use special equipment for paranormal investigations just like all those Ghosts Hunters you have seen in movies. If there is a presence of spirits, ghosts and otherworldly entities you will find out first.
The thing is that special detectors and gadgets for professionals are often very expensive, but the aspect that we do not know is that our phones also have that sensor and magnetometer which measures electromagnetic fields and which is able to detect the paranormal power.
An EMF is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It is similar to the gravity, which is one of the basic forces of our planet, and although it has never been scientifically proven, many believe that paranormal entities can emanate, influence and distort magnetic fields.
There is also a possibility to turn on or turn down the sound while searching.
So if you want to get the precise data on ghost and supernatural forces you should carefully watch this screen while using the app. This app will turn your phone into the perfect EMF scanner. After collecting data, you can analyze it within the app.

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Ghost Hunting Tools
This app is for ghost hunting. It will help to think objectively about any suggestions. The platform is designed for entertainment purposes. It is not recommended to risk your own and other people’s health to prove the existence of a ghost.
The app is based on graphs and intelligent analysis. Paranormal energy meters are built in. The time of appearance of the result depends on the power of the phone. All changes in the environment will be reflected in the corresponding graphs.
The program also records voice phenomena – mumbling and mooing. They cannot be heard because they lie in certain acoustic ranges that the human ear cannot perceive. You should stop using the app if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

GhostTube VOX Synthesizer
GhostTube VOX Synthesizer is an innovative paranormal research app. It offers a wide range of features and functions to measure sound and display it on your gadget.
You will be able to investigate even those sounds that cannot be heard by ordinary people. Thanks to this, you will recognize paranormal phenomena happening around you.
All sounds and audio files are played automatically after launching the app. There are no pre-made templates, so all the sounds you hear after synthesizing are the reality surrounding you in real-time.
Once recorded, you can save your research and even export it to other platforms. Share your research and paranormal findings with other users around the world. Create videos in the app, which will also have audio automatically read out and recorded to a file.
The app uses modern algorithms for audio data processing, which allows you to achieve high-quality sound. Thanks to this, you will be able to hear all the details and elements of the recordings that will help you in your paranormal research.

Ghostcom™ Radar Messages
Ghostcom Radar Messages is a mobile app that will help you explore the world of paranormal phenomena. With the help of modern technology and sound frequency recognition, the app allows you to interact with spirits and ghosts from parallel worlds.
The app features a high-quality and realistic radar design that displays the location and trajectory of spirits and ghosts on your device’s screen. This allows you to be aware of their presence and movement. The built-in audio analyzer recognizes and interprets noises and sounds created by spirits.
The app translates these auditory signals into understandable messages and records them. Thanks to this you can listen to them at any convenient moment and find out what paranormal creatures, ghosts, and spirits surround you.
Also, this app saves the history of your interactions with spirits, allowing you to retrieve and analyze each message. This will allow you to explore the paranormal world for further interactions with spirits and ghosts.
The app’s sound and graphic effects immerse users in the atmosphere of the mysterious and paranormal world. Thus, you can use it not only to interact with ghosts but also to prank your friends.

EVP Recorder – Spotted Ghosts
When you are haunting ghosts this tool is for you. EVP recorder is created for paranormal investigations. This app does not guarantee that ghosts will speak to you directly through it so do not expect some extraordinary miracles because of it. All the recordings that you made will be placed in the “EVP recording folder”.
Later you can convert these into mp3. format and share them. These apps recently were used during the TV show which is called Celebrity Haunted Hotel. You can make your recordings by sessions and then listen to them and analyze if there is a supernatural power at your place.
The app is quite easy in usage, All you have to do is to install it, launch it and then start recording. All the fluctuations will be displayed on the diagram. After you can press play and listen in the same time. On the other page, you have a list of your recordings and the list of messengers that you can apply to send those records.

Ghost Finder – Paranormal Discovery Tracker Hunter
Another prank app. This Ghost Finder cannot be used as a real tool for haunting ghosts, the ultimate goal of it is to have fun and spend a good time.
You can choose how to use it yourself actually. But the developers recommend pranking your friends with this app. As you launch it you turn on the camera and view the surrounding world.
At a certain moment, the app creates a vision (a cloud for example) which identifies some paranormal activity around someone or something. Then the radar shows it has found a supernatural power.
To make this task even more exciting you can upgrade settings, for instance, set up the frequency, detection, impedance, signal timeout, and capacitance options.
The interface of the app is rather interestingly made – it combines matrix elements with wavy features. Here you also can play all your past recordings even though it is just for fun.

Ghost Radar®: CLASSIC
This is one of the most popular Ghost Haunting apps in the digital world. It uses various possibilities and sensors of your device to detect paranormal activity. The main feature of it is that it distinguishes from those ghost-hunting equipment which usually can be fooled by a simple burst of energy.
This app has the ability to analyze interesting sports and divide them into categories. When you are in the process of searching the voice can inform you about the supernatural activity.
Even though all the findings cannot be proved scientifically, some of them can be sufficient enough to be considered as a real-life experience.
But in general, this app is just for fun. The interface of the app looks tricky and difficult to use. There are no extra functions so this is for those who prefer classic elements while working with the application.

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Ghost Radar®: LEGACY
And this version of the previous app which has some upgrades. As always is made to detect paranormal activity by making various reading on the device.
Here you will find some pleasant differences from the previous version: first of all, it has a better interface for advanced users.
What it more, the app can translate energy into words and translate it to the indicators or numeric values. It is also can be displayed graphically. The setting is more advanced and improved so now you have more possibilities to make this app more convenient for your taste. Multi-language is a good bonus.
As you launch the app you go straight to the setting screen where you can set up some option and then start your investigations. All the changes will be displayed on your radars according to the previous options you made on the menu. So have fun looking for ghosts!

Ultimate EMF Detector Free
This app is the EMF detector that works accurately and securely using the sensors of your device. It has magnetic field B in microTesla, gauss and milliGauss, and auxiliary field H in ampere per meter. Moreover, in the Ultimate EMF detector, you will find the classic EMF meter with the needle and LEDs.
Surprise your friends with what your phone can do using this app! And it can really impress them since some people really do believe that changes in EMF mean paranormal activities.
Thanks to the new design of the app it has impressive graphics and high accuracy which show fluctuations of the energy and magnetic fields in different places. What is more, the interface is simple so new users will find it easy to understand the controlling.
This app uses the magnetic sensor (compass) of your phone and displays the reading with a line of LEDs and a classic needle meter. You can switch between units of measurement (uTesla and Gauss) and change the range of measurements from the settings.
Change the settings and then measure magnetic and electromagnetic waves, the earth’s geomagnetic field. EMF studying is not the only purpose of this app. It can also detect magnets, metals, and devices. Just remember if your phone does not have the magnetic sensor this app will not work.

Ghost Detector Camera
This app has gained its popularity thanks to its atmosphere it can create. And it is true, using this app even those who do not believe in ghosts of afraid of them, will be interested in the process because this Ghost Detector found a way to make it really authentic. As always this detector uses the real EMF waves to find some weird activities around.
This app has amazing graphics and all you have to do is to switch in your camera. The whole action will be completed by cool sound effects. You just walk around the place until your app finds a spirit – you will see it on the screen. Pan your device from left to right and keep an eye on the ghost proximity indicator.
It is easy to use with its minimal number of settings because it is mainly made for fun. The interface again is very beautiful with a rustic touch that makes the process of searching ghosts even more striking.

GhostTube SLS Camera Alternative
GhostTube is an app that works as SLS Camera that detects human bodies through the camera.
The developers are convinced that their complex algorithms that use depth data to detect people and people-shaped objects, work with the same accuracy as Kinect SLS cameras.
Some time ago, an update was released, which allows GhostTube to understand the image depth even if your device does not have 3D model recognition.
When you first enter the application, the developers provide you with information about how GhostTube works and why you need it.
Next, you will have to permit to use the camera and microphone of your device. After all the necessary actions, the home screen will open, on the right, there will be buttons such as GhostTube SLS, Flash, Mute, LiDAR True Depth, Change filter, Merch Store, Settings, and About.
At the bottom of the screen is a photo button; to the left of it is a gallery of all the multimedia made; and to the right, is a button to switch from the front to the rear camera and vice versa.

For those who are planning to get this thing for real, there is an app that will turn your phone into a detector of paranormal activities. Are you so brave to explore all the places where the ghosts can be caught and prove to the world they are real?
Or maybe you have noticed lately there is something wrong going on in your house and you want to know for sure?
iOvilus will help you to detect all the strange and paranormal activities in the air! First, you have to adjust the settings according to the surrounding so it would be easier for the app to detect a ghost.
Then you can use your phone as a detector and start your investigation. Some people might get skeptical at this point, and yes, there is no proof that this app actually works, however, the reviews say it is quite a creepy app.

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Ghost Finder Tools
This is an entertainment app and users should understand that it does not actually find ghosts.
When you first enter the app it will ask you to gain permission to use your location.
On the main screen, you can see 4 modes. The first one is M1 which supposedly users sensors to determine how far you are from ghosts.
The “REM” mode will translate the sounds the app records into actual words.“Ghost Box” is a radio, where you can hear the chats of the ghosts. “Black Box” will show the phonetic levels based on the noises recorded.
The app can be exciting to use as all the tools within it do look real and professional. Even though the developers say that it truly works, it is obvious that that is not the case and all those modes show random information.
Overall Ghost Finder is a great app to use for entertainment in a group of friends, it is kinda spooky!