9 Best Body Doubling Apps & Websites in 2024

Feeling like you work better with someone else around? You’re not alone. Enter body doubling apps, the virtual coworking companions that are taking productivity by storm. Also, Best Work Hours Tracker Apps will help you stay focused.

These nifty tools connect you with fellow focus-seekers, creating a supportive environment to crush your to-do list. But with so many options, how do you pick the perfect one? This guide dives into the top body doubling apps, considering features, price points, and your unique work style.


RescueTime isn’t your typical body doubling app. It’s more like a Swiss Army Knife of productivity, offering time tracking, focus tools, and, yes, a dash of virtual coworking.

RescueTime’s body doubling feature comes in the form of guided focus sessions. These pre-structured sessions pair you with a pool of anonymous remote workers, all aiming to knuckle down for a set period. Unlike dedicated body doubling apps, you won’t see each other on video chat.

However, the shared goal and synchronized work timers create a subtle sense of accountability and camaraderie.

RescueTime is a great option for body doubling dabblers. If you already use it for time tracking and occasionally crave a virtual focus buddy, the guided sessions are a valuable bonus. However, those seeking a more interactive and social body doubling experience might find it lacking.


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Groove: Coworking Space

Groove takes a stripped-down approach to body doubling, making it a compelling option for budget-conscious warriors against procrastination. Here’s a look at what Groove offers and how it stacks up for body doubling:

Groove offers virtual coworking sessions with a twist: it’s completely free. You’ll find yourself in video chat rooms with 2-4 other remote workers, all aiming to tackle their to-do lists in 50-minute sprints.

The app focuses on creating a supportive work environment without the bells and whistles of some competitors.

Groove excels as a no-frills, free body doubling solution. It’s perfect for those who want to experiment with body doubling without committing financially. The simplicity and community atmosphere can be a boon for self-motivated individuals comfortable with a bit of spontaneity.


Dubbii: the body doubling app

Dubbii isn’t your average body doubling app. It’s specifically designed to combat the challenges faced by people with ADHD. Let’s see how Dubbii tackles procrastination and supports focus through body doubling.

Dubbii ditches the video chat for pre-recorded videos featuring friendly “body doubles” guiding you through everyday tasks. This unique approach offers several benefits.

Dubbii is a strong contender for an ADHD-friendly body doubling app. The structured approach, focus on common challenges, and gamified elements make it a valuable tool for those seeking to boost productivity and manage symptoms.

However, those who thrive on social interaction or prefer a more personalized experience might find it lacking.


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Flown isn’t just another body doubling website; it’s a curated coworking experience designed to elevate your focus and productivity. Here’s a breakdown of what Flown offers and how it stacks up for body doubling enthusiasts.

First Class Focus:

Flown goes beyond simply connecting you with work buddies. It offers guided focus sessions led by certified Focus Guides. These sessions are structured with built-in breaks and mindfulness exercises, ensuring you stay on track and avoid burnout.

Body Doubling Benefits:

  • Expertly Crafted Sessions: Focus Guides tailor sessions to specific goals, like deep work or brainstorming. This targeted approach maximizes your productivity.
  • Supportive Community: Flown fosters a sense of camaraderie with fellow focusers. You can connect and chat outside of sessions for additional support.
  • Schedule Flexibility: Flown offers a variety of session lengths and times, making it easy to find one that fits your workday.

Beyond the Basics:

  • Meditation & Mindfulness Integration: Learn techniques to manage stress and improve focus, further enhancing your productivity.
  • Accountability Features: Set goals and track your progress to stay motivated and celebrate your achievements.
  • Free “Fly on Fridays”: Even on the free plan, you can access coworking sessions every Friday, making it a budget-friendly option to try body doubling.

Flown is a premium choice for body doubling enthusiasts. The guided sessions, expert focus coaching, and supportive features make it ideal for those who want to maximize their focus and achieve their goals.

While there’s a cost involved, the structured approach and bonus features can be a worthwhile investment for many.

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Flow Club

Flow Club isn’t your typical body doubling website. It injects a shot of camaraderie and positive vibes into the virtual coworking scene. Let’s dive into how Flow Club uses body doubling to boost productivity and fight procrastination.

Flow Club offers group video chat sessions with a twist – they’re designed to be uplifting and energizing. Hosts set the tone with positive prompts and light conversation, creating a supportive environment that keeps you accountable and motivated.

The Body Doubling Advantage:

  • Social Butterfly Friendly: Ideal for extroverts or those who crave a chatty work environment to stay engaged.
  • Community Focus: Flow Club fosters a sense of belonging. You can connect with like-minded individuals and build a virtual support network.
  • Variety of Sessions: Find sessions tailored to different work styles and goals, from deep work sprints to brainstorming jams.

Beyond Body Doubling:

Flow Club offers additional features to enhance your experience:

  • ADHD-Friendly Approach: Many users report Flow Club’s positive atmosphere helps them manage ADHD symptoms.
  • Flexible Pricing: Choose from a free plan with limited access or a paid plan with more features and session options.
  • Host Perks: Become a Flow Club host and get discounts while helping others stay focused.

Flow Club is a breath of fresh air in the body doubling world. It’s a perfect choice for those who crave accountability with a side of social connection. While it might not be ideal for those seeking complete silence, the positive vibes and community spirit can be a powerful tool for boosting productivity.

Flow Club5
Flow Club5
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Focusmate cuts through the clutter, offering a simple and effective body doubling experience. Here’s what Focusmate brings to the table and how it stacks up for those seeking a virtual accountability buddy.

Focusmate is all about structured work sessions with a dedicated focus partner. You schedule a session length (25, 50, or 100 minutes), get paired with someone else looking to get things done, and then hold each other accountable for staying focused.

Body Doubling Benefits:

  • Simple and Straightforward: No need to navigate complex features or figure out session formats. Just schedule and work.
  • Mutual Accountability: Knowing someone else is relying on you to focus lights a fire under you (and vice versa).
  • Variety of Partners: Focusmate’s large user base ensures you can find someone who complements your work style.
  • Free Trial: Try Focusmate for free before committing to a paid plan.

What You Might Miss:

Focusmate keeps things basic. Here’s what’s absent:

  • Social Interaction: There’s minimal chat during sessions, keeping the focus on work.
  • Guided Sessions: No pre-determined tasks or breaks. You set your own goals and structure.
  • Bonus Features: Focusmate focuses solely on body doubling, lacking features like time tracking or gamification.

Focusmate is a reliable and effective body doubling website. It’s a great option for those who find too many features distracting and simply need a dedicated virtual work buddy to keep them on track. The free trial lets you test the waters before committing, making it a low-risk way to experiment with body doubling.

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Cofocus isn’t your average body doubling website. It ditches the bells and whistles, offering a web-based, customizable platform for virtual coworking sessions. Let’s see how Cofocus tailors the body doubling experience to your specific needs.

DIY Body Doubling:

Cofocus throws you into the driver’s seat. You set the session length, choose whether to use video chat or text chat, and even decide if you want to see your partner’s work (think: writing a novel? Maybe privacy is key).

The Body Doubling Perks:

  • Flexibility is King: Cofocus caters to a variety of preferences, making it ideal for those who know exactly what they need from a body doubling session.
  • Privacy Focus: Opt for text chat or hide your work screen for a distraction-free zone.
  • Global Community: Find focus partners worldwide, expanding your network and cultural exchange (virtually, of course).

A Few Things to Consider:

Cofocus isn’t for everyone. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • DIY Setup: Requires more effort upfront compared to websites with pre-structured sessions.
  • Finding the Right Fit: With so many variables, discovering your ideal partner might take some trial and error.
  • Limited Features: Lacks features like scheduling tools or gamification found in some competitors.

Cofocus is a unique take on body doubling. It’s perfect for those who know what works best for them and appreciate a customizable platform. While it requires a bit more setup initially, the flexibility and privacy options can be a major advantage.

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LifeAt isn’t just a body doubling website; it’s a virtual coworking community that transcends borders. Here’s how LifeAt uses cultural exchange and stunning digital environments to supercharge your focus and fight procrastination.

Body Doubling Around the World:

LifeAt offers video chat coworking sessions with a twist – they take place in immersive virtual workspaces. Imagine tackling your to-do list in a Parisian cafe bustling with remote workers, or focusing on a creative project in a Japanese zen garden.

The Body Doubling Advantage:

  • Engaging Workspaces: The beautiful virtual environments keep things interesting and combat monotony.
  • Cultural Connection: Interact with individuals from around the world, broadening your perspective and sparking creativity.
  • Variety of Sessions: Find sessions tailored to different goals, from silent work sprints to brainstorming jams with a global twist.

LifeAt’s Special Sauce:

LifeAt goes beyond basic body doubling with additional features:

  • Focus Cafes: Join themed sessions with curated ambient sounds and music to match your work style.
  • Global Challenges: Compete in friendly challenges with fellow LifeAt members for an extra dose of motivation.
  • Language Exchange: Connect with native speakers and practice your language skills while working.

LifeAt is a breath of fresh air in the body doubling world. It injects a dose of cultural exchange and stunning visuals into the traditional focus session. While it might not be ideal for those who crave total silence, the global community and beautiful virtual spaces can be a powerful tool for boosting productivity and sparking creativity.

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BodyDoubling.com isn’t your flashy website with gamification or celebrity focus guides. It’s the grassroots grandpappy of body doubling platforms, offering a simple and community-driven approach. Let’s see if this old-school approach can still compete in today’s body doubling landscape.

Back to Basics Body Doubling:

BodyDoubling focuses on connecting you with fellow focus seekers through its forum and Discord server. It’s a throwback to simpler times, relying on user initiative to schedule sessions and find accountability partners.

The Body Doubling Benefits:

  • Free Forever: No subscriptions or hidden fees. BodyDoubling keeps it accessible for everyone.
  • Community Spirit: The forum allows you to connect with a supportive network of individuals who understand the struggle against procrastination.
  • DIY Power: You dictate the terms of your body doubling experience, from format to focus duration.

A Touch of Rustic Charm:

While BodyDoubling.com has its merits, here’s what you might miss:

  • Limited Features: No fancy scheduling tools, progress tracking, or gamification elements.
  • Finding the Right Fit: Requires more effort to find compatible focus partners compared to curated website experiences.
  • Modern Interface: The website feels a bit dated compared to sleek mobile apps.

BodyDoubling might not be the prettiest website on the block, but it holds its own as a body doubling platform. The strong community spirit, free access, and user-driven approach can be a winning combination for those who value simplicity and connection over bells and whistles.

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Hi, I'm interested in many aspects of life which motivate me to write reviews on various latest apps. I also find it necessary to share my experience, so I help readers to deal with the complexities of using smartphones.