Credit repair apps and programs for loan accounting allow not only to obtain detailed statistics on all operations but also to get rid of the need to keep unnecessary information in your head.
Hardly anyone remembers how much he spent on a trip or a new TV 3 years ago, or how much you still owe the bank for a particular loan. But, if you save these data in the application – they will not be lost anywhere.
Mobile software for the accounting of credit transactions is much more convenient than desktop software, not to mention the storage of information in Excel or a paper notebook. Here you can not only quickly enter data but also find information about completed operations, make changes, export the database or restore it from a backup.
11 Credit repair apps, presented in this review, received positive ratings from users, depending on functionality and convenience.
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Credit Karma
Credit Karma is an application returns old payments to users. The new function of the application helps users to get those payments, which they have long forgotten – unannounced checks, old bank accounts, insurance payments, tax deductions. Since the launch of Credit Karma has already helped residents of California to return more than $ 75 million.
The American application Credit Karma was launched many years ago – it helps users to assess their credit rating and improve their financial situation. Now the company launches a new function – a service that returns various unclaimed payments.
In the United States, the total amount of unclaimed payments is more than $40 billion. This amount consists of such things as non-cash paychecks, old bank accounts, tax and insurance payments. After a company or financial institution loses touch with a person who needs to pay something, this money is transferred to the state authorities until they are required.
With the new feature, users can search for funds held by the state authorities in which they live or once lived. In addition, the application will notify them in advance of unclaimed cash in the future.

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This useful application will become your assistant in the event that you have burdened yourself with any credits. This application allows you to carry out the following manipulations with money:
- Tracking items removed.
- Track Creditor interventions.
- Track Credit Bureau Challenges.
- Track credit alerts.
You do not have to worry about the security of your online account and the money on your account. All data is encrypted, and the entrance to the personal cabinet is carried out only with the use of credentials that are known only to you.

Experian – Free Credit Report
With this application, you get access to all reports on your loans at any time convenient for you. There is no more credit card to carry around. Every 30 days, reports are automatically updated, so you will always have only the latest, accurate, and verified data. And convenient reminders will not let you forget about the most important thing – about your loans.
The application gives you the opportunity to view all your credit reports that your bank and creditors see. The program tracks the appearance of new credit accounts, as well as the appearance of any changes in your credit history.
Keep track of your costs and debts. An intelligent analytics system will analyze your credit situation and select the appropriate credit card for you.

Credit Sesame
Credit Sesame mobile platform: loans and credit rating in your smartphone. First of all, the consumer, having registered in the system (more precisely, tying his personal data on the account in the bank cooperating with Credit
Sesame to his account) receives an assessment of his financial condition and his accurate, truthful credit rating, as well as the status of his debts and possible options on receipt of certain loans.
Further, if the user needs to implement a particular goal, he selects it in the application, and the program provides him with all the necessary data on this issue.
The program calculates its capabilities in this issue. For him, suitable loans will be sought – in accordance with his current debts and financial condition.
That is, assessing the state of his personal finances, the application will automatically select the optimal, it is suitable for the option of a mortgage (for example), indicating the details up to the amount of the monthly payment.
Moreover, the program has the ability to even locate suitable apartments/houses, depending on the specified location (state, city, district). Moreover, directly from the application, the customer can “order” for himself the selected loan, that is, inform his bank about the need and the chosen option.
By the same principle, Credit Sesame can choose not only a mortgage loan but also other banking products. Among them – refinancing loans, financing repairs, obtaining consumer loans and loans to buy cars and so on.

Mint: Personal Finance & Money
Mint is a popular service for controlling personal spending, having more than 14 million users but working only with US banks. Coinbase is one of the largest and most respected bitcoin-purse services with more than 870,000 users.
Service Mint connects within the same system all the user’s financial accounts: bank accounts, credit cards, car loans, and mortgages. Financial data is recorded inside the service, categorized and presented in the form of graphs. Writing and analyzing spending, Mint gives advice on budget planning, allowing you to more efficiently manage costs.
The company claims that it uses a “banking-level security system”, and also knows how to notify the user in case of suspicious expenses that deviate abnormally. Mint applications exist for all popular platforms, including the iPhone and Android.

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Credit Expert LLC: Credit Repair and Education
Now, this app is provided by an authorized company that specializes in the credits repairment. It might not have the most user-friendly interface ever but it for sure will provide you with qualified help if you feel like there is something wrong with your loan and the whole system works unfairly.
To start with, you can request a free consultation over your load repayment in this app. Just fill all the gaps with the necessary info and upload the form into the app. Then wait until a specialist contacts you. Usually, all replies are made in the written form. If you want to order the full guidance, then you can always contact the company for more details.

Credit Repair Yourself
The newest app for the repair of the credit. The reason why the novelty of it is its advantage is that it goes hand in hand with the latest law regulations concerning the repair of loans and credits. In order to use this app you first need to create your account and then put all the data about your current loan into the app.
Actually, there are many functions in the app. You can compile a claim in repairing your loan – there are templates for it in here, you can monitor your monthly expenses, and, what is interesting, store your digital signature here. The digital signature is a necessary attribute for signing up all the important documents.

Debit & Credit
According to the results of a solid study, the mobile application Debit & Credit is recognized as one of the best tools for iPhone budget management.
It is advanced and at the same time easy to use, allows you to record income and expenses, manage categories of spending that can be grouped, make transfers between accounts in different currencies, keep a joint account of finances, set a variety of budgets and prepare analytical reports.
You can specify multiple categories for a single transaction, attach photos and geometries to a transaction. The application supports 3D Touch and Siri, has an informative widget, and the ability to customize the appearance.
There is also a reconciliation mode with the Bank statement on the iPad. The level of security of the application corresponds to high indicators.
The mobile app receives regular updates, has a version for Mac, iPad, and Apple Watch shows the correct and stable performance. In addition, Debit & Credit, unlike most other applications, is adapted for people with disabilities. Up to two accounts can be added to the free version.
The program has a wide range of features, including transaction files (with synchronization between devices), transaction tags, printing and exporting reports to PDF files, exporting/importing transactions, and much more.
The peculiarity of this application is that it makes an expert decision on your loans, depending on the individual circumstances of the user. Here you will also find recommendations for saving money. For you, free online ranking of your credit history is available, as well as a detailed explanation of the valuation changes.
The program will kindly prepare for you the forecast for short-term or long-term use of the loan. See the recommendations for repair your credit. Be always aware of the status of your credit bills with the application.

Unfortunately, it is often a case when the credit contains some fraudulent elements and the bank is not the side that carries losses in this case. There are lots of complicated and confusing points in the credit agreements which contain a bunch of financial terms that a regular person just isn’t capable to understand.
Well, in such countries as the USA the load is a mandatory element of financial life and you can’t escape it. However, it also can happen pretty often that a contractee finds some infringements of the contract only after it is already signed and some sun has already been repaid.
We all know that the lawsuit, in this case, can take years and take tons of your nerves so in most cases people don’t even try. Well, that’s how it was before this app. It is your legal assistant in terms of loan repair. It will help you to make the revalidation of your repayment plan, freeze and unfreeze your credit.
You can just type your problem in the search bar and view the cases which were similar to yours. There are already more than 25000 cases in total. If you haven’t found what you were looking for, you can always order service of the help of a professional lawyer.

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Lexington Law
It’s no secret that most people are financially uneducated. The loan might be an essential part of our lives today however, taking loans without any control is packed for heavy consequences. Never lose track of the repayment of your loan, plan your budget, and raise your credit score.
Following all your expenses and loan repayments is also important in the sense that you can track where are the weakest places in your budget and where is that hole where all the money sinks into. Lexington Law is a great tool that will help you to take control of the repayment of all your loans along with many other useful functions.
Just put all the data about your expenses into the app and then it will start to prepare the statistics for you. Don’t forget the details – put all the information about the loans that you have, the monthly payment and the interest rate. Why is this needed? Lexington Law app will analyze if the repayment of your loan is 100% legal.
You will be surprised, but according to the statistics, over 10 million inaccurate, unfair, or unsubstantiated negative items from credit reports in 2017 were removed from the loan obligations of the users of this app. On average our clients see 10.2 negative items or 24% of their presenting negatives, removed within the first 4 months of service.
In other words, Lexington Law will get your back financially and juridically. Even if you already have a loan, you can always but the data about it into this app and it will analyze how you possibly can improve the situation and save your money.