As long as we live in the world of many different currencies and we travel a lot, we need to have a brief grasp of what amount of money we need in another country. We can travel there for a week, or for a few hours, in case of transit flight.
In all cases, we may need some cash in a currency suitable for each particular country. And in case, if we do not know well the rate we may exchange less money we need and get stuck in the city wandering searching for the exchange office or bank.
Here we have collected the list of currency converter apps covering most world currencies. Some of them are available for iOS, some for Android.
Travel without exceeding your financial limits with the help of these best apps to save money for vacation.

The second app on our list is a very special one for her various features. It is called currency but with listed features on its name: exchange rates, travel accountings, and tags.
From the first look, we may think that its ordinary currency calculator with most existed currencies rates. Choose any currency and see how much of your country money you would need with you to take on a trip.
Choose multiple languages calculator to check a few currencies in case you will travel to not just one country.
The second main feature of the app is a travel expense tracker. You can add each expense and tag it. They will be categorized under tags like food, transportation, accommodation, entertainment. Use an ‘accounting for a travel’ feature and see the whole report.
Monitor your spendings daily. A currency converter will help you to see how much money you have already spent and how much does each item costs in your country’s currency. This way you can avoid exorbitant prices sticking to your traveling budget.

The app is available only for Android users but also it gained great popularity and high rating. Worth trying, especially it offers some of the features for free.

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Currency Converter Plus Live

Currency Converter Plus is yet another great and simple currency app. It s available for Android and iOS as well. It is trusted by millions of people that have installed it onto different devices and keep using them constantly.
They obviously have found out acceptable and comfortable. The rate of this app proves it.
The app provides the latest currencies rate and calculator. But the calculator of this app is more advanced as we can imagine because it lets us add many countries’ currencies in one calculation.
Choosing the starting currency the app will display the amount of money for different countries. Its called multiple currency conversion and it’s a very useful tool.
Being advanced the app supports not just currencies but metals and bitcoin. We can’t imagine the market now without those last two.

For better analysis, Converter has stats section with each currency trends for the last periods of time which you can choose by yourself. Such graphics may help you to proceed with exchange faster or postpone it for a better time.

My Currency Converter & Rates

Completely free app with some adds popping up will be a great help for any traveler on its way in another country or countries if not one border was crossed. It is available for iPhone devices only. Handy and useful it doesn’t require any tutorial.
Anyone with or without any finance degree can grasp the idea of how to use the app in no time. Just choose the currency you want to convert your money and see the precise digit.
It is claimed that My Currency Converter supports 150 different currencies. Moreover, it offers Bitcoin rates, Litecoin, Dogecoin.
All rates are updated automatically if you have an internet connection. For either use, there is a switch button to change currencies. The app displays three decimal figures for more precise calculations.

For those, who are interested in rate fluctuations and latest trends there is a section with diagrams showing how currency rate was moving for the last year, month or day.

Easy Currency Converter

Easy Currency Converter is really the easiest app yet the most popular. It has been downloaded for more than 10 million times. It offers currency rates for 200 countries and cryptocurrencies as well.
All data is relevant but requires an internet connection for the latest updates. In case if you are offline, the latest saved rate will be shown.
The app supports the Personal list feature, where users can add a few currencies to monitor rates. The app also has a search bar that simplifies the process.
Sometimes it can be difficult to scroll the whole bunch of currencies that also look a bit confusing. Adding currencies onto your list is never been so easy. Simply tap the star in front of the currency name.
Thankfully the app offers stats graphics for each currency or cryptocurrencies since 2011, so users can see trends during different periods of time.

The app is available only for Android devices.

Currency Foreign Exchange Rate

Currency Foreign Exchange Rate is a simple calculator for currencies and precious metals.
The app weights a few and will not occupy any significant space but at the same time it will be a save-situation tool. Luckily the app is available for Android and iOS. It also covers 170 world currencies, Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver.
The app has something different from other apps. It lets the user modify the rate to calculate and convert correctly according to particular bank rates. Saving rates being online lets users to have an access to all rates offline.

However the app is available for free, it offers in-app purchases.

Unit Converter

Unit Converter is a unique application that offers conversation for different units including currency, weight, length, temperature, time, etc. There are a lot of different features offered by this app.
As long as different countries have different systems for example temperature can be reflected in celsius or Fahrenheit.
But the most important feature that we are looking for is currency exchange and calculation. This app is great even in this financial sector. It will display all kinds of currency rates. There are more than 150 world currencies with constant updates.
Usually, the app updates rate once a day when the app is being launched. The design and interface of the app is very attractive. Especially if to look at currencies that go with countries’ flags.

The app works fast however it doesn’t consume much traffic.

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iMoney – Currency Converter

iMoney is yet another advance app to see currencies and their rates. The app offers a fast and easy way to get all the required information you need.
The easiest way to get the latest rate for the currency you need to exchange. Either you want to travel or to have money from other countries. This app is right for you. It’s available for iOS devices.
Having a great design and comprehensive interface, the app offers the list of most world currencies with an easy way to find each you need. Definitely the app supports the list of favorite currencies marked with the star. It means you can choose up to 5 currencies and the will be in the separate list for faster access.

The app displays not only the official rate but bank buying and selling prices, as we know, are different. The rate chart shows fluctuations in each currency rate. The app supports offline mode with the latest saved currencies rates.

Currency Converter · Rates

This service will save you from having to go to the bank to get information about the status of a particular currency. This service allows you to find out the current exchange rate of any currency you are looking for.
Daily updates guarantee accurate information about the market. The advantage of this service is its offline mode. It allows you to watch the state of currencies even without connecting to the network.
You can save a widget of the currency you need on the main screen of your device for your convenience. It will be updated as automatically as in the app itself.
Analyze the rise and fall of currency prices for a certain period of time with the help of clear charts. If you want to keep track of more than one currency at a time, you can select them from the list and add them to the priority list of the app.

You will also have access to the calculator function which allows you to convert the desired amount of money from one currency to another.

Currency Converter by OANDA Corporation

With this app, you will always stay informed about the current state of the market and currencies of different countries. A list of all currencies and their current value is provided for users of the service.
You can select one or more currencies to track the exchange rate changes in dynamics. Also, users of the app get access to the conditions and features of the exchange, sale, or purchase of certain currencies.
To see the rate and value of currencies established by banks, you can select the necessary settings directly in the program.

The service allows you to see not only the actual currencies of the countries but also outdated market data. This allows you to track its dynamics over any period of time.

Currency Converter by Julien MILLAU

This service will be most useful for you if you are constantly studying the foreign exchange market and transferring money to accounts abroad.
Here you will be able to see up-to-date data on the value of a single currency unit established in any of 130 countries around the world. The latest updates allow you to receive accurate and up-to-date data in a short period of time.
Thanks to the offline mode you will be able to watch the exchange rate and even convert money without access to the Internet provider. Also, information about the cryptocurrency and its current value as of today will be available to you.
The service provides a simple and clear interface, which is easy to use to make conversions and view data about the currency market.

For your convenience, you can also create an impromptu list and add to it the currencies you want to receive daily data about.

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Xe Currency & Money Transfers

This app will provide you with safe transactions with your money abroad without loss of interest on commission. In it, you will be able to create and activate your individual account for each currency unit quickly and without extra documents.
You will always be aware of the current market situation and the value of each foreign currency. View information about completed operations on your account and see where and at what stage your money transfers are.
For your convenience, the program comes with a calculator that allows you to see and know how much you are sending in your chosen currency unit. Data about the market and the value of money is constantly updated, which allows you to see the situation at the current moment in time.
If your transactions become recurring, you can add recurring users to your priority list for a quick transaction.

To analyze your spending and income, you can examine the data in figures and charts. They will visualize the changes in the market over a period of time you choose.