Dating apps help you find your love, but we are gathered here to learn how to use them to increase the number of followers in your Instagram profile. They are a great source of new followers who are sure to be interested in your content.
Choose one or try all of the best dating apps from our list to get Insta followers and go through this free guide to get the most outstanding results.
Try more ways to increase the number of your audience with these free Instagram followers apps.
How to increase the number of subscribers on Instagram with dating apps?
The number of users of dating apps is growing every day, but not all of them know how to get extra benefits from such services. If you use the apps from our review wisely, you can highly increase the number of subscribers in your Instagram profile in a short period of time.
First of all, start by linking your dating app profile to your Instagram. That way, if someone is interested in your profile, that person will want to see more of your photos and will thus go to your Instagram. Such a person can instantly become your subscriber.
Then go through the profiles of others and see if they have a link to their Instagram. If there is, it means the person is interested in mutual following. Take advantage of that and follow people you are interested in.
If you have started a conversation with another person from your dating app, encourage her or him to follow you on Instagram and share the link to your profile.
All these ways are proven and really work. It’s worth noting that subscribers from the reviewed apps are active, which leads to an increase in reach and promotion of the profile on Instagram. Now we can go through the best dating apps to get Insta followers.

Boo is an awesome dating app. It has paid content that increases users’ capabilities through extra features. Popular and easy to use, with a pleasant design.
A distinctive feature of the app is that it allows you to increase the number of followers on Instagram. All you need to do is to become an active user. You can also provide a link to your Instagram in your profile.
Your profile, as well as the profiles of other participants, will be checked. This allows you to be sure that a real person is communicating with you.
Users have the opportunity to get acquainted and make friends who will be similar to their character, as well as match their personality type. To do this, it is recommended to take a test, as well as to publish your messages in the corresponding community.
Users of the app have no territorial and language boundaries for communication. You will be able to communicate with people who share your views and who live in other countries.

If you do not speak a foreign language, this problem is easily solved with the help of a high-quality translator. Being able to make friends, meet love, or arrange a date is not all that the app can really do.

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Tagged is a popular dating app. It is free for users and comes with a user-friendly interface and great design.
Due to a large number of users, you have all chances to find new subscribers for your Instagram profile and the right people to communicate or create a relationship with. Everything depends only on your inner spirit and activity.
You can communicate with people in your region and on the other side of the world. You can make sure that there are no barriers to friendship and communication.
If you have an Instagram account and are interested in increasing the number of followers – the app will be a great helper. All you need to do is provide a link to your profile in a special section.

Your profile data are personal, location is provided to other users only with your consent. This allows them not to worry about safety, self-define their circle of contact, and avoid unnecessary acquaintances.


Hily is a free dating app. There is also a paid subscription with extra features. Great interface, convenience, and ease of use make the process of communication in the app comfortable.
First of all, you need to create a profile. To ensure the safety of your users, all profiles are verified. Update your profile with photos and information about yourself to attract potential contacts.
If you’re not ready for a relationship but want to increase your Instagram followers, become a user of the app. Your new friends and acquaintances, as well as those people you are interested in, can become not only interlocutors but also your subscribers.
Besides the usual possibility of communication, the app provides an extra way – video calls. They will allow you to get to know each other better. In this case, by the way, the compatibility test, which you can pass with your potential partner, will also help.

The support team of the program is open for a dialogue with the user. You can send them suggestions, ask them questions, or share your opinions about the app.


Badoo is one of the most popular dating apps, with a great interface and built-in chat.
Using the app is easy. You create your profile and go through a verification process. This step is mandatory and allows you to guarantee the authenticity of your data.
This means that the data of other users is also true, you do not have to worry about that. The more personal details you put in your profile, the better your chances are of finding the right people to get in touch with or find love with.
You can chat, send a standard message, or set up a video call. A huge user audience allows you to achieve the goals you set for yourself by downloading the app.
However, organizing dating is not all that the app is capable of. Its user audience is your potential Instagram followers.

Considering the number of active members – more than 450 million people, you can surely change the number of your followers significantly. Everything depends on you here – be active and original. But most importantly, be sincere and true to yourself.

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Zoosk can be used for free or you can subscribe to it for extra features and privileges. It comes with nice interface, and a good user base. It’s easy to use.
You need to go through the registration process. Be prepared for the fact that they will check your phone number.
If you place your photo on the avatar, you will also receive a confirmation procedure. But it allows you to be sure that the person you are talking to or your potential partner is the one in your profile.
The app makes it possible for people of all sexual orientations to find a mate. There may be other purposes for using the app – communication, casual relations, and friendship. You can also choose the method of communication – correspondence, online dating, or a real meeting.
Use the platform to increase the number of followers on Instagram. For example, include a link to Instagram in your profile or direct communication with a new contact on Instagram.

There are plenty of ways you can use it, you just need to make a choice.


The great interface of this app makes it indispensable for organizing partner search and building of harmonious relationships.
A distinctive feature of the app is an opportunity to increase the number of followers on Instagram. The number of participants of the program is more than 5 million people, and each of them is your potential subscriber.
To start using the app, you need to go through the registration procedure and create a profile. Because the platform is focused on dating to build a long-term, serious relationship, you will be offered a test at the stage of profile creation.
Answers to questions and profile data are necessary for the automatic search for a suitable couple. After you complete the test, you will be presented with a list of potential partners. All you need to do is to choose the most interesting one and start exchanging messages or inviting you to a video date.

Keep in mind, the list is constantly updated with new users, which increases your chances to increase the number of followers on Instagram.

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Tinder is an app that allows you to find a couple and increase your Instagram followers. The great interface and ease of use make the search process enjoyable and fun.
You can sign up and start chatting for free. Becoming a member of the app is also worthwhile for those who want to increase the number of followers on Instagram.
A “Like” from another conversation partner can easily become a subscription to your Instagram account.
There are 2 types of paid subscriptions that significantly increase your ability to find a match. This comes at the expense of connecting extra options. For example, unlimited likes or a “rewind” that allows you to give a second chance to someone who has already been ignored or rejected by you.
You will be able to communicate with people in your region and around the world. The “people near you” option allows you to see those who are ready for a relationship and are near you.
The process of creating a couple in the app is as follows. You “Like” the person you prefer and if he or she reciprocates, the pair is created. Further developments depend only on you two, the app has fulfilled its function – it made your virtual meeting possible.

Download the program and evaluate its features and advantages for yourself.