Everyone has drunk alcohol for once in his or her life and usually it ends with shame and embarrassment. In order to avoid some awkward situations as ex’s calls we use drunk mode apps.
And to break down the hazardous habits and build new ones we offer to check the article about the habit tracker apps.
Drunk Locker
Firstly, with the help of the app one cannot use his phone to the full. Drunk Locker has the opportunity to block some apps that are undesirable while users are having a rest at a party.
Secondly, users cannot open none of the apps that have been locked while drunk because they have to take a test with some questions that people are not able to answer in a drunken state.
Moreover, users are able to select a particular day and even hour to block prohibited apps. There will be blocked not only calls but also every dangerous app for drunk person. For instance, social media and messengers so that he cannot text or call anybody.
What does the person need to do?
- Select the day when he will be at a party
- Select the time when he will be drunk
- Select the type of questions he needs to answer to unblock the apps
- Select the apps that he needs to be blocked

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Drunk Dial NO! Block Mistakes!
This app allows users to freeze some contacts at the right time so that they may be saved from foolish things. An interesting fact that people can block all the contacts that the phone has.
Contacts will stay blocked up to forty-eight hours. The useful feature is that not only users cannot call but also their close people will not be able to reach out to them.
Drunk Dial No! also has notes so that users may write down a table of contents that they do not have to do today. Moreover, the app is easy to use with simple interface. However, Drunk Dial is chargeable.

Bacco – Drunk Mode
Bacco – Drunk Mode helps users to avoid undesirable calls and texts while drunk. Users are able to block some social media and its notifications that can lead to the awkward situations such as Whatsapp, Facebook, and Telegram.
The most useful feature of the app is that even if users are eager to text someone, they will fail. Instead of the text, a drunk person will see beautiful stars. Furthermore, users have to pass the test that is complex for those who are not sober.
If they answer improperly, Bacco will block the app for four hours, so users don’t need to be concerned about accidental text or call. The app has the function to select the period of drunk mode so that users can choose the most convenient time for them.

AppBlock – Stay Focused
The app is a useful program that allows users to block undesirable apps for some time. AppBlock helps them to freeze not only apps but also the accounts of the social media and messengers depending on the phone’s location.
Moreover, the app is able to block the usage of the phone by connecting to the particular Wi-Fi. App’s users can set a timer that gives an access and then disappears. With the help of the function, they are able to freeze apps for some time.
The app stays untapped while the timer is set, so that no one even the owner of the phone wii not have an access to the phone.

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Focus To-do
This app permits users exactly to organize their life and learn about time management; however, they are able to use Focus To-do in its capacity as the app in drunk mode. Focus To-do provides for useful features.
For instance, a preset timer is displayed on the lock screen that allows users to monitor how much time is left. Moreover, Focus To-do can be a helper in the education, so that students may not get distracted by notifications from social media, and they will plunge into their study completely.
Using the app in the drunk mode, users have a possibility to freeze undesirable apps and social media while drunk in order to avoid awkward situations.

SocialX – Limit App Usage and Screen time tracker
SocialX is an app that has many useful features. First, the app is able to restrict usage of the phone. SocialX sets a timer that stays turned on at the particular day and time. It allows users not to worry about the consequences after party.
The app restricts the usage of some apps but at the same time gives success to some of them. It is convenient when people are eager to post amazing photos and videos from parties.
The advantage of SocialX is an availability of sleep tracker that controls time and duration of sleep. Moreover, there is social media tracker, which helps users to pay attention to the real life.

Lock me out: App Blocker
Lock me out is the app that is intended for restrictions of the communication while drunk. Blocking some apps is the main feature of the app.
The main distinction of Lock me out is that users are able to freeze apps either for a particular time, or completely restrict them from using their phone. Therefore, customers develop a habit to use the phone less.
Lock me out: App Blocker has the function of blocking apps and social media in certain places so that customers can use the phone comfortably and do not think about the fact that they forgot to block apps.
In contrast to the above-mentioned apps, Lock me out allows users to make emergency calls in extreme situations. Moreover, the app is a tracker of usage of apps and social media that shows the duration of finding in apps and social media.

Block Apps – Productivity and Digital Wellbeing
In order to feel safe and secure, with the help of the app users can set a timer for apps or social media. However, they cannot disable the application limiter.
Impossibility to disable the blocking limiter is not very convenient but it helps users not to make stupid things. As other apps, Block apps – Productivity has many useful features.
For instant, availability of social media tracker that shows the duration of its usage. Period of the analysis up to two years. With the help of the function, users are able to monitor improvements or deteriorations.
Moreover, when one is eager to open blocked app while drunk, the app explains that there is a timer for undesirable apps.
To my mind, the design of Block Apps is the most comfortable for usage because it is simple and at the same time contemporary.

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Drunk Mode Keyboard
The app prevents users from sending undesirable messages while drunk. All that they need to do is turn drunk mode on and select a timer for drunk mode to stay enabled.
When it is not in drunk mode, there are many amazing features that also useful. For instance, customers can set photo, video or desirable background.
Moreover, they are able to put texts on their photos and draw some pictures right from the keyboard. There are also swipe features; for instance, users can swipe to the right to delete a word and many more of them in the app.
The design of the keyboard can be chosen by the owner of the phone. The design is simple and contemporary that allows users to use the app comfortably.