Most messengers store their users’ correspondence on public servers. This eliminates any security of the personal data you can pass to your interlocutor. Yet, there are services that encrypt the data you receive.
These best encrypted messaging apps for Android & iOS are not inferior in their functionality to popular messengers. Moreover, they use strong encryption methods that will keep your data 100% secure.
For all of those who don’t want to share their personal information, we recommend using these anonymous chat apps that don’t require phone number.

A convenient messenger for maximum protection of confidential information. With Confide you can discuss any questions without the risk of important data leakage.
Advanced encryption system securely hides messages, calls, and attached files from prying eyes. Chat with your friends, colleagues, or clients. Send any files safely in a group chat.
Use the disappearing messages feature so you don’t have to worry unnecessarily. The whole conversation and forwarded files are available only for participants.
Send photos, pictures, and screenshots. Attach documents of different formats and sizes. Share voice messages. More than a million users have entrusted their private and business correspondence to the Confide app.
The app is easy to use every day. It’s packed with the most essential and useful features. The end-to-end encryption system gives you a sense of security and helps you have a private conversation.
Disappearing messages are automatically deleted after they go to viewed status. Read and drag your finger along the lines of a message. This way you prevent increased interest from others.

You can even hide your identity by activating Incognito mode. Any message you send can be deleted without a trace. If you have any difficulties with Confide, you can always contact support for help.

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To make sure your personal data is protected, use the private messenger Cipchat. It has all the necessary functions and allows you to keep any important information secret.
Communicate in private and group chats without restrictions. You don’t have to go through a routine registration and enter your personal data here. Just start a new dialog and invite your chat partners.
Create chats, attach documents and images, and send voice messages. All work is protected with encryption. Only participants will know the essence of the conversation.
Keep your anonymity for as long as you use the messenger. Your data is not stored in the central storage: it is in the app’s memory on your electronic device. Cipchat is characterized by high speed and uninterrupted operation.
To start working on the app, you just need to create a new account. To do this, you will need to enter a your number and verify it. Invite other people into a conversation.

Users can use it to find you for chatting. Create a new chat, and invite friends, acquaintances, and colleagues with their public keys. Enjoy quality and unlimited communication with Cipchat.

NetSfere Secure Messaging

Let your company run securely and quickly. NetSfere Secure Messaging can help you optimize your corporate communications.
This mobile app is a dream come true for any business executive. Now, sent messages will be securely protected with advanced technology.
No need to worry about intruders: 256-bit encryption lets you send and receive mobile messages risk-free.
All data exchanged by users does not go to a central server. They are saved only in the memory of the app on the phone. Now you are not afraid of hackers and information leakage.
Exchange messages via this messenger are really simple. The main advantages of NetSfere are a high level of protection and excellent connection speed.
The level of security has been tested repeatedly and meets the requirements of GDPR, Dodd-Frank, and FINRA. Not only can you send encrypted messages but also make audio/video calls.

If you want, you can create an internal chat room, which will provide quick communication between employees of the company. Communicating and staying in touch has become even easier with NetSfere. Experience a new level of messengers and make your business more productive.

Skred Messenger

Scred messenger allows you to receive and send mobile messages without having to routinely register and provide personal information. Use it for personal and work purposes.
There is no limit to the number and volume of messages. Maximum simplicity will make it your favorite.
After installing the program, all you have to do is invite your conversation partner into the chat room and start a conversation. Forget about account confirmation via phone number or email. You won’t even have to enter a minimum of personal information.
The app works for free and doesn’t require a SIM card. Skred supports all types of messages: text, voice, and high-quality video calls. Send documents, images, and entire videos. Stay in touch with your friends and colleagues.
Except for you and your interlocutor, no one has access to the information presented. Each message goes through an encryption procedure and cannot be used by third parties. If you delete a message from your screen, it will automatically disappear from the conversation.

Have the conversation on your own terms from the very beginning. Create new conversations in unlimited quantity. For your convenience, there is a collective chat. Stay in touch at any time of the day and use Skred with pleasure.


For secure communication, use the Session app. With all the options of a modern messenger, it allows you to remain anonymous and increase the level of reliability.
It is not tied to the main server and does not collect the personal data of users. All the information in your messages is protected from falling into the wrong hands by end-to-end encryption.
This means that only two specified users have access to the conversation and the data it contains. All you have to do to access the messenger is specify your login and a unique password.
To make communication even more practical, you don’t have to enter your phone and email address. No one can use the information without your knowledge.
Every app goes through a complex encryption and routing process, and thus it’s simply untraceable. There will be no mention of your identity, name, or IP address anywhere.
Session developers offer you complete anonymity with no financial investment. Use this app to negotiate with customers and suppliers, and discuss any topic with your friends and relatives.

Rest assured that your every word is protected in several ways. Commercials won’t distract from important conversations. Share private photos, send voicemails, and enjoy secure communications.


Element is a private messenger at your service. Have group conversations and make video calls under strong end-to-end encryption protection.
Don’t worry if your IM could fall into the wrong hands. All your activity is just under your control.
It’s convenient to use when conducting online activities. It’s perfect for bloggers, journalists, and freelancers. Messages reach the recipient quickly, and video calls have HD quality.
Modern messenger offers a full range of all kinds of functions, including the transfer of large files and voice recordings. Hold on its basis full-fledged conferences, discussions, and business meetings.
All users are guaranteed complete privacy and anonymity. The app does not request access to personal files and does not require entry of a phone number or email address.
Created conversations are not connected to a single server. They function on the basis of Matrix and have no limitation in quantity. You won’t have to be distracted by spam calls and tedious ads.
The app functions as a standalone unit but works well with other programs on a similar basis. Your interlocutor can take part in a conversation even without downloading Element to your phone.

Your conversation history is synchronized on all electronic devices you will use. Expand your capabilities and get next-generation security information.

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What could be more pleasant than a conversation without constant censorship? With the KeeperChat app, it is possible today. Maximum opportunities for comfortable communication, a high level of protection, and ease of use.
It needs less than 48 MB of memory on your device. The app works around the clock and with different types of communication.
You can use it to send images and photos, important documents, and text files. Safely share data such as your bank card pin code, insurance policy number, and passport information.
This program protects the interests of the user from all sides. It is extremely simple and easy to use on a daily basis. Set a timer so that the sent message automatically disappears from all participants of the conversation. Take care of your well-being in advance.
Limit the circle of people who will have access to the chat as much as possible. Use the text blur effect: now no one can look at your phone in the crowd or on public transport.
KeeperChat will help to quickly and painlessly correct the situation if the email was sent to another addressee or has already lost relevance. Sync your electronic devices and access your conversations anywhere. Continue your dialogue from where you left off last time.

The app acts as a personalized archive for your information. Log in to the app is protected by biometric identification and two-factor authentication.


If you want to protect your personal data from intruders on the Internet, the Dust app is a great solution. Ideal for anyone who wants to go unnoticed.
Conduct business negotiations without disclosing nuances, and solve family and private problems in a narrow circle.
The app allows you to forget about the possibility of information leakage and set yourself up for pleasant and productive communication.
To erase any of your messages just touch the screen. The selected message will disappear without a trace not only from your phone but also from the recipient’s screen. The app is universal and suitable for business people and ordinary users.
All messages sent through Dust will be deleted without your intervention. That is, after 24 hours, there will be no evidence that this message was sent at all. You can speed up this process and use the delete option immediately after reading.
The app contains no archive or storage, so all information simply dissolves into thin air after viewing. Dust makes it easy to invite other participants into the conversation. No one but you and your conversation partner have direct access to the chat room.

No names will be called in the chat and no phone numbers will be duplicated. Your privacy will remain inviolate with the Dust system.


There’s nothing easier than chatting online on any topic without fear or risk. With SafeSwiss’ unique messenger, you’ll discover the many options you need, keeping your privacy effortless.
All chats use the end-to-end encryption method. You can now invite other participants to private and group chats without giving any personal information.
Only you have the right to define the circle of people who can access this conversation. You can create both private and group chats. This option is widely demanded by entrepreneurs and business executives.
Every message and the attached file is encrypted. This reduces the probability of information leakage to a minimum. Take advantage of the impressive SafeSwiss features for free today.
Every new user creates a separate identifier. All work and messaging are done without the involvement of cloud services or central platforms. There is no way to trace who sent the message. Call, write, and send the necessary information with a high level of secrecy.

You will always be able to remove unnecessary information not only on your phone but also in the dialog of the interlocutor. Do not leave cheaters a single chance – do business with SafeSwiss. For maximum protection, use pin-code entry and biometric identity confirmation.


The Wire app has all the qualities of an ideal messenger. It allows you to stay in touch with family and friends, and communicate without restrictions.
Excellent communication quality and a high degree of protection from unauthorized persons. More than a million users have already appreciated this app.
Download the program for free, recommend it to your friends, and enjoy a seamless conversation. Messenger supports all types of communication: audio calls, video calls, file exchanges, and voice messages.
It’s easy and safe to talk. It is based on end-to-end encryption technology, which makes you feel protected. Don’t worry about possible data leakage: all sensitive information will remain only in your possession.
The wire is universal: install it on your phone or tablet. Have business conversations or gossip with your girlfriends. Create group chats with up to 128 participants. Group chats are essential for students and business people who can’t attend a meeting in person.

Only you and your conversation partner have access to what’s happening in the chat. The app doesn’t require any personal information and keeps your privacy throughout the whole dialogue. Other users can find you in the program by the name you use when you create your account.

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Enigma Messenger

The Enigma app is built for user comfort and safety. It deservedly gets a lot of positive feedback from members, and there are more users every day.
The app allows you to set up your work in a way that is convenient for you. Create group chats, invite friends and colleagues, and make excellent quality calls.
By installing the app, you get a secure way to share important and confidential information. The end-to-end encryption system works so that every message arrives to the recipient intact, but remains secret to everyone else.
To keep you out of the loop, Enigma lets you log in to the same account from multiple devices. You can travel, be on public transportation, or study. Specify up to 6 devices to help you continue your conversation from the right place.
Security first: messages are encrypted on the main server. The keys needed to read the messages are stored on the users’ devices. They are available only to you, so even the Enigma developers cannot use them.

Rest assured that everything said stays only between you. Let yourself not be in control of every word or action: have a conversation at your own pleasure.