Ludo is a strategy board game with a random element for 2-4 players. There are also adaptations for 6 and 8 players. This game comes from Spain. Ludo takes its origins from an older Indian game of pachisi.
The ultimate aim is to finish all 4 tokens before anyone else. This is a board game that is now available on all smartphones.
In this review, we have collected the best ludo game apps that will help you to have an interesting time.
Spend cheerful weekends with your friends online using these best multiplayer games with voice chat.
Ludo Neo-Classic: King of the Dice Game

This version of the fascinating board game called “Ludo” is designed for a team of up to 4 people.
You can play like four or three, two, or even alone. On the start panel, you can choose how many players will take part in the game.
The most interesting and intense gameplay, of course, when playing the game for four.
If you can not gather your friends, then just turn off the extra virtual players or replace them with artificial intelligence.
Optimal: count how many of you are on the list and replace the other players with artificial intelligence.
Yes, friends, you can play with the Internet, instructing it to think for all four players. But, if you turn on the electronic mind for four players, no one else can play.
But, such settings are convenient to use for initial familiarization with the game and its rules.
Watching the gameplay, which is entirely conducted by the electronic brain, you quickly understand the rules and learn to play.
So, what is it, Ludo? Four players are located at the corners of the square gaming table. In the corner of each player is a “base” (castle) of his 4 chips.
The challenge is to move all four of his chips to the “stable”. This is the central part of the playing field, marked with arrows by the color of each player.
So put your four chips on the arrow of your color faster than the others and you will be the winner.

By the way, after determining the champion, the game can be continued to find the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.

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Ludo Game: Ludo Star Game

Ludo is a very interesting board game, which can be played by two to four people at a time.
Its popularity probably owes its simplicity of rules and interesting plot.
This virtual game has a special playing field, a playing cube with numbers from 1 to 6, and sixteen game chips in four colors.
Before the game, each of the participants takes four chips of the same color and puts them on their base.
The game starts and the players roll the die one by one and then make a move.
Depending on the numbers on the die and the combination of chips on the field, the player can do one of the following actions.
If the number 6 falls on the die and the starting cell is not occupied by another chip of that color, the player can place one of his chips on the starting cell.
If any number from one to six falls on the die and there are already chips on the field, the player may make a move with any of them.
In this case, the player can only move to an empty cell or a cell occupied by an opponent’s chip. In this case, the opponent’s chip is removed from the playing track and placed on the base again.
The chips walk in a clockwise direction. After each chip has made a move it must be brought into the house. The winner is the one who will be the first to bring all his chips into the house.
In the fall of the six, the player gets the prize move rights.

That’s all the rules of this strategy with the element of chance. There are many computer versions of this entertaining game.

Ludo All Star – Play Online Ludo Game & Board Games

This is a multiplayer online board game. An interesting version of the standard and familiar to all games Ludo.
It is really fun: you can fight with opponents on the Internet or friends at the same table. It’s your choice.
The game goal in this game is to achieve their chips in the central area of the map.
Players take turns rolling dice and travel through the zigzags of the field, bumping into various obstacles.
After a few moves, you can include new chips in the path, and then choose which of the chips to walk.
You can play against strangers online or with friends in a private room. And you can also play against a virtual opponent, and even put automatic moves.

It turns out that you will play while doing their jobs, looking who wins there.

Ludo Club – Fun Dice Game

This is the game that is one of the most popular board games among the huge number of smartphone owners.
Since the game is known all over the world, it has quite a few fans.
This is one of the few board games on which the competition is held, and the winner gets an impressive amount.
In this game, you find three-dimensional graphics, rules, levels of complexity, and pleasant music.
As in many board games, where each player takes turns. To determine how many cells to rearrange the chips, use a cube.
Roll the dice, dropped a two, for example, move the selected chip on two cells forward. There are many nuances in the Ludo rules.
To release the chips from the base, you must throw a six on the die. This is a green light for any of the chips, standing on the base (in the castle).
Only six points on the dice and nothing else can take the chip out of the castle. Second point. On the playing field, as the chips move around to the stables, they are vulnerable.
They can be “attacked” by other players’ chips. If any other chip is placed in the cell of the playing field where your chip is standing, then yours, alas, goes back to the castle (to the base).
But, there are places where the chips are invulnerable.
Among the safe places for the chips is worth noting both the base itself and the first cells near the bases. When the six falls out and you take the trick out of the base, the first thing it takes is this first call.
It is painted with the color of the base. So, all these colored cells are safe for all chips, regardless of their color.

Invulnerable is also the cells with asterisks, and all cells of the colored tracks to the “arrow-stables”.

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Ludo: The Dice Game

This is a more serious game than the others.
You have a political map of the world, and your task is to destroy rivals and capture all the countries on our planet.
The share of chance in the game is also present. But to win, you need to develop your strategy and respond quickly to events.
In this version, you will not think about it and spend extra time.
All actions are performed automatically, you only need to specify who to attack and where to defend the territory. The game has strict rules of permutations account.
Any chip can move forward only on the number of cells, which fell on the cube. This rule is especially relevant when placing a chip on the stables.
It often happens that you have to wait for one or two moves on the dice. This helps to move the last chip to the finish line.
The six on the cube, let us remind you, can be either the key that releases the chip from the base. In this case, it is placed on the cage next to the base. Or it can be used to move any of its chips 6 cells forward.
Repeated moves are possible: on a roll-out on a cube of a six, on an attack by an enemy piece (extra move is given to the player whose piece attacked the other one). Also when finishing one of its chips.

But, the description of the game is too cumbersome, in practice, it is much easier. Try it yourself and learn quickly. This game is really fascinating.

Ludo King

With the Ludo King mobile app, the analog game of dice is taken to a new level. Colorful graphics, an interesting storyline, and a great mood are guaranteed.
The app allows you to play several people at a time. It is also supported on electronic devices with Desktop and Windows.
Choose your opponent or fight with the computer in offline mode. Multiplayer mode supports 2 to 6 players at a time. Fight here and now or choose walkthrough mode. Chat with friends and other users in a convenient voice chat right in the app.
All your achievements are saved after a break in the game. The royal game is simple enough and requires no props. Roll the dice, move the chips, and become a winner.

For fans of classic board games, the game Snakes and Ladders is available. Try your luck and spend time in pleasant company.

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Ludo SuperStar

Ludo Superstar gives you the opportunity to become a dice king. This game is several decades old, but it is still popular among players of all ages. But now you can use your phone instead of a dice board.
Invite your friends and family members to join the game. The largest number of players is 4 people. You can play alone: in that case, your opponent will be artificial intelligence.
Ludo Superstar differs from the classic version with advanced options and convenient gameplay. You will play by the rules that have gained great popularity all over the world.

The wooden playing field evokes nostalgia and creates a cozy atmosphere. Thanks to simple rules and excitement, Ludo Superstar has been downloaded by over 100 million users.