The rapid development of mobile technology has led to the fact that smartphones and tablets are also used as information kiosks. Mobile kiosks have several significant advantages over standard terminals: they are cheaper because of their compact size and mass production, and they also have wider functionality.
And if you want to find more good movies in HD quality – you can explore this article and find the apps that will allow you to do that.
You can use Video Kiosk, for example, as electronic menus in restaurants, guides for sales assistants, to showcase the range in clothing stores or car dealerships. In this case, the use of the device for non-working purposes is excluded.

If you have questions or problems when using the Video Kiosk application, you can always contact the support service. The reply from the support services always comes fast so you don’t have to worry.
The principle of operation in the application is simple and intuitive. The very first step to get started is to create a folder [/ sdcard / Video Kiosk or / sdcard / Movies / Video Kiosk]. Then place your media files in a folder. Ready! Now you can use the app.
Moreover, Video Kiosk contains many additional useful functions such as secure access control, various kinds of functions that are available for remote control. Another one argument in support of Video Kiosk is that the user can choose a full screen or split screen designed for digital signage with widgets.

If you have interrupted playback for any reason, then Video Kiosk has a special function for such situations. The app will automatically resume playback.
As for the program interface, it is simple and intuitive to use and does not require any specific skills to use. Upload all files to the folder in the Video Kiosk folder and the application will play the contents of the folder in a loop unattended.
For those who want to watch movies for free from their smartphone, we recommend exploring the article about the best free movie streaming apps.
The Video Kiosk application will help you create different types of kiosks. Additional features with secure protection and remote control make your device a real kiosk.