Having a pet is a big responsibility that few people realize and understand. If you get a dog, you need to understand that this animal requires increased attention. These animals are so intelligent that you can teach them anything. They lend themselves especially well to tracing.
These best dog training apps for Android & iOS will help you do just that. Judging by the many positive reviews, users of these services have already been able to teach their pets new commands.
Improve your dog training experience and achieve better results with these free dog-repellent sound apps.

Puppr is an app for training dogs at home. With a free trial period and paid subscription. With video tutorials, you can teach your pet a variety of tricks. From simple ones like “sit” to complex ones.
Users have the opportunity to view more than 80 lessons from famous trainers. The lessons are detailed and enough for you to train your pet yourself. You will also be able to get recommendations on the care and nutrition of dogs.
One of the advantages of the app is the availability of a chat room. Users can use the support of experts around the clock – to get information and practical advice on the training process and more.

You will be explained the course of action when the dog has just appeared in the house, how to deal with behavioral problems, help deal with tricks, and much more.

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Dogo is an app that allows you to train your pet with and without the use of various items using guides.
The app allows you to contact popular trainers and get helpful tips from them. They will help in teaching your pet the different tricks you want to perform.
Exercise is possible with special features added by the developer for convenience.
That is if you do not have a dog whistle, in that case, a clicker that makes a sound similar to a whistle, which guides the dog to training, will be useful. Besides, it is heard only during training, which makes it impossible for the user to accidentally confuse the pet.
If your pet has poor hearing, it is possible to use a flashlight as an alternative. The “Good Examples” section will describe the training process and provide a video that demonstrates how to do the exercise. This way, people training their pets will not be confused.
When a person thinks that their dog is doing well in training, a stage of advancement in the development of the pet’s abilities becomes available. This episode is about the passing of an exam by professional trainers from the app itself.

By attaching a video of how an exercise is performed, all that remains is to wait for the answer to find out how well or poorly it turned out.

Doggy Time

Doggy Time is a puppy care and training app. With the arrival of a pet in the house, family life changes significantly. New responsibilities appear and the daily routine changes.
The app will help streamline these processes. Multifunctional and interesting, with an excellent interface.
It does not require registration. A quality tool with the ability to work offline. An excellent assistant in the difficult business of training and caring for your dog.
The app allows you to keep track of all the necessary and important information about your pet. The reminder system will help you not to miss the next visit to the vet for vaccinations or other necessary medical procedures.
Users can set up a daily reminder system for walks and feedings and weekly activities. It’s easy to track the process and progress in training and potty training your puppy. And with a walk and sleep monitoring, you’ll make sure your dog’s activity level is appropriate for his or her age and health.

Let the app do the organizing and supervising. This will allow you more time for family and interaction with your puppy.


GoodPup is an app for training puppies and adult dogs at home. It is of high quality and easy to use. Paid for users, with a free trial period of 7 days of use.
A distinctive feature of the app is the way it teaches. Users will be able to receive pet training lessons via video link.
You get the training material from the best trainers, which guarantees high-quality results if you follow all the recommendations.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with the quality of training in the first month, you will get a refund. Training takes place with your assigned trainer, on a daily basis. In addition to video lessons, certain goals are set and achieved, as well as answers to questions that arise in the process of training.
Your puppy will be taught to his or her litter box and place. The pet will also learn to perform standard commands such as “sit”, “come to me”, “lie down” and others.

If there are problems with your pet’s behavior, they will help you correct them. A good tool for training your pet that is worth using.


Hundeo is an app for training puppies and adult dogs. Developed with input from professionals, which means high quality and effective lessons. With an excellent interface and feature set.
For the convenience of users, there is the ability to work offline. It is necessary to create a profile for your pet. In it, you will be able to track the dynamics of training, set goals and receive user trophies.
The training process takes place on a daily basis with video tutorials and other materials. The library has more than 300 materials on tricks, as well as games and other tips. It’s hard to believe, but in fact, even five minutes a day will be enough for certain achievements.

Users also get daily personalized recommendations on how to care for and train their pet, tailored to their breed. If you’re planning to become a dog handler, the app will help you prepare for the job.


GoDog is a home dog grooming and training app. Multifunctional, with a great interface. Free for users, but there is paid content.
The app will help organize and control the training process without the involvement of a dog handler. The proposed materials were developed with the support of experts, so you can be confident in their effectiveness.
Users will be able to teach the pet standard commands. Information on common mistakes in the training process will help you avoid them.
You also get access to materials on correcting unwanted behavior and encouragement techniques to merge the results. A separate section of the app is dedicated to your dog’s health and care. In addition to background information and practical tips, there are calendars of visits and a reminder system.
It’s easy to keep track of mandatory activities like vaccinations or medications. Regular visits to the groomer keep your four-legged friend looking his or her best at all times.

The app will also help you figure out the best walking schedule for your dog’s age and breed. And there are many other useful features to help you care for your dog properly and regularly.

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Woofz is a popular dog training app. Convenient and easy to use. Appeared relatively recently, and was developed with the needs of users of similar platforms in mind.
The app can become your reliable assistant in the education of your four-legged friend. If you do not have time or the opportunity to visit a cynologist, organize training for your dog at home.
Video and audio lessons that are in the app will help you with this. You will be able to teach your pet different commands and correct its behavior. A calendar of events will help in planning your visits to the vet and more.
The reminder function will help you not to forget about them and arrive on time. Reference and practical literature will support you in organizing the right care for your pet. This applies to walks and other important points.

The proposed tricks will allow not only be helpful but also fun to spend time together and get a lot of positive emotions. These and other features are available to users of the app. Download it and see for yourself.


Hoofzy is an app that allows you to organize puppy or adult dog training at home. Free for users, with paid content.
The training system is given in the form of video tutorials. This allows you to better absorb the information and avoid mistakes in the training process.
Pay attention to the learning process should be at least fifteen minutes. This should be done daily or several times a week. This small amount of training time will be enough for your dog to master several tricks and behaviors in a month.
What distinguishes this app from similar ones is the individual approach to the training system, its consistency, regularity, and diversity.
Importantly, you’ll be offered several types of training for each of your dog’s tricks or behaviors. This will make the training process as comfortable as possible for your pet and increase the efficiency of the class.

Training also takes place in the form of games. An impressive library in the app will allow you to find answers to your questions about the training process, the motives of the pet’s behavior, and other important points.


Pawsitive is a free app for self-training dogs. Suitable for training puppies and adult animals. A distinctive feature of the app is a positive attitude to the training process, with elements of humor and irony.
Step-by-step instructions and lots of funny illustrations will make the training process effective and comfortable. All you need is a clicker and some treats to encourage and motivate your pet.
If you do not have a clicker – the app has such a function and can replace it. The user only needs to activate it and choose the sound.
The training system is built from simple, like “sit”, to more complex. That is, it will be interesting both for beginners and for owners of dogs who already have certain skills.
Besides methods and tricks of training, users have access to information about nutrition for dogs. The section is important because your dog’s health and activity depend a lot on the organization of nutrition.

For your convenience, the information is listed, and for each of the products, there is a reference about how safe or not it is for the dog, and why. And there’s lots more helpful information that is constantly being added to and worth reading.

My Pup

My Pup is an app for organizing dog grooming and training. It’s handy and interesting. With a cute interface.
Users have access to training materials for puppies and adult dogs. They address not only the training process but also general information on caring for an animal. The information is provided by experts, so it is trustworthy.
Step-by-step videos make the training process as accessible as possible and help avoid mistakes. The system of lessons is lined up by degree of difficulty.
A block of games offered by the app will allow your pet’s abilities to manifest and develop his or her brain. Your puppy will be able to acquire new skills. You will have a fun and rewarding time and strengthen your bond with your dog.

There are materials on nutrition. The health of your four-legged friend depends on its organization and quality. There’s interesting content on how to prepare for a puppy’s birth, and what to be guided by when choosing a name.

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Pupford is an app for do-it-yourself dog training at home. Convenient and high quality, with a good interface. It meets the stated functions.
Users will get free access to the original thirty-day training course, which was developed by Zach George. He is a professional trainer, one of the best.
In addition to this course, the app contains ten other full courses by other trainers. Choose the one you need, tailored to your situation and your dog’s needs.
Your pet’s progress will be easy to track if you regularly mark the days of training and skill acquisition on your calendar. A training video on correcting unwanted behavior will help with specific problems you encounter. For example, barking, muzzle walking, or potty training.

A total of 75 problematic situations are presented, with descriptions and ways to overcome them. There is also a section on products for dogs. There is a good assortment of treats to encourage training, leashes, and other excellent products.