Doing chores around the house requires every member of the family to be involved in the process. Creating a cleaning schedule, grocery shopping, repairing household supplies, and much more can be a matter of a couple of minutes if you assign these chores correctly.
These free household chore apps for Android & iOS can help, so let’s take a look at their features.
Trust Tody to schedule your household chores. Let your friends and acquaintances marvel at the orderliness of your home.
This app will create an up-to-date household plan based on your requirements and wishes. Specify what goal you want to achieve, and how much time per day you are ready to devote to cleaning, cooking, and laundry.
Select the days on which certain work needs to be done. To prepare a schedule for a week or a month, choose the appropriate items from the prepared list or enter them manually.
The unusual interface of the app attracts attention. All ready-to-do things will be marked with a different color. This will help you understand how much time and effort it took to achieve the desired result. It will also increase your motivation and give you energy for other chores.

Think of a regular chore as a competition in which every member of the family can emerge victorious. Tody does not add to the stress and anxiety of doing household chores. There are no exact deadlines or piling up of chores. Treat cleaning like a game so that daily chores are a real pleasure.

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Organizing your time with Chap is easy and convenient. You no longer need to spend your own time to create an up-to-date schedule.
This program automatically assigns responsibilities in a family, study group, or other organized team. Connect everyone involved in the process to the app, whether it’s housekeeping or working on a project. Assigned tasks can vary in number, importance, and time of completion.
You can set a task once or duplicate it over a long period of time. Stay in touch and don’t forget important things. Receive notifications about innovations and changes in the ready schedule. Now you are notified in advance and the upcoming work will not be an unpleasant surprise for you.
Both managers and regular employees can use Chap. In the analytics section, the administrator can always get comprehensive information about how much time it took an employee to complete an assignment. Here you can find out if there was any overdue time and the overall efficiency of each team member.
Subordinates will receive tasks in a convenient format. Here you can mark the degree of readiness and the time required to complete the project.

This app is also useful for keeping the house clean. Share the to-do list with your family members so that everyone is aware of their responsibilities for the near future. Switch freely between several locations: home, office, etc. Keep all important information in one place.

FamilyWall easily replaces the usual whiteboard with a daily to-do list. The app is ideal for families, colleagues, and students.
In this program, you can quickly and efficiently create a suitable schedule, and make to-do lists for each member separately according to abilities and desires. The whole process will be in plain sight: each user can see at any time at what stage a project is underway.
In a family circle, you can distribute homework for a day, a week, or a whole month without offense or bias. You don’t need to draw charts on a slate board and have plenty of post-its available.
The free family calendar will help you use your time management skills in real life. You can always cancel an appointment or add another item. Keep family members and your coworkers informed of what’s going on. If you’re worried about being late for a doctor’s appointment or job interview, use the notification feature.
Share your shopping list with other FamilyWall members with a single tap. You don’t need the Internet to access your inventory. If you’re concerned about your children’s safety, turn on FamilyWall Geolocator.

Furthermore, as soon as your child reaches their destination, you’ll receive an instant notification. Indispensable in everyday life, FamilyWall is free and unlimited.

Sweepy will become your electronic assistant for housework. Use your household planning skills to speed up your workflow and get more time to relax. This electronic calendar features a simple interface and high accuracy.
Mark when it is your turn to clean the floors or dishes in the house. Let your household always be aware in advance of what they have to do today. Spreading out the chores allows each family member to get involved and get regular chores done much faster.
Make an up-to-date schedule for one day, an entire week, or a month. Mark off tasks that are completed just in time. Delegate tasks to other family members so you don’t have to spend all your free time cleaning.
Mark individual tasks on the app: mop the floors, vacuum, and clean the windows. Note the frequency with which you need to perform these actions. Allow your household to choose their own chores or randomize them.
Highlight items that require immediate action. This will help you avoid putting off important tasks until the last minute.

With Sweepy, you’ll quickly achieve a balance between cleaning and other household tasks. You’re sure to have a few free evenings for family members.

The Nipto app offers a creative and unusual approach to housecleaning. Make routine cleaning a full-fledged competition with a winner and a grand prize. Increase the motivation of every member of the family.
Now all the work in the house will be done on time without constant reminders. Add your partner, children, and parents. It does not matter how many people live together with you. At the beginning of each week, work out a schedule of tasks and get approval from each member.
Participants will be awarded points for completing each item within the specified time frame. At the end of the week, tally the points and find out who was the best worker of the week. Congratulate him/her on such an important milestone and give him/her a prize.
After summarizing the results, all the counters are reset and you prepare for the new stage of the home competition. In this way, you will establish communication within the family and put the house in order without much effort.

This is a great option for young couples and families with children. Set a common or personal goal. Find out how many points other players have to date. Don’t forget important appointments and errands.

Make ordinary housecleaning a fun activity. With the Housy app, you don’t need a cleaning service, because you can easily handle all the tasks yourself or with the help of family members. Now you can keep a complete schedule of your home’s condition.
Find out when you last cleaned the windows in the living room, and when you need to have the carpets washed. You will no longer forget about important tasks, and your home will shine clean at all times.
This tracker allows you to intelligently distribute household chores among all family members. Have time to take your favorite activity for yourself. Distribute all work by day of the week so you don’t have to spend the whole weekend cleaning.
Mark important chores with a different color to draw the attention of the housemates to them. Highlight tasks that have already been completed. Check how quickly your mentees have completed the work. Create a schedule once and repeat it an unlimited number of times.

Earn points in this unusual competition. Choose the best worker of the week to congratulate him or her. Review your to-do list and distribute them to other participants. Housy is completely free and contains no ads.

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OurHome offers a new approach to housework. Optimize your daily cleaning and see the results in just one week. Forget about exhausting housework that takes up all your weekends.
With this app, you’ll get closer to your goal of keeping your home clean every day without too much effort. Create a shopping list and send it to your husband or kids.
Enter groceries and other items with a single tap. Receive notifications when one of your participants has completed their task. Find out in advance what you need to do today.
This app is suitable for everyone: young couples, families with children, and seniors. Take part in a useful competition that will help make cleaning a real challenge.
You will have access to the profile of each participant. Check what stage your child is at, and whether your husband has bought everything you need for dinner. This is a great opportunity to optimize your home routine without fatigue.

Already in a few weeks, you will not have to remind yourself about uncompleted tasks. Without labor and lectures, accustom the children to cleanliness and order. Distribute tasks among all family members to increase the motivation of each of them. Feel like a team with OurHome.

OurFlat is an app for time management at home. Allow everyone in the family to stay on top of household problems and financial situations. Make a to-do list for the day, week, or month. Repeat the lessons in cycles, year after year. Don’t worry about forgetting the laundry date for the curtains.
All the information is saved in the app automatically and is available to use over and over again. Use reminders to let the kids know about upcoming cleaning.
Chat directly with your household to discuss a difficult issue. The app will help to set homework in the right direction in a young family, large families, or large teams.
The shopping list is compiled in minutes. It can be copied and sent to any user. Besides, popular items will be automatically suggested for inclusion in the list. After visiting the store, you can specify the amount spent to be able to properly plan your budget.

In the “Task History” section you can familiarize yourself with the completed tasks and the time spent on their execution. The ball system will become an interesting competition within the family, where each participant regardless of age can get a prize for diligence.

Spare yourself from the constant planning of your family’s life. Use the Flatify app and save time for more enjoyable activities. If you are not satisfied with the routines of cleaning and dividing the finances, use the electronic schedule.
Here you can easily create a plan for ongoing or general cleaning. You won’t have to mark on your calendar when you need to clean your silverware or take your carpets to the dry cleaner. Divide household chores among all family members to free up weekends for shared leisure time.
Your shopping list will always be up to date. Even at the last minute, you can add 1 more item. You can also set up a notification system so you don’t forget the birthday of any of your loved ones. Use point accrual to determine the most active participant.
For the convenience of users, there is an internal chat room. It allows you to conduct dialogs and discussions, delegate tasks and conduct surveys. Even if you live in a dormitory or rented apartment, don’t miss a single detail in planning your cleaning and budget.

Flatify developers offer you light and dark modes. Clean up completed to-do’s, and make new relevant items. Communicate with your family directly in a convenient chat.

S’moresUp will help instill a work ethic in your children from an early age. Share household chores with your kids, have a fair competition, and reveal the winner every week. Your personal example and an unusual app will inspire the young generation.
This system for optimizing household chores really works. You need to create a schedule once to set it to repeat automatically. The same goes for shopping lists.
Each task completed on time allows you to earn a certain number of points. At the end of the week, all you have to do is tally up the results. This is a great motivation to keep children interested in cleanliness and order. You can use already prepared points or write your own.
S’moresUp allows you to record your shopping expenses, thus allowing you to identify weak points in the family budget. To properly plan money for the month, it is necessary to take into account even the smallest expenses. This financial model will teach children to distribute their budgets rationally.

Caring parents can always get advice or ask questions. The app provides a safe environment for you and your children. More than 100 thousand families have been using S’moresUp for a long time and recommend it to their friends.

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House Chores Cleaning Schedule by Home Tasker
Home Tasker is a smart schedule for your home. Schedule an important meeting, or doctor’s appointment in advance. Make cleaning a pleasant and effortless task.
This is a great way to plan and check if the tasks are ready. Now you can clean, cook and do laundry in a good mood and at your own pleasure.
Customize the app to fit your needs. Determine the pace and amount of work for each day, depending on your work schedule and children’s activities. If the task requires a quick solution, just mark this item on your list. After a while, you will be surprised at how neat your house looks.

After synchronization, you can sign in to your account from any device. Make the most of every day. Experience the laws of time management in action. The app takes 18.18 MB and does not require payment.