Systematization and visibility always help to better remember information and understand what you have, what you don’t have, and what you need. In these matters, a certain group of apps, called Vision Board Apps, turns out to be very useful. Hurry up to explore free vision board apps and websites!
And to create bright and inspiring pictures for your vision board, you might want to use a poster maker app.
Vision Board and Affirmations
This app was created to help people visualize their desires. In it, you can not only create a board that demonstrates all the necessary information but also use a huge number of functions that will help you do it right.
Among the many functions of Vision Board and Affirmations there are those that stand out from the rest, namely:
- Ability to create a specific schedule with your own goals
- Setting deadlines and time periods for achieving goals
- The built-in list of motivational statements in the app
- The ability to customize the color and appearance of your board at will, as well as much more
Moreover, Vision Board and Affirmations allow you to set up daily reminders with content that you can take from the app itself, as well as write yourself. In addition, you can also secure your board with a PIN code.
Also, you may have not just a board with a list of goals or desires, but also a full-fledged project with illustrations, various information, etc., the design of which will be handled by you personally.

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Google Keep
This app is a kind of planner with a huge number of additional functions. Here you can take notes of important thoughts, create lists with the necessary information, enter organizational points, etc. for clarity of the further action plan.
In Google Keep, you can not only create an ordinary note but also design your board with plans and goals, as well as add images and documents in all formats. Moreover, here you can also mark the most necessary information for a quick search if necessary.
Some more Google Keep features:
- Ability to make notes in all formats (print, illustration, documentary, and even voice)
- Setting reminders and daily notifications about your goals and plans
- Synchronization of the necessary information between your devices, as well as much more
For this app to work, you will need to allow access to your microphone, camera, contacts, and location – all this is strictly at your request. These permissions will allow you to take full advantage of all the features of Google Keep.
Among other things, you can also use the data exchange function, that is, share saved information, documents, or illustrations with your contacts. Also, you can also use Google Keep as a planner, that is, plan an event and organize it in this app.

Dreamer: Vision Board Maker
In this app, you have the opportunity to finally start living by your own rules. Moreover, here you can set goals for yourself, fix them on your board, and then achieve them. Your desires can come true as soon as you can write them out on the board and understand what is needed to implement them.
Several reasons why you might need this app:
- You want to change your way of thinking and start living by your own rules
- You cannot structure and systematize your goals and desires, and you cannot admit to yourself that you have some of them
- Ready to discover new habits
- You want to finally prioritize
Among the advantages of this app is also the fact that thanks to its tools you will be able to find motivation and maintain it throughout the day. Also, you will be able to understand what is really important to you and what is of no value.
Using this app is extremely simple: you write your goal and break it down into small sub-items in order to achieve this goal gradually – then it will not seem unattainable.
Next, if you start to lose concentration, go back to your written points. Use the collection of affirmations and motivational phrases from Dreamer for positive thinking.

Vision Board, Visualize dreams
This app gives users the opportunity to make a choice and find themselves. The format of the visual board helps to clearly and demonstratively identify your goals and objects of desire, which will later help you understand what is important, what priorities need to be set, and so on.
This app also presents a huge number of different affirmations, statements for positive thinking, as well as motivational quotes and phrases.
They exist to lift the spirit, as well as to realize that positive thinking and visualization of your goals are the true keys to a happy life.
These functions also have a certain set of settings, thanks to which you can actually customize the app for yourself (creating different collections, changing the background voice recording, changing the appearance of your board, and much more).
The Vision Board has an unlimited number of goals that you can create. Moreover, you can work on them and visualize them with pleasant music in the background, which you can also choose yourself.
This is a kind of meditation that allows you to make decisions regarding your goals, not only by scrolling them in your head but also by seeing them on the screen of your mobile device.

Visuapp Vision Board
This app is a real fusion of ancient knowledge and practices with innovative technologies and modern technological capabilities. Visuapp offers to create your own board on which you can paint your goals.
Moreover, this app is multifunctional, so many meditations, affirmations, and practices will be available to you.
In this app, you can master practices such as goal board, wish meditation, and motivational practices. Visuapp helps you focus on important things and discard everything that pulls you down.
Visuapp functions are based on positive psychology. Some of the tools of this science are fundamental to the successful achievement of your goals:
- Writing a gratitude diary (here you remember what you already have and what you have already achieved, thanking the universe for it and visualizing these achievements)
- Grouping goals into categories (this will help structure different goals so that they are easier to visualize and achieve)
- Dream map (this is the formulation of your dream and the schedule of the route that will lead to its fulfillment)
Visuapp also offers you to take advantage of the function of tracking your progress: you will be able to see what you have already achieved, and what you have yet to reach.

This is a specialized website for generating your digital vision boards and printing them out. If you would like to have a unique vision board with your goals and plans not only digitally, but also live – this website is exactly for you.
You only need to complete three steps to get your dream vision board:
First, clearly formulate your goals, and then go to the huge UDreamr catalog, which presents templates of vision boards, and choose the one that suits you. you can also make your project from scratch and create your own design.
Secondly, then go to the settings of the vision board and design it: upload images, make inscriptions, insert titles, and so on. You can also enter the main ideas for your project there so that you can then continue them on the paper format of your vision board or on the site itself.
The final step is that you can order a printed version of your vision board with home delivery. It will be a high-quality printed poster that can be used as a functioning vision board. Your project is saved in digital format on Udreamr.

Higher Self Vision Board
This app is interesting because it is not only extremely multifunctional, but also suitable for people engaged in completely different activities: those who focus on romantic relationships, entrepreneurs, students, and so on.
For entrepreneurs, keeping a whiteboard in this app is useful because here you can deal with organizational issues, paint a plan in detail and illustrate it if necessary. Moreover, you can also configure the notification function here, which will help you not forget important work moments.
For people focusing on romantic relationships, this app is necessary, because it allows you to describe all the negative and positive aspects, correlate them and make the relationship better. Moreover, here you can plan and organize dates and surprises.
For students, the Higher Self Vision Board will be interesting as a tool for organizing the educational process: planning an important task, the possibility of organizing financial activities, and so on.
Try to write down your thoughts and organize them: understand how much time you spend on unnecessary reflections and what is really worth focusing on. All this can be done using the vision board in Higher Self Vision Board.

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This is a website whose main function is to create, edit and design vision boards with different thematic elements. This is an extremely multifunctional site where you can make individual impressive projects in the format of a vision board. will help you create all kinds of vision board format projects: flyers for events, invitations, greeting cards, menus and price lists, presentations, covers, banners for companies and events, and much more.
This site contains a huge number of templates for all kinds of thematic vision boards. Also, you can create such a project from scratch, with your own template. also suggests that you consider ready-made vision boards as examples. Among them, there are instances from each category of templates.
Moreover, this site has a great variety of tools for the design of your project: starting with all kinds of fonts and ending with illustrations that you can add to your vision board.
This is a website for creating a vision board. Here you can leave your notes, take notes, formulate goals, and so on. This website is also presented in the format of a mobile app.
On this website, you can schedule goals and use all the built-in tools from both a computer and a mobile device.
One of the main advantages of this site is the fact that it contains a huge number of tools for the design of your vision board. You can make it colorful by adding bright colors or highlighting the most important information with a text separator.
Also, you can upload illustrations and use images from the storage of this website to make your project even more visual.
All you have to do is sign up for, and then the system of hints and instructions will demonstrate how to start making your own vision board.

Corkulous Standard
This is a fairly multifunctional app in which you can visualize your goals and make them visual for yourself. Here you will be offered a variety of tools to create your own vision board with all the functions that follow.
Try to create a guide for your own goals and ways to achieve them using the vision board: you can write down your thoughts here, mark the most important aspects, make labels and notes, add illustrations, draw diagrams, and much more.
Moreover, you can share the information stored on your vision board with your loved ones, as well as with contacts from your mobile device. In addition, in Corkulous Standard, you can use several vision boards at once, dividing them, for example, by the spheres of your life: financial, romantic, educational, and so on.
Corkulous Standard also has a reminder function that will not let you forget about your goals and plans for the coming day. Here you can make a clear plan of action and motivate yourself to achieve your goals.
You can also use this app as a planner of important tasks, as well as a notebook for organizing important events and workflows.

Vision Board- Manifest dreams by Visualisation
This is an app with special software that will become your glider, a tool for generating goals, as well as an assistant on the right path to self-determination. These are all your notebooks and paper schedules/tables in the app format on your mobile device.
Using the Vision Board functions, you will be able to set and realize global goals, divide them into sub-items, and think through a plan to achieve them. Moreover, here you will be able to engage not only in the usual visualization of your desires in your head but also in a demonstrative and visual format.
Formulate your goal, write it on the vision board, then divide it into smaller items. Next, think about how you will achieve these goals gradually, and then set yourself a time frame and a decisive day when everything should be done.
That’s all you have to do. In addition, you can also design your vision board individually by uploading images and applying different elements by type of markings, flags, text selections, and much more.

MyGoals: Set Vision Board, Gratitude Journal
This app is a kind of gratitude diary in which you can competently describe your life, as well as learn to be grateful for what you already have. Here you can also set goals, visualize desires and improve your daily affirmations.
In My Goals, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of goals you set for yourself: it can be from the sphere of financial or family well-being, health, beauty, and so on. Here you can also set deadlines for achieving goals to reduce the possibility of postponing them.
In this app there is also a certain set of positive statements – this is a list of quotes or statements of famous people or philosophers which help you to think about your life and look at it through a different prism. You can also take these motivational statements as a basis for your new life principles.
Moreover, the vision board in the MyGoals app operates on the well-known principle of attraction: you set yourself a goal and visualize it and the route to it, thereby letting the universe understand what you need.
Also, here you can connect a pleasant musical accompaniment when you work on goals and monitor your progress.

Visbo: Dreams Vision Boards
This is an app for correcting your consciousness for the better. Here you can create your own digital vision board, as well as take advantage of a great many additional features and options of Visbo.
The great advantage of this app is that it is suitable for both personal and professional use. Here you can review your life, prioritize and replenish your collection of affirmations.
Also, you can deal with working moments in Visbo: paint an action plan, work out the organization of events, and so on.
For the vision board in the Visio app, such functions are available as textual highlighting of the most important information, making headlines, classifying goals, desires, and plans, adding soundtracks to each vision board, using affirmations, and much more.
The main tools of Visio are manifestations, affirmations, and positive psychology. This means that you will no longer need to be nervous, thinking over all the goals and plans in your head – you just need to paint them on the board and visually examine them.

Mood, Dream & Vision Board
This app is a kind of guide to the world of positive psychology, affirmations, prioritization, and so on. It has long been known that the keys to success are systematization, organization, and planning of your goals and ways to achieve them.
Mood, Dream & Vision Board is an extremely multifunctional app. Among its main features are:
- The ability to create an unlimited number of vision boards
- A collection of all kinds of affirmations and motivational statements
- Creating your own gratitude journal (this will teach you to respect what you already have and what you have achieved)
- Settings for daily reminders (notifications reminding you of your goals, as well as motivational statements), as well as much more
Moreover, here you can find like-minded people: Mood, Dream & Vision Board has a special chat where you can chat with other users, and exchange tips, motivations, and goals.
Also, there is a voice control function in this app. You can keep your digital diary, and record goals and plans simply by saying the necessary information into the microphone.
Moreover, you can share your vision boards with other users and get positive reactions (likes, comments), and also post them yourself.

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Perfectly Happy Vision Board, Affirmation, Journal
This is a digital journal of your happiness. Here you can learn to live in harmony and tranquility. This is facilitated by the various tools of this app. It is multifunctional and contains the real keys to success.
Perfectly Happy Vision Board, Affirmation, Journal allows you to create not one vision board, but as many as you need. They can be divided into every area of your life – health, beauty, work, study, romantic relationships, and so on.
This app is based on the oldest visualization practice. Her secret is quite simple: all you need is to surround yourself with images that embody your true desires and goals.
Next, you write them on the vision board and visually examine them. This will help to give a clear understanding of what you have, what you don’t have, and what is required.
You can also use the group of positive statements built into the app and take them as the basis of your new principles of life.
Moreover, you can write your own. Also, in this, app there is a function that allows you to transfer notifications and widgets to the home screen of your mobile device to always remember what you need to strive for.