We are eager to spend time playing exciting games, but what about the games that will challenge our geography knowledge? From earlier childhood, we have been learning about the areas of our planet, which we already know more than anyone else.
We were to investigate the foundation of geography, and now we have the opportunity to challenge ourselves whether we know the cities, the location of the countries, and their flags or not. Therefore, there will be the best geo challenge apps for us to challenge our geography knowledge in the article.
In addition to this one, check out the article about the best guess the country games.
GeoChallenge – Flags Quiz + Maps, Capitals
The app proposes to us a lot of various quiz games to challenge our geography knowledge. First of all, we are to choose the whole world or a particular continent, then the challenges appear. There are different game modes:
- The users have five lives and unlimited questions; every wrong answer picks up one life. We are to play to our heart’s content.
- Three modes of quizzes: long, short, or standard corresponding to the level questions.
- The mode «Sudden Death». It is similar to the first mode, but with only one life
With the help of the mentioned app, we challenge our knowledge of flags, capitals, and the map of the countries. Furthermore, a list of the countries with their flags and capitals is presented in the app out of the game. The players are to investigate and remember it.
Hence, GeoChallenge can be used for educational purposes. The additional advantage of the app is the presence of unique challenges in which the level is harder than in the ordinary challenges. For instance, the quiz «Similar flags».
There are more than 250 countries and over 500 regions for the challenge, but we have the opportunity to unlock more than 25 regional quizzes, including the British, states of Germany, France, Italy, the United States of America, Canadian provinces, and many more.

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Geo Challenge Classic
Firstly, it is an interesting app due to its design; it reminds the users of a kid’s game because of the vivid and multicolored buttons. The main advantage of the app is the fact that it is suitable for everyone: adults and kids. Its graphics and relaxing music will help us fill up our free time profitably.
There are several rounds in the game quiz:
- The first is to guess the flag. We are to point to the right banner of the mentioned country. It is a piece of cake from the very beginning; however, the levels come to be harder and harder.
- The second is to guess the border. We are given the image of a country’s border; our task is to figure out which country has the same location. Again, it’s easy from the beginning, but hard in the end.
- The third is to find the city. This round is more difficult, to my mind, because we are to point out the exact location of the indicated city. Nevertheless, this round brings to us more points than the previous two.
- The app presents to us the country’s image in which the city is located; we should poke the right spot on the map.
- Last but not least fins the landmark. It is similar to the previous round but more sophisticated; we have to figure out the signatures on the map and point out its exact location.
Geo Challenge Classic is a worthwhile pastime to good use. We discover more about geography in a game form, which is more interesting than the schoolbooks.

Geo Challenge – World Geograph
The graphics and animation play an important role in the app, the users are interested in the passage of the educational game. Many people want to challenge their geography knowledge, and this app provides the opportunity to do it.
It includes four mini-quizzes in four sections: well-known landmarks, maps of the country, and its flags, and the location of cities. Each of them lasts sixty seconds; it will not take much time. We are to challenge our friends if we hint at our own scores and put them in our account on Google Play.
Four mini-games:
- The first is to match the flag with the name of the mentioned country. It helps us to learn more flags if we don’t know some of them
- The second is to guess the country by its border. Three various countries are presented there, however, we are to choose only the right one from the list.
- The third is to point out the right place for the introduced city. There are one hundred and fifty-two different cities to research.
- The fourth is to guess the location of the mentioned landmark. The users have to put it in the right area of the map. There are more than one hundred and seven famous landmarks in the app.
After every right answer, we can watch motivational words and our scores for the round. To my mind, exactly this app wins because of its animation and design.

The app distinguishes itself from the previous apps; Backpacker is a situational game where your goal is to save money in order to continue traveling around the world.
We have to pass different missions and answer various geography questions. The questions are not simple as they were in the previous apps; there we have long questions with four variants of answers.
It is like Sims where you have money, a level, places where you can go, and other options. Moreover, we are to collect things like passports, job diplomas, and tokens from each city where we can go.
At the end of the day, the users should find some sleeping place for their character: they can splurge in a hotel or sleep in the streets.
If the users don’t have the opportunity to visit another country or move to another city, they can make dreams come true. There are more than fifty cities to visit.
The creators really went all out in the animation and design of the app. It is very vibrant and striking.
To play in the game is a pleasure and an excellent pastime. Backpacker has an educational purpose, but it is a more exciting entertainment.

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World Quiz: Learn Geography
We are able to investigate the geography of our planet with the help of the app. Here we can find a lot of various games and quizzes in order to improve or brush up on our geo knowledge.
Firstly, there are four game types: ABCD quiz, compare, write a quiz, and write race. Each of them contains many different subgroups.
ABCD quiz allows the players to choose the difficulty of the questions and because of it the system will select appropriate questions for them to answer. Compare game is connected with a comparison of two or more subjects. For instance, Does Italy have a higher population than the USA?
The write quiz is aimed to guess the flag of the country or the name of the city by writing it down. There can be four options from which can be selected only one.
The last game is written race. The game allows the players to contest with their friends whether the users know more than their friends.
World Quiz is useful for everyone because it helps to brush on up all that we have forgotten. It includes very simple but at the same time modern design.

Geo Touch: Learn Geography
This app is more educational than entertaining. If the users are eager to know the geography of the world inside and out, they need to download the app and have fun.
Geo Touch provides exciting graphical images of the whole world. In the free version, you are to investigate just the shape and location of each of the USA states along with its landmarks. But in order to access Asia, Europe, and Africa we need to buy a subscription.
However, there is a discount for school buyers; they are to use a full version of Geo touch without any additional purchases.
The graphics and animation are well worked out, all details are included, and we are free to point out any spot on the map.
The main challenge of the app for the users is to learn and put all the knowledge into their memory. Geo Touch is suitable for adults more than for kids.

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Where is that?
To my mind, the app is like an addition to the geography book because we are first to learn all the information, and then remember it with the help of quizzes.
The main advantage is that we are free to challenge our friends in online leagues. There are several quiz types:
- Quiz. We need to choose one right answer from four proposed options
- Map. Here we are free to point out the exact location of the subject on the map. The main thing here is concentration.
- Pin. Here we need to select the right spot from the suggested pins on the map.
- An exciting design of the world map
- Offline work
- Everything in the app is available in 11 languages (Russian, Korean, French, Italian, English, German, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese)
- Different categories of countries, capitals, federal states, state capitals, cities, and cultures.