11 Best Interval Timer Apps for Android & iOS


Why would you want to get a separate timer and stopwatch app? After all, all modern smartphones have these features pre-installed. The reasons can be different – maybe you need a special sports timer with ready intervals or you use your timer so often that you want something really special that has extended functionality. No … Read more

12 Best Torrent Apps for Android & iOS


Tired of every kind of media is getting payable? Want to have a chance to get media files at your smartphone just in a few clicks? Would you like to have offline access to everything you downloaded? The apps listed down below will help you to get any kind of media on your phone fast … Read more

13 Best Workout Timer Apps for Android & iOS

High-intensity interval training, including Tabata (20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest), as well as circuit training (mixing different types of workouts), is extremely good at improving both aerobic and anaerobic health. Such efficient types of training, however, require observing time, which can be a bit problematic… without the right app! Try more ways … Read more

12 Best Apps to Sell Your Books


It’s not been quite a long time since paper books were dominating over digital ones. That’s why many among us have tons of dusty books that they are willing to get rid of. Indeed, it would bring more space to our houses. Luckily, with our modern possibilities, we can sell everything in just a few … Read more

12 Best Apps to Sell Video Games


Almost everyone for sure loved playing video games in childhood. We played it together with friends, alone and made a lot of memories out of it. Now, that kids have grown and video games seem to lose their positions on popularity, many of the latter are left on the shells in our houses in the … Read more

10 Best iPhone Thermometer Apps

A thermometer is a device for measuring temperature. It can be air temperature, water temperature, body temperature, etc. Thermometers can be very different. The modern market of laboratory equipment is so big that it is not always easy to figure out what’s best for you. Luckily, today our smartphones can also measure temperature, so in … Read more