13 Free medical terminology apps for Android & iOS

[wpsm_box type=”dashed_border” float=”none” text_align=”left”] To date, the development of mobile applications has affected virtually all areas of human life, medicine has not become an exception. Thanks to smartphones, we can say that our health is literally in our Thanks to smartphones, we can say that our health is literally in our hands since many applications … Read more

9 Cool Games like Sword Art Online


Anime Sword Art Online tells about the adventures of heroes in the virtual reality world with Full Immersion – the technology of replacing real sensations with computer ones. If you are a fan of Sword Art Online, then you have repeatedly asked yourself: “I wonder if there is still something similar?” This is a great … Read more

21 Games like Episode for Android & iOS

[wpsm_box type=”info” float=”none” text_align=”left”] Episode – Choose Your Story is an application – a simulator of life in various incredible situations. How many times, watching a movie, or reading some fascinating story, you wanted to visit the place of the main character, survive his adventures. Or, listening to a story about a friend, the phrase … Read more

Top 12 Apps To Watch Disney Channel


The company Walt Disney is known all over the world as a producer of animated and motion pictures. She also owns a network of cable channels, television, and radio stations, amusement parks. Disney Channel is an amusement channel, dedicating television programs for children and family viewing, based on original series. By the way, there is … Read more

18 Best Sound Machine Apps for Android & iOS


Scientists have been shown that a certain spectrum of sounds positively affects the nervous system, soothing it. The most natural are the sounds of nature, the singing of birds, the murmur of a creek, the waving of leaves and grass. In the age of digital technology, enough programs were developed – imitators of natural sounds … Read more

10 Best stop motion apps for Android & iOS

10 Best stop motion apps for Android & iOS

Stop-motion videos always look very impressive. The good thing is that today everyone is able to make such videos. It only takes the right app and a little bit of patience. Unfortunately, patience is a bit hard to share with someone but the best stop-motion apps are absolutely shareable. Choose one of them from the … Read more

7 Cool apps like Shazam for Android & iOS

[wpsm_box type=”blue” float=”none” text_align=”left”] Recognition of music is perhaps the most popular identification technology used on mobile devices. Although in this category it is feasible to single out 1-2 top-end applications and to determine in absentia the best, there are other utilities that can compete with them. With the advent of modern mobile platforms, music … Read more

11 Best Ad blocker apps for Android & iOS

With no exceptions, every smartphone user has ever faced annoying ads, popping on the screen of their devices at the most inappropriate moment. As much as it is irritating, it is also harmful to your data and your phone. Sometimes we can click on the ads just by a mistake and then have sad consequences … Read more