9 Best Rap Apps for Android & iOS

Rap is a new rock n’ roll. It is hard to believe it, but it is true! At the moment, hip-hop is one of the most popular genres in music if not the most popular one. Its greatest advantage is availability. Now anyone can make music even without leaving home. Who would have thought about … Read more

11 Free/Almost Free Fax Apps for Android

Fax is an old-fashioned way of sharing information, like documents, photos or text. It’s convenient when it comes to getting something that requires printing. You may wonder who could possibly use this 20th-century machine in our time of technological progress and development? Well, there are certain groups of people – businesses, governmental structures, hipsters. In … Read more

17 Best apps to meet new people for Android & iOS

[wpsm_box type=”gray” float=”none” text_align=”center”] On the market, there are not a few different services for communication in the virtual space but none of them is focused on finding friends and expanding the circles of communication on interests. Fortunately, independent developers created whole services, which later turned into applications for iOS and Android-devices. The world of … Read more

27 Best Apps for Teenage Girls (Android & iOS)

Hey, gal! Here is a list of some very cool apps for ya. We have collected all the most awesome apps mentioned by your favorite YouTubers, checked everything for credibility, and got something truly exciting. All the #girlboss productivity apps, girly apps, and just the ones that make life easier… Are you ready to grab … Read more

Battle fleet 2 App review for iOS & Android

Developers of the company “Capital j Media” managed to improve the step-by-step naval strategy Battle Fleet, which already enjoyed immense popularity among gamers. The first part was remembered, first of all, for its fascination, realism and high detail of objects. The Second World War. The Pacific Ocean. Confrontation of US warships with Japanese naval forces. It … Read more

13 Free Spy Apps for Android


Spying on other people isn’t very nice, but what if you really want to? Well, then it’s alright! Luckily, today there are lots of cool apps that might be of help to you. Secret recorders, trackers, apps for eavesdropping… The list is huge! Check out some of the best spy apps for Android in the … Read more

How to Change Your iPhone’s Auto-Lock Time

change iphone's lock-time

iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 Plus and the latest iPad models have one feature. By default, Your gadgets lock automatically after one minute without using. And you have an ability to customize your Auto- Lock time on every Apple device according to your needs. There are a lot of ways to increase or … Read more

12 Dog Whistle Apps That Actually Work

Dogs are humans’ best friends. It is a known fact that people are interested in everything relating to their favorite pets and they do all they can do so their dogs could have the best life possible. However, dogs’ training can be complicated and requires a lot of effort. Keep your dog under control using … Read more