UX and UI designs are the components without which it would be impossible to create any apps for your mobile devices, as well as any websites because these two areas of web design are responsible for how the interface looks and also how it works.
To study these design trends in more detail, some developers have created special apps. In this article, we have collected the best UX/UI design apps & websites. And as an addition, we want to reccomend you the apps for the exterior design.
Uxtoast- Learn UX Design
This is quite an exciting app in which every user will be able to immerse themselves in the world of web design and user experience (UX-Design).
Here you can not only improve your abilities in this area but also learn how to work with all related industries from scratch. With this app, your career in the field of UX design can begin.
First, as soon as you download this app, uxtoast invites each user to familiarize themselves with the theoretical part of the UX design.
This means that you will be able to learn the necessary terms, and concepts, as well as all the laws on which the sphere of UX design is based and thanks to which the sphere of UX design works and develops.
After mastering the theoretical part, each user will finally be able to start practical activities by performing various tasks and tests. During the training process, all information is stored in your uxtoast account, so you can use it at any time.
This app also has a separate function with tips on UX design: this means that professionals in this industry have shared some information, thanks to which your training will be easier, and your activity as a UX designer will be more successful.

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Good vs. Poor UX
This app mainly specializes in providing information about UX design, however, here you can also find information about UI design. The format of this app is experimental because the developers decided to demonstrate clearly in Good vs. Poor UX capabilities of the two described branches of web design.
Developers of Good vs. Poor UX claim that the appearance of the user interface, as well as the principles of its operation, represent one of the main values of any website or mobile app.
To prove this, the developers took as an example two apps with the same described functions, but with different user interfaces. Such an experiment clearly demonstrates the importance of UX and UI design, as well as shows the basic principles of their work.
Using the example of two apps with the same functions, but with different user interfaces, everyone will be able to assess the importance of the last component. The developers clearly demonstrate what exactly UI and UX designs affect, and what can result from careless work in these areas.

Play – Mobile Design Tool
This is an innovative app, using which every user can not only learn how to work with UX and UI Designs, but also create their own digital products in this area. Here you will be able to complete the training, and then start using all the tools yourself and creating your own custom interfaces.
This app is not a simulator, here you can really create a contextual design yourself, as well as edit and test it during development. Among the standout features of Play are:
- A large number of built-in models and templates that you can use to create your own digital design projects
- Huge sets of markers for design, that is, color selections, overlays, highlighters, and much more
- The ability to upload files to the app from your mobile device and add them to your development
- The ability to create full-fledged video content with UX and UI Designs, as well as much more.
You can easily import digital products created by you in the Play app into any other apps and messengers on your mobile device while saving your developments in any convenient file format. There are no restrictions on the number of digital design developments created.

Vector Logo Designer
The developers of this app claim that it is one of a kind, as here you can create various projects using UI and UX design technologies. Vector Logo Designer mainly specializes in creating logos and user interfaces for various apps and websites.
This app is suitable for both professionals and amateurs and beginners.
For professionals, there are a huge number of different tools (template blanks for all types of elements, scale editing, fields for entering codes, and much more), and for amateurs and beginners, the developers have provided a description and a brief guide to each function and tool, thanks to which users will be able to understand the principles of operation of any functions and tools.
In this app, you will be able to edit your designs at every step of creation. Moreover, there is a huge creative library that contains all the web design tools in the form of color palettes, brushes, graphics, various gradient effects, and much more to create your own user interface.
You can add file import from your mobile device to your projects, as well as export your digital projects as files to any other apps in any convenient file format.

Mockup – Sketch UI & UX
This is an app with a set of professional tools for creating sketches and user interface projects. Mockup is used by both professionals and beginners because the combination of a huge number of tools and a detailed guide on how to use each function makes this app user-friendly at any level.
The Mockup app is convenient because here you can use a fairly large selection of various kinds of templates, including ready-made frames, layouts of elements, geometric shapes, and much more. Based on these templates, you can create your user interfaces much easier and faster.
For those who prefer to do everything on their own, the Mockup app has a huge number of built-in creative tools, for example, different color palettes, graphic effects like gradients, scale adjustment, the possibility of frames, and flexible canvases, and much more.
Mockup also offers users to customize even the initial workspace: here you can choose a simple canvas, various layouts, as well as different types of graphic grids that allow you to arrange objects symmetrically. You can save your completed sketches as templates and then use them in other user interface projects.

Web Design Mode
This app is a kind of professional social network in which web designers from all over the world register and share various information related to UX and UI developments.
There is also one main source here – the app system, which also makes publications with basic information and the latest news from the world of this web design direction.
The principle of operation of the app is extremely simple:
- After downloading the app, you will need to register your account here
- Next, as in ordinary social networks, you can add information about yourself to your account: photos, name, age, a little information about your successes in the world of UX and UI design, and so on
- After that, you will be able to subscribe to other users who will be one hundred percent close to you, since you work in the same field of activity. You will be able to follow the publications of these designers and discuss their projects with them
- Also, you will be able to publish posts yourself, in which, perhaps, you will share your developments or different tips
- Moreover, the app system will update the news feed daily, from which you can learn a lot of new useful information about UX and UI.
If you are a beginner and are just starting to be interested in the direction of web design and user interface design, then this app is also suitable for you, because it contains a kind of library with theoretical information about UX and UI Designs, including basic concepts, terms, as well as the laws of operation and development of this direction.

ProApp: Learn UX UI Design
This app is a real textbook and guide to the direction of web design, thanks to which you will be able to learn everything related to UX and UI Design.
Pro App is also called an educational institution, because all the terms, theoretical concepts, as well as the laws of the device, work, and development of the UX and UI Designs direction are described here as clearly as possible.
In ProApp, each user is waiting for about fifty courses already recorded, revealing the directions of UX and UI Design. These courses include graphic design, user interface design, motion design, and many others. Each user will be able to get acquainted with all the courses offline at any convenient time.
Here you will also be able to find a space for practice: after passing the theoretical parts of different courses, you will be able to try to put your new knowledge into practice.
After each course, you will be able to design certain digital design sketches, which, after deepening your knowledge, can be supplemented and create a new graphic design development.

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Learning UI Design – ProApp
This app is called one of the main collections of information about UI Design. Here you can learn the whole theoretical part of UI from scratch, starting with terms and concepts, ending with design principles, as well as using various necessary tools to create a user interface.
This app also has video tutorials in which you can see how professionals in the direction of UI Design clearly demonstrate the principles of developing the basic necessary tools for creating sketches and full-fledged user interface projects.
Thanks to these video tutorials, you will be able to move to practice faster, guided by the advice of real experienced professionals.
If you are already an experienced person in the field of UI Design, this app may also be useful to you, because here the same like-minded people shared their life hacks and tips on using certain tools.
Users use this app also because the Learn UI Design user interface is as friendly as possible and has the form of a training course, so a user of any level will be able to understand the details and the principle of operation of this app.

Learn UX Design – ProApp
This app was created by the same developers as described in the previous one, but already about the direction of UX Design.
Here you can study and also learn new useful information about this direction by studying theoretical materials in the form of terms, concepts, principles of operation, and development of the graphic design direction of the user interface UX.
In the Learn UX Design app, you can not only get theoretical knowledge and advice from professionals in the field of UX design but also use your knowledge by selecting the “practices” section in the app menu.
On this site, you will be able to create a sketch of the user interface yourself. If necessary, thanks to the assistant function, your every step can be accompanied by guidance, explanation, and advice. Here you will find a substantial number of functions and tools for creating your own custom interfaces.
This app is also known for the number of creative tools, that is, color palettes, pens, line types, graphic effects, and much more. You can save sketches of user interfaces created by you and then share them with users of other apps and messengers in any file format.

This is an app for creating sketches and full-fledged user interface projects. Figma can be used as a platform for bringing to life your creative ideas for creating user interfaces, because this branch of web design is fundamental for any websites, applications, and in general for more digital content.
When creating your user interfaces, you can import into the app and use various kinds of files, such as images, or certain previously developed sketches. Also, users will be able to use a large number of creative tools, color palettes, graphic effects, and much more.
There is also a solid built-in collection of templates for the location of objects, different frames, images, ordinary geometric shapes, and much more. You can use these templates to simplify the process of creating a user interface for yourself.
Also, in this app, you will be able to view some ideas of user interfaces from developers, as well as ideas for using certain functions and tools.
In the Figma app, you can create a full-fledged video project of your developed user interface: slides with individual elements of your user interface will gradually change in this video – this will help you and other people to clearly understand what your user interface will be like in real life, and how it will function.

Danix Creation UX/UI Design
This app was developed under the guidance of Mr. Danish Akhtar, who is a great professional in the field of UX and UI Design. Using his experience and skills, this person has developed a free system of training courses, thanks to which users of any level will be able to learn how to create user interfaces from scratch.
The developer reminds us that his experience will teach people to create not just sketches of user interfaces, but real creative design digital projects.
The system of courses in this app is built in stages: first, users will get acquainted with theoretical materials consisting of basic concepts, and terms, as well as the basic laws of the work and development of UX and UI Design.
Familiarization will take place through presentations and video tutorials, where the expert will clearly demonstrate and explain the meaning of each theoretical component.
After that, the course will talk about the user interface itself, and then visual practical training on the use of tools and mechanisms for creating user interfaces will begin. This app is also useful because the training courses here also explain how to create digital projects in the most famous and popular apps for this.

Prokit – Android App UI Design Template Kit
This app is a full-fledged large-scale library with templates for creating user interfaces. Here you will be provided with a space where you can create a sketch of your digital project using numerous templates of all the necessary elements.
The Pro kit app is different in that there are templates not only of small elements in the form of frames, icons, geometric shapes, etc., but also templates of complete themes, such as the main menu template, navigation screen template, search bar, card design template, and much more.
The developers assure that you can create your own user interface project by simply connecting different templates to each other, without using other familiar tools.
There is also a built-in collection of different styles and themes for user interfaces, for example, you can choose a website theme for an online store, and then the app system will generate for you a selection of suitable templates for creating a user interface for this kind of website.
Also, choosing a style, you can make it minimalistic and concise, or vice versa, make it bright, contrasting, and memorable. All this is already in the built-in template collections in this app.

This is a website that collects a huge amount of information about the web design of user interfaces. You can get acquainted with illustrations, animations, various kinds of additional markings for the design of the user interface, as well as much more. This site is one of the most popular platforms for UI and UX designers.
Here you can find a huge number of cases that teach users individual elements of user interface design. For example, one of the most popular training cases is a case on the use of black and white effects.
Here we talk about the black and white theme and its implementation in the design of the user interface. In this case, they will teach you how to add these shades concisely and appropriately to the design, and also not to overdo it with them so that the project does not turn out too gloomy.
This site also has separate cases that will teach the design of certain user interfaces, for example, for an online store, or for a food delivery site. Each individual type of site has its own specifics, unlike others, so a case has been developed for each type and style.
You will also be able to read reviews from other users about a particular case before viewing it. Don’t forget to also leave feedback with your impressions.

This is a kind of social network for web designers, where they can share their projects and evaluate each other’s projects. Also, users here exchange experiences and publish the latest news from the world of design.
On this site, you will need to register your account, and then the principle of well-known social networks applies: you can add photos and some information about yourself to your account, for example, information about your professional activity in the field of user interface development.
After that, you will be able to make your own publications and respond to other users’ comments about your digital projects. Do not forget to also comment on the publications of other users to learn more tips and life hacks on using certain tools to create user interface projects.

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This site is also a kind of social network where web designers can communicate with each other and exchange experiences. There is also a single source of information here – a website system that makes daily publications.
The publications of the site system may include news from the world of web design, training cases on certain topics, as well as any tips and life hacks on the use of certain tools for the development of user tools.
Moreover, on this site, you can find a selection of the best sites for designing sketches of custom interiors, including applications and websites.