8 Best Guess Celebrity Games for Android & iOS


The number of celebs surrounding us nowadays breaks all the records. They are everywhere — from billboards to social media, and all that. It seems like you would recognize them anywhere. Or would you? There are plenty of guesses about celebrities added as games for Android & iOS that will test how many celebs you … Read more

8 Best Guess The Code Games for Android & iOS

7 Best Guess The Code Games for Android & iOS

Wanna test your cognitive skills and logic? Then keep reading this article! Mastermind games have been around for a long time and still haven’t lost their popularity. There are plenty of guesses the code games for Android & iOS that let your practice strategic thinking and the ability to crack various kinds of passwords. In … Read more

6 Best Games Like Jeopardy for Android & iOS

Best Games Like Jeopardy

Are you a fan of the Jeopardy TV show? Then keep reading this article! There are loads of games like Jeopardy for Android & iOS that lets you experience what it’s like to participate in a trivia game show. These games cover various categories of questions — from general knowledge to movies, so there’s something … Read more

12 Best Hyper-Casual Games for Android & iOS


If you’re hanging on TikTok or Instagram, or on any other social media you probably were able to notice that hyper-casual games have become as popular as never before. Frankly speaking, they are truly addictive – simplicity and the necessity to keep focus captivate your attention and you find yourself playing for hours and hours. … Read more